Published at 24th of June 2024 05:11:11 AM

Chapter 72

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I continued approaching the gate, killing every group of Lorgs I encountered. The closer I got, the more I noticed the gravity of the situation. In the last invasion, there were only a few groups that strayed away from the gates, and only a few Lorgs surrounded the gate.

But now, I had encountered a dozen groups that had strayed from the gate, and upon reaching the gate, I found hundreds of Lorgs. It was almost as if the gate had become a respawn point like in the war zone, which isn't so far-fetched if you think about it.

Since both are portals through which the Lorgs appear, the only difference might be the maximum number of Lorgs that can come out of one or the other, something that, due to the increase in difficulty during the invasion, is probably not so different.

The worst part is that there must be hundreds of gates in the city, many more than in the war zone, making the city a hell filled with waves and waves of Lorgs, much more than in the war zone.

In any case, after an hour of fighting, I managed to destroy the first gate, after which I immediately headed to the second nearest gate to the bunker, one 2 kilometers away. On the way, I looked for and eliminated any Lorgs that had approached the bunker.

With my agility and strength, which combined with my senses, give me quite a high speed, it would only take me one or two minutes to reach the gate if it weren't for a bunch of Lorgs to kill and entire groups of enhanced Lorgs that hinder my progress.

So, it took me about half an hour to reach the gate and about 45 minutes to destroy it. After that, the next gate was 20 kilometers away, and that was already inside the city. So, I decided to search the surroundings for any Lorgs that might be alive in the area, and after encountering one or two, I finally decided to head to the city.

Of course, I would start by destroying the gates closest to the bunker before meeting up with Emily.


The first gates in the city were not very different from those on the outskirts, but after venturing a bit further into the city, I encountered a Lorg with an energy I hadn't seen before.

This Lorg was thin and had two enormous blades instead of hands. It looked a bit like the stealth Lorg, but it had an insectoid appearance rather than reptilian. It also had no tail and seemed to have something resembling wings on its back.

I immediately knew it was a variant I hadn't seen in the war zone. I could guess its capabilities just by looking at it, but I wouldn't be sure until I faced it. Initially, I wanted to take it out first before attacking the rest of the group it was with, but this group had a Buff Lorg with them. I knew there were only two options: face a new variant of Lorg along with a bunch of regular Lorgs or face a bunch of regular Lorgs being enhanced by the Buff Lorg.

My decision was clear and easy to make. Even if the new variant was strong, it was better than leaving the Buff Lorg alive and fighting a dozen enhanced Lorgs. Once I made my decision, I prepared to shoot my explosive arrow directly at the Buff Lorg, looking for a moment when several Lorgs were close to take out several of them.

The moment came when there were 4 Lorgs near the Buff Lorg, and I had a clear shot with no one seeming to suspect anything. Without hesitation, I fired the arrow. The moment I did, I noticed the Lorg variant I didn't know started moving towards my position. I quickly switched to my melee weapons and activated my techniques, but my reaction was slow, and I had to take a hit from its enormous blades to my chest.

But I already had an advantage that this Lorg couldn't overcome: my defense. Even though I hadn't taken any damage from the type of aura it used, I still had several resistances that prevented me from getting hurt, so once again, it couldn't leave a scratch on me.

The insectoid Lorg moved with impressive agility, its blades shining with a greenish energy as it tried to cut me. My reflexes, though not as fast as its, were enough to block and deflect some of its attacks. However, each time I missed, I found myself surrounded by more Lorgs, making the situation increasingly complicated.

I decided to change my strategy. Instead of trying to defeat the insectoid Lorg directly, I focused on eliminating the weaker Lorgs first. With each swing of my axe, two or three Lorgs fell, clearing the area around me. The insectoid Lorg kept attacking, but it couldn't penetrate my defense.

Finally, with most of the regular Lorgs eliminated, I focused again on the insectoid Lorg. Although it was fast and its attacks were precise, its lack of significant strength left it at a disadvantage against my resilience. Taking advantage of a moment during its attack, I managed to counterattack, hitting one of its arms and tearing it off in the process. The Lorg let out a high-pitched scream and retreated, visibly weakened.

Without giving it time to recover, I launched a series of consecutive attacks. Each strike pushed the insectoid Lorg back more and more. After a moment, it seemed to regain its composure and moved away. I knew I would have to use this tactic a few more times, so I charged at the Lorg.

After a few more skirmishes, the Lorg, now covered in wounds, finally collapsed. I don't know why, but every time I encounter a new type of Lorg, I end up fighting it for a long time.

In any case, realizing there might be more, especially near the gates, I decided it was necessary to acquire an attack that deals significant damage to the Lorgs surrounding me.

After searching for a moment, I found an attack that uses sacred energy, which I use less than Qi, and it perfectly fits what I was looking for.


**Onda de Luz 4300c:** Onda de Luz 4300c is a devastating technique that channels sacred energy into a luminous shockwave. This wave expands in a wide radius, causing significant damage to all enemies in its path. The sacred energy that powers this technique not only has considerable destructive power but also has the ability to purify and disintegrate evil energies. These functions are only of rank one.

With this, close combat will be easier. The only downside is its enormous consumption, which is why I hadn't bought a technique before. But now, as I can replenish my energy easily thanks to {Absorption of Vitality and Path Energy}, especially against many Lorgs surrounding me.

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