Published at 24th of June 2024 05:11:06 AM

Chapter 74

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After the fight concluded, I decided it would be best to avoid fighting the Lorgs for now, at least until I reunited with Emily. After all, each fight lasts an eternity and is extremely annoying.

With this in mind, I used my stealth techniques and items to hide, and quickly made my way to the tourist area.

As I advanced, I encountered a place in ruins. The buildings, which were once imposing structures of glass and steel, were now reduced to twisted skeletons. Devastation was everywhere. Broken and crumbled windows exposed shattered interiors, with furniture and debris scattered all around. The streets, once full of life and activity, were now a desolate landscape covered in rubble and abandoned vehicle wrecks, many of them crushed or overturned.

The streetlights, some still flickering with a dim, intermittent light, cast eerie shadows on the cracked pavement, testifying to the chaos and despair that had gripped the city.

After a moment, I heard various noises and saw Lorgs coming from different directions, heading towards the source of the noise. Knowing that Emily was likely in the area, probably with Leonard, I assumed the noise was due to them fighting there. As I made my way towards the location, I encountered more and more Lorg corpses.

And not just regular Lorgs, but also Executioner Lorgs and Juggernaut Lorgs. Upon reaching the place, I saw something I never thought I'd see. Not only were there one or two people fighting hordes of Lorgs, but dozens of people fighting at the same time.

Some of them had powers straight out of fiction, while others had guns and modern weapons. Even then, I decided to remain in stealth as I searched for Emily. Passing unnoticed, I slipped among the ranks of people.

After searching for a moment, I found her in a building, standing in front of what used to be a large window. I quickly entered the building, which was completely filled with people who didn't seem to have any powers, leading me to deduce they were refugees. Upon seeing the stairs, I headed to the top of the building, where I found a dozen people in a meeting with Emily.

"The situation in the east is bad, we're getting more and more wounded."

"But we can't neglect the other areas."

"What if we ask 'him' to go to the east?"

"We can't do that, he's already handling almost the entire north."

I listened to the heated words, feeling that the situation was dire and briefly thinking this would be the moment some hero from fiction would come to save the day.

At that moment, Emily stood up and said, "I have the solution."

"Miss Emily, we can't let you go back to the battlefield. Your healing and benefits are the cornerstone of our fight," someone objected.

"Don't worry, I won't go. Someone else will," she said.

I couldn't help but feel a bad premonition at those words.

"Isn't that right, William?"

It seemed my premonition was real, and it also seemed that I was that hero from fiction, much to my misfortune. At that moment, I dropped my stealth, leaving the rest of the people surprised.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"I have my ways."

"...Well, whatever."

At that moment, someone finally reacted and asked, "Who are you, and how did you get here? This is a restricted area."

I just turned and said, "You're slow to react, aren't you?" before turning back to Emily again, leaving the people in shock once more.

"You said the east area, right? In which direction is it?" I asked Emily.

She responded, "Right in front of that window," pointing to the large window in the room.

"Perfect." I approached the window and broke it with a kick.

"What are you doing?" someone in a military uniform said.

"A soldier? Well, I'm breaking a window," I replied.

Then, I took out my bow and arrows, and as I was about to start launching explosive arrows, I felt a sudden surge of power as a golden light surrounded me.

"A little help, boosting your basic stats by 20%, lasting five hours," Emily said with a pale complexion.

"Miss Emily, you need to rest," someone else said.

"Yes, you shouldn't be giving such a significant benefit to someone who doesn't respect the rules," added another, who clearly didn't have a good impression of me.

"Thanks," I said to Emily, ignoring the rest of the people, before starting to shoot arrows.

Usually, shooting from such a long distance would be a problem, but when you have a sea of Lorgs in sight and you're in a high place, it becomes easy. The best part is that I don't have to aim carefully between each arrow, so my shooting speed is quite fast, between 25 to 30 arrows per minute.

A few seconds later, the effect of my arrows was visible. Explosion after explosion reverberated on the battlefield, slightly reducing the constant tide of Lorgs. I only stopped when I ran out of Qi.

Drawing my axe and knife, I turned and saw everyone except Emily in shock, but I ignored them again and said to Emily, "I'm going to fight," to which she looked at me and said, "I thought you always used those swords."

I was puzzled for a second, then I remembered that she knew my future self, who might have used swords.

"Which swords?" I asked her.

"A pair of twin swords connected by a chain at the handle," Emily responded.

After her description, I remembered a video game about a man who kills gods. "Like the swords from God of War?"

"Yes, those, but yours had a sharp chain that could cut enemies even if you didn't hit them with the sword," Emily explained.

Realizing that my axe and knife were no longer as useful, and I had been saving to buy something that could help me in combat, I decided to purchase them immediately, despite not having as much money as I'd like after all the bunker supplies I bought.

"Are you going to buy them now? They're quite difficult to use," Emily said.

"I'll learn in battle, and how do you know they're difficult to use?" I asked, knowing that the Lorgs were causing me little to no harm after my evolution.

"Many tried to copy your style but gave up after seeing how difficult it was to use those swords," Emily replied.

At that moment, I found swords that fit my budget and matched her description.

[Twin Amplifying Swords 57800c] : The Twin Amplifying Swords are a pair of unique weapons designed for advanced combatants. Each sword is finely forged with a dark steel core, coated with a special alloy that enhances its durability and cutting ability. The blades are slightly curved, optimized for slicing and cutting with ease, even through the toughest armors.

The swords are connected by a sharp chain that can extend up to 100 meters. This chain not only keeps the swords together but can also be used as a weapon itself, cutting down enemies that are not directly reached by the blades.

The swords have the ability to amplify the wielder's energy attacks, channeling their strength and skills into more powerful strikes. This allows users to unleash devastating attacks that can decimate multiple enemies at once.

These swords have all their effects at stage two.

These swords are quite good, worthy of a weapon costing almost sixty thousand coins. Not only are they quite effective, but they can also amplify my energy attacks.

As soon as they appeared before me, I couldn't help but evaluate them closely. The blades are quite broad and black in color, the chain is thinner than I thought, but its edges are very sharp. Finally, they have some sort of ring at the end, presumably to prevent the swords from flying away if I let go of the chain.

Slipping my arm through the ring, it adjusted automatically, so I began spinning both swords at high speed. Remembering my physics classes in college, I knew that the longer the chain, the stronger the force the sword has.

"This could be quite good," I said aloud.

"Good to see you like them, I suppose," said Emily.

I just looked at her and said, "I'll be back in five hours." With that, I took a running start and leaped out the window at high speed.

In the distance, I could hear someone saying, "Who is he, and what just happened?"

And Emily responded, "That's William Sabogal, the second strongest person, and he came to kill Lorgs."

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