Published at 25th of June 2024 07:53:09 AM

Chapter 75

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As I descended through the air, the wind whistled in my ears, and the urban landscape below blurred. My new swords, the Twin Amplifying Blades, felt perfect in my grip. I could sense the latent energy within them, ready to be unleashed.

The moment my feet touched the ground, I found myself on the edge of the battlefield. An ocean of Lorgs stretched out before me. Their guttural growls filled the air, and all around me, various people fought against them. Some wielded fantastical powers like casting fire or having incredible strength, while others fired machine guns and pistols, dressed as police and soldiers. The sound of the place could only be described as a cacophony of impending death.

I could also feel the energy from these Lorgs, which were being enhanced by the buff Lorgs, being absorbed by me. This allowed me to fight against them and use as many techniques as I wanted.

In fact, not only was there no shortage of energy, but I was absorbing so much that, since I could only use it after my training method—which had an efficiency of 15% when not meditating—most of the energy ended up being expelled. As I couldn't control the energy before it was transformed by my training method, I preferred to expel this energy, which also served to weaken the Lorgs.

In any case, with the imminent battle at hand, I gripped the chains of the swords tighter, feeling them vibrate as if they were asking for energy. I took a deep breath and began to channel my own energy into the swords. They responded instantly, glowing with an intense golden light that pulsed to the rhythm of my heartbeat.

"Let's see what you can do," I murmured to the swords.

With a swift movement, I swung the swords around me, extending the chain to its full length. The energy amplified by the swords traveled through the chain as I activated the Wave of Light technique, creating a bright arc that cut through the first wave of Lorgs. Their bodies disintegrated into ashes as the energy passed through them, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

I leapt into the air, spinning my body to strike down the remaining Lorgs in a powerful blow. The swords, now channeling sacred energy, created a shockwave upon impact, sending Lorgs flying in all directions. When I landed, I swung the swords horizontally, the chain slicing through another group of Lorgs that dared to get too close.

I could feel the advantage of having a 20% boost in all my stats now more than ever, and perhaps because of this, I could hear Emily's voice in my mind, a reminder of who I was and what I was capable of. "William Sabogal, the second strongest person," she said. "And he came to kill Lorgs."

I continued my assault, the Twin Amplifying Blades an extension of my will. The more I fought, the more attuned I became with their power. Every strike, every thrust, every movement was a dance of death, and the Lorgs were the unwilling participants.

As I fought, I could feel the energy within me replenishing, the swords consuming it to reach even greater heights. I decided to test their limits. Concentrating, I channeled all my sacred energy into the swords, feeling the blades hum with anticipation.

With a roar, I unleashed a devastating Wave of Light, swinging the chain from above downward, cutting through the ranks of the Lorgs. The ground shook, and the air filled with the sound of their agonized screams. When the light faded, a vast swath of the battlefield was empty, the Lorgs reduced to nothing but ashes and echoes.

Breathing heavily, I stood in the midst of the carnage, the Twin Amplifying Blades still glowing with residual energy. The remaining Lorgs hesitated, fear evident in their eyes. They realized they were no match for me, that the battle was already lost.

But it wasn't over yet.

With a determined expression, I spun the swords once more, ready to finish what I had started. The Lorgs charged, in a desperate attempt to overwhelm me with their numbers. But it was futile. The swords moved with a will of their own, guided by my intent and the energy flowing through them.

One by one, the Lorgs fell, their bodies disintegrating into ashes as the Twin Amplifying Blades cut through them. It was a massacre, a testament to the power of the swords and my own abilities.

Everything was going well until an Executioner Lorg appeared on the battlefield. These were different, faster and deadlier than regular Lorgs. Seeing it charge directly at me, I brandished my swords again in an attempt to finish it off quickly. However, its speed was incredible, and it easily dodged my attacks.

Watching its movement, I quickly decided to direct one of the swords towards it while the other dealt with the regular Lorgs. Just as the Executioner Lorg got close, I moved both swords, which were quite far apart, towards it, thinking I could trap it by attacking from two different directions.

Unfortunately, at that moment, I realized why these swords could be difficult to handle: the chains of both swords collided with each other, preventing the Executioner Lorg from being hurt and allowing it to reach me and attack.

Its attack only left a small scratch, but that didn't change the fact that I had failed in my attack. Even so, I quickly realized how I could fight against this type of Lorg. I shortened the chain to just a meter, which would give me greater control over the swords, though this would decrease their physical power.

"Alright, let's do it differently," I murmured, focusing on the Executioner Lorg preparing for its next attack.

With the swords closer, I began to spin them in a tight circle. The now-short chain allowed for more precise and faster movements. The Executioner Lorg launched itself at me again, but this time, my swords moved with lethal precision as its attack neared me.

The first sword met its blade, deflecting it with a spark of energy. The second sword moved swiftly towards its abdomen, the edge amplified by my energy slicing through its tough skin. The Executioner Lorg let out a growl of pain and backed off, but I didn't give it time to recover.

With a quick movement, I crossed the swords in front of me and unleashed a wave of energy that hit the Executioner Lorg head-on, sending it flying backward. I took advantage of its moment of weakness and charged forward, the swords spinning in a deadly arc. The chain, now short, moved with precision, and the swords cut efficiently.

The Executioner Lorg tried to dodge, but my movements were too fast and precise, thanks to the 20% increase. I launched a combined attack that pierced its chest, the energy from my swords amplifying the impact. The Executioner Lorg collapsed.

I took a deep breath, adjusting the chain of the swords to a length of 5 meters. I looked around; the regular Lorgs were retreating, probably realizing in their low intelligence that they had no chance. But merely retreating wouldn't save them.

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