Published at 24th of June 2024 05:11:47 AM

Chapter 61

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After that, I continued heading towards the resurrection point, encountering more and more of these buffer lorgs, to the point where I had to face a group of 56, including three buffer lorgs, which increasingly complicated my attacks on the resurrection points.

The difficulty increased so much that, when I reached the point where the groups of lorgs were attracted by the battles, they always arrived in a buffed state. For a moment, I thought about retreating, as my energy consumption was growing and I didn’t have enough energy to face the alpha lorg. But after seeing that I was surrounded and that the number of stealth lorgs was considerably high, I realized that escaping wouldn't be easy.

I had no choice but to face them using the least amount of energy possible. Luckily, my regeneration, with all the active bonuses, improves by approximately 15000%.

With my {Vitality Storage Generator}, {Rapid Regeneration}, and {Vitality Absorption}, I have a ridiculously fast and almost infinite regeneration.

(Adaptations = 11000% approximately, depending on the type of wound and the residual energy in them), ({Focused Recovery Improvement} = between +2000% and +4000%, depending on if it occurred in a critical point or not), ({Regeneration in Crisis} = between +10% and +1000%, depending on how injured I am), (+15000% is the same as 151 times the original regeneration.)


I barely had time to think of more elaborate strategies; after all, I would need to use strategies if I wanted to save my energy as much as possible. The lorgs began attacking me from all directions, their movements quick and precise thanks to the buffer lorgs' buffs. I felt their blows impacting my body, but my regeneration kicked in instantly, closing the wounds almost as soon as they opened.

The battlefield filled with the sounds of clashing weapons and the roars of the lorgs. An explosion echoed to my left, sending me flying several meters. I quickly got up, only to see more lorgs approaching, all with that characteristic glow of being enhanced by the buffer lorgs.

My wounds healed at an astonishing rate, but the pain was still real. The buffer lorgs were doing their job too well, both improving and healing the other lorgs. Every time I injured one, two more would take its place, preventing me from killing them and giving time for the injured lorg to heal.

A claw imbued with energy grazed my cheek, opening a superficial wound that healed instantly. The stealth lorgs were the most dangerous; their speed and ability to hide made them difficult to handle, especially now that they were enhanced and I didn't have enough time to detect them in advance.

I took my bow and started shooting explosive arrows at the larger groups of lorgs, trying to reduce their numbers before they got too close.

Despite my regeneration, the constant attack from the lorgs was starting to affect my energy. Every time I used a technique, I felt the drain. I had to be more efficient. I decided to focus on the buffer lorgs, knowing that eliminating them could change the course of the battle.

I launched myself at one of the buffer lorgs, dodging attacks and blocking those I couldn't avoid. With a quick movement, I tried to decapitate the lorg, but its shield prevented it from dying quickly. After that, the other lorgs swarmed me, allowing the buffer lorg to retreat to a distance.

Suddenly, a group of stealth lorgs surrounded me. I felt several deep cuts on my back and legs. The damage was intense, but my regeneration worked frantically to keep me standing. With a cry of fury, I unleashed a wave of attacks, driven by a brief use of my techniques, pushing the lorgs away from me and giving me a moment to concentrate.

In the end, this battle turned into a war of attrition, where my regeneration and fighting ability kept me in the fight.

The battle continued for what seemed like hours. The lorgs kept coming, and my energy was reaching its limits. My attacks became slower; it seemed like this would never end, despite not having any wounds thanks to my ridiculous regeneration.

I felt the tide turning against me, but I couldn't give up. Suddenly, I didn't know if it was because of adrenaline or if my concentration and skills had reached a new level after such a tough fight.

Everything seemed to slow down, allowing me to think about each move I would make. Although this made the fight a bit easier, it still wasn’t a significant change, as I was still surrounded by dozens of lorgs constantly attacking in what could be called a storm of claws, fangs, and energy.

While my now clear mind thought about how to make the battle easier, I noticed that when using {Vitality Absorption}, small residues of energy were also released, which dissipated into the air and never reached me.

Maybe if I could make this energy reach me, I could replenish my energy, although this would probably only work with lorgs that have Qi or sacred energy. Feeling that this might work, I tried to attract this energy towards me, which sounded easier than it actually was, especially while fighting.

After a few minutes without success, I remembered that when using the training methods, Qi or sacred energy from the environment could be attracted, although this process requires meditation and I had never tried it without meditating, much less in a fight. I decided that since this fight wasn’t going to change or end anytime soon, I could give it a try.

To try to make this plan work, I remembered the steps of the training method, although regardless of the method, they have the same structure.

Breathing Technique:

Deep Breathing: Inhale deeply, drawing in qi from the environment. Visualize the qi entering your body and filling your dantian (energy center located just below the navel). Exhale: Release any stagnant or negative energy with your breath. Visualize it leaving your body as a dark mist. Energy Circulation:

Microcosmic Orbit: Visualize a circuit running up your spine, over the top of your head, and down the front of your body, connecting back to your dantian. Circulate qi through this orbit to balance and enhance your energy flow. Macrocosmic Orbit: Expand the circuit to include your limbs, connecting the energy flow throughout your entire body. Energy converse:
type of energy: While the energy flows inside you, imagine it changing into the type of energy you want. At the same time, use the corresponding energy transformation method . visualization of energy change: It is important to know what type of energy you want to transform, including its element and characteristics. dantian/sacred heart  up great:

: Visualize and move the (qi/sacred energy) into your dantian/sacred heart . With each inhale, see the dantian/sacred hear growing stronger . With each exhale, see it solidifying and condensing.


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