Published at 20th of June 2024 09:29:05 AM

Chapter 56

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As the loorgs approached, my mind focused, and the surroundings became a blend of calculated movements and lethal strategies. I drew my bow and began firing arrows at a breakneck speed, each one hitting its target with deadly precision. The first loorgs fell, their bodies collapsing to the ground in a symphony of death.

However, the tide of enemies seemed endless. Those that managed to get close were met with my axe and knife, my movements fluid and devastating, combining brute strength and agility in a lethal dance. Despite the ferocity of the loorgs' attacks, my rapid regeneration kept my body in optimal condition, each wound healing almost instantly.

One loorg lunged at me with surprising force. Its sharp claw penetrated my defense, slashing my abdomen. The pain was intense but brief. I took advantage of the proximity and, with a quick movement, plunged my knife into its eye, twisting the handle to ensure it wouldn't get up again.

Another loorg, this time a stealthy one, tried to ambush me from behind, but my monocle detected its presence. I turned and, catching it off guard, with a burst of strength and speed, decapitated it with a clean sweep of my axe. The loorgs continued attacking in waves, but my adaptations gave me the advantage I needed.

The battle turned into a test of endurance, each fallen loorg being replaced by another. My mind and body worked in unison, each movement calculated to maximize damage and minimize my exposure. I felt my stats working in my favor, each blow resonating with the accumulated strength and power of my enhanced abilities.

Finally, after two hours of combat, the last loorg fell. Its body collapsed with a final groan as life left its eyes. I took a moment to catch my breath, my body regenerating from the most recent wounds. The battlefield was littered with loorg corpses, a testament to my determination and skill.

With the path cleared, I continued toward the resurrection point, which was flickering—a sign that the alpha loorg was about to appear. Knowing how strong it was before becoming a rank one, I prepared to use my Qi techniques, keeping the sacred energy in reserve in case things got complicated and required the extra healing it provided.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed through the area. Emerging from the portal, the alpha loorg appeared, looking just as I remembered—a colossus resembling a gorilla, but with claws that gleamed like blades under the dim light. Its size and musculature were intimidating, and its eyes shone with ruthless intelligence. I knew this would be a much harder and bloodier fight than any before.

Unlike last time, I could feel an aura emanating from it, a much stronger energy than the rest of the loorgs. I quickly prepared, channeling my Qi to activate my techniques. I felt the energy flow through my body, enhancing my strength and agility.

The alpha loorg wasted no time and charged at me with surprising speed, much faster than before it was rank one, although I was expecting this. I took the opportunity to shoot an arrow directly at its eyes, remembering my strategy against the last alpha loorg, but it blocked the arrow, taking it in the arm. Although the projectile hit, it barely pierced its thick skin.

I drew my axe and knife, knowing I would have to fight up close. The alpha loorg attacked again, its claws seeking to tear me apart. I managed to dodge most of its blows, but one slashed my side, leaving a deep wound. However, my rapid regeneration healed the wound in a second. Due to the alpha's much stronger energy, my regeneration was slower but still allowed me to continue the fight without missing a beat.

With a fluid movement, I turned and struck the alpha loorg's leg with my axe, trying to slow its mobility. The blow was effective, and the colossus let out a roar of pain. Taking advantage of its momentary stun, I lunged forward and plunged my knife into its abdomen, twisting the blade to cause maximum damage. The beast roared and pushed me back with brutal force, sending me flying several meters.

I took a deep breath and got up, noticing that the alpha loorg was also starting to regenerate, although very slowly—a rate that couldn't compare to mine. This slight regeneration was probably due to it having a high vitality or perhaps using some technique, maybe a combination of both.

The fight would be a test of endurance and strategy. I decided to use an old but effective tactic, momentarily hiding among the trees using my stealth technique and positioning myself to attack when it thought I was elsewhere, catching it off guard. I leaped at the alpha loorg the moment it turned its back and unleashed a devastating blow to its head.

The impact was tremendous, and the alpha loorg fell to its knees, stunned by the force of the blow. I didn't waste the opportunity and attacked again, this time aiming for its neck, but it blocked with its arm.

Still, with a strong and precise cut, I managed to amputate one of its hands, significantly reducing its offensive capability. The alpha loorg roared in pain and rage, but its resistance didn't waver.

The battle continued, each movement calculated and each blow exchanged with deadly precision. As the alpha loorg weakened, I began to notice its desperation.

However, it seemed that everything was going too well for me; my Qi was depleting more and more, especially when the loorg attacked my vital points and I couldn't dodge, having to use my Qi shield to avoid receiving critical damage. Although it wouldn't kill me, it would leave me vulnerable for a moment.

Finally, I decided to use the sacred energy I had been saving. I felt a surge of power course through my body, giving me a second wave of energy. With this, I continued the fight.

With my axe held high, I unleashed a series of rapid and powerful attacks, each one cutting deeply into the alpha loorg's flesh. The beast, exhausted and wounded, attempted one last attack, but my enhanced speed allowed me to dodge it with ease. With a cry of determination, I delivered a final blow to the alpha loorg's neck, decapitating it.

The alpha loorg fell to the ground, its body lifeless as the life faded from its eyes. I stood there, somewhat tired due to the lack of Qi, but with a feeling of victory and relief. The battle had been tough and bloody, but my strength, skills, and new adaptations had prevailed.

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