Published at 24th of June 2024 05:11:40 AM

Chapter 64

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The next day, after a night of rest, I can reflect on the upcoming invasion, remembering that my mother and sister could be in danger since all the cities will be invaded.

But I also realize that the city I'm in will be the most affected, as it has the three strongest people, or at least the strongest in the future.

With mixed feelings, I finally formulate a plan: find some kind of bunker where my family can take refuge. To do this, I start looking for options online, but I realize it’s very expensive, so I decide to ask Emily if she has any way to get money or if she can lend me some.

To which she responds: "You can take out large loans at the bank. After the invasion, you can exchange system coins for money, each coin is considered a fortune."

Realizing that, indeed, if everyone has the system, the coins become indispensable since they allow you to buy things straight out of fiction.

Given this, I decide to look for the best bunker I can find, discovering one on the outskirts of the city. It’s 30 meters underground, with 20 cm reinforced concrete walls, and enough space to store food and supplies for one or two months, the time I hope will be enough considering that society will be briefly destroyed by the invasion.

Given this, I decide to call my mother to come as soon as possible.

“Hey, Mom! How are you?”

“Hi, dear! I’m doing well. How about you? It’s so nice to hear from you!”

“I’m alright, but there’s something important we need to talk about. How are things over there?”

“Everything’s fine here. The weather’s been lovely, and I’ve been keeping busy. Why, what’s up?”

“Mom, I need you to come to where I live.”

“Come back? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“Not yet, but something big is about to happen. There’s going to be a major invasion in about three weeks.”

“Invasion? What are you talking about?”

“It’s complicated, but you need to trust me on this. All cities and towns with over a million people are going to be invaded by creatures from another world, just like the catastrophe a while ago. It’s not safe where you are.”

“...Are you sure? How do you know this?”

“I have access to some information that most people don’t. It’s not public knowledge yet, but it will be soon. I’ve seen it happen before... I can’t go into all the details right now, but you have to believe me.”

“I don’t know, it sounds so unbelievable… But if you’re this serious about it, I guess I have to take it seriously too. What should I do?”

“Book a flight back as soon as possible. I’ll make sure everything is ready for you here. We need to be together to face this.”

“Alright, I’ll start packing and look for flights immediately. I trust you, honey. But tell me more when I get back, okay?”

“Of course, I’ll explain everything. Just get back here safely. And don’t tell too many people about this yet; we don’t want to cause a panic.”

“I understand. I’ll see you soon. Stay safe.”

“You too, Mom. Love you.”

“Love you too. Bye.”

Hangs up the phone, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety. “Okay, one more thing taken care of. Now to prepare for what’s coming.”

Given this, I ask for leave at work, which I can’t quit yet, after all, I need an income if I want that loan, and I head to the bank.

After that, I go to find the company that sells the bunker and, after some paperwork and annoying situations due to bureaucracy, the process to buy the bunker begins, and it will be in my possession within at most a week.

Knowing this, I decide to spend the rest of the day training. First, I dedicate three hours to advancing in my paths, then I spend another two hours trying to use more than one path at a time. When my energy is low, I spend the rest of my time recovering it without meditating.

Already mentally exhausted, I relax a bit, thinking about what I need to buy for the bunker. As an engineering student, I have quite a bit of knowledge about the electrical system, so I decide to make my own electrical system since the bunker isn’t equipped to lose all communication for several months. Definitely, the huge batteries it has will run out.

So I need a way to replenish and generate electricity. Initially, I thought about solar panels and manual generators, but I decided to go a bit further by modifying and attaching a bicycle to the manual generator. This way, it would also be a good form of exercise in the bunker.

Then I looked for ways to stay connected to the internet even if the city's antennas and transmission devices were destroyed, finding several portable antennas that can help. Lastly, I decided to look for all kinds of medicines and emergency kits that could help in case something unexpected happens.

After all, even if I have a healing technique and I’m quite strong, I know I’ll have to leave the bunker to fight the lorgs since, probably, with so many invasions, the government won’t be able to send the army this time.

After that, I decide to continue improving my paths, even without sleeping until the next day. After all, at this moment, becoming strong is more important than sleeping.

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