Published at 25th of June 2024 07:53:07 AM

Chapter 77

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I was fighting a dozen lorgs at the same time, including some variants like elite lorgs, stealth lorgs, and occasionally a few executioner lorgs and rolling lorgs.

So, while I kept an eye on any movement from this new lorg, it wasn't my priority, especially since it was quite far away, at 60 meters, which is the maximum distance I can detect even with my techniques. As time passed, this lorg advanced very slowly, even slower than the normal lorgs, so I focused on it less and less. Of course, I wouldn't stop monitoring it, but it wouldn't be my priority until it was close enough to attack me.

And so, the battle continued without rest for a few more minutes. I was now facing a stage one, middle executioner lorg. It attacked with such speed and ferocity that I could barely keep up, and its blades managed to slightly tear my muscles. But I responded by shortening the chain and spinning the swords around me.

Sometimes I spun the swords vertically, and other times I crouched and spun them horizontally above my head. This allowed its arms and legs to get covered in cuts, though these weren't deep enough because the lorg reacted quickly.

Even so, it was enough for it to weaken slowly in conjunction with my ability, {Absorption of Vitality and Path Energy}. Fortunately or unfortunately, the buff lorgs stayed at the other end of the battlefield, enhancing the arriving lorgs. This helped me since they couldn't heal the lorgs due to the distance and only enhanced the multitude of lorgs arriving on the battlefield.

Maybe this was their strategy from the beginning, one that perfectly leverages the advantages of numbers while reducing the disadvantage of the energy consumption required to constantly enhance and heal them.

In any case, the lorg was much weaker now, and its speed slowed due to its injuries. Not to mention that in a few seconds, the buff lorgs' enhancement would disappear. But it seemed the world had other plans because those seconds hadn't passed when a huge rock hit me, throwing me into a small four-story building, which collapsed on top of me due to the damage from the rock to the first floor.

In an instant, I found myself buried under tons of rubble. Before I could try to move them, I spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Blood?" I said, realizing it had been a while since I last spat blood, indicating internal damage, probably in the respiratory tract, judging by how quickly I expelled the blood.

Looking down, I saw my chest was slightly sunken, although it was regenerating rapidly. I probably had a few fractured ribs lodged in my lungs, which caused me to spit blood. Curiously, perhaps due to adrenaline or getting too used to pain, I barely felt any pain.

A second after the building fell on me, my body had completely healed. I then set out to move the rubble, which wasn't easy, but I slowly identified some stones that were lighter, probably because they were bearing less weight.

Slowly, using some of my knowledge of static mechanical physics, I managed to create a hole through which I could escape the building. I felt a brief moment of joy, which quickly dissipated as a truck flew directly toward me.

Due to the speed and weight of the truck, I was once again hurled through the air. When I hit the ground, I was surrounded by an explosion, likely caused by the truck's fuel tank igniting from a spark or something.

This time, at least, I wasn't buried under a building. Although I had a few broken bones and minor burns, I stood up while my regeneration healed me. As I stood, I realized the strangeness of the situation. To avoid another object being hurled at me, I decided to use my stealth technique to escape to a building where I could get a better view of the situation.

The explosion's smoke helped cover my escape. Normally, using my stealth technique in front of the lorgs would get me detected easily. In any case, I managed to find a small hotel and climbed to the fourth floor, where I could clearly see other objects being thrown at the now-destroyed truck's position.

Seeing where these objects were coming from, I identified the new type of lorg. It looked like a four-meter-tall, bodybuilder gorilla with silver fur and some deformity in its arms, which could literally be as big as the rest of its body.

This new type of lorg shared some similarities with the alpha lorg, at least in the way it resembled a gorilla. Its silver fur and body shape were reminiscent of the alpha lorg. However, unlike the alpha lorg, this one had defined muscles that were clearly visible even through its fur.

Its legs, although looking more like those of an elephant or hippopotamus, were short and didn't seem very good for moving. Probably why it was so slow.

In any case, this was the culprit behind the objects flying towards me, picking up whatever it could find around or, if nothing was available, ripping up concrete from the ground.

If its ability to lift heavy objects and hurl them at high speed wasn't enough to demonstrate its strength, I quickly devised a strategy to deal with it. Using my swords was too conspicuous and could lead to it throwing another rock at me, which would hinder my attack. Hence, I decided to use an old but functional strategy: bombard it with explosive arrows.

I quickly took my bow and arrows and started firing an arrow every 2 or 3 seconds. As it was a slow target, I could shoot arrows without needing to aim precisely, predicting its trajectory and position, making aiming a bit easier. Unfortunately, this lorg didn't seem fragile either and decided its next move would be to throw a rock.

It might not seem very intelligent, but it was incredibly effective against me. I had to stop shooting arrows and move. Fortunately, there was a two-story house next to the hotel, so I decided to jump onto its roof. Once I was no longer in the trajectory of a rock, I resumed my attack with arrows, though a bit slower as I continued to move.

And so, the fight continued until the executioner lorg I hadn't killed earlier approached quickly and attacked with its scythes. Knowing it was fast enough to dodge my arrows, I changed my strategy.

I decided to deal with the executioner lorg first while moving out of the attack range of the other lorg. After killing the executioner lorg, I would return to continue my long-range attack.

With the executioner lorg approaching rapidly, I changed my strategy. I put away the bow and explosive arrows and took up my swords once again. Instead of using my Qi techniques, I decided to employ sacred energy techniques. I knew the executioner lorg was fast and lethal, but I also knew my sacred abilities were more than enough to face it.

The executioner lorg charged at me with its scythes gleaming, ready to attack. Keeping the chain short, I prepared to face its speed. My sacred energy enveloped the swords, giving them a golden glow.

The first attack from the executioner lorg was swift, but aside from a slightly deep wound, it didn't do much harm. I deflected its scythes and counterattacked with a series of quick cuts. The sacred energy amplified by the swords lashed against its skin, creating burns that started to weaken it.

I moved agilely, distancing myself further from the other lorg’s position. While keeping the executioner lorg occupied, I could feel the other lorg, the huge object-thrower, preparing its next attack.

The throwing lorg had torn another piece of concrete from the ground and hurled it toward my position. I jumped aside just in time, the huge rock crashing beside me and breaking into small pieces like a kind of explosion, but nothing that could harm me.

Of course, the executioner lorg had also perfectly dodged the rock, resuming the combat where I counterattacked whenever I could, and the executioner lorg attacked me with high speed. However, it wasn't as fast as before, given that the buff lorgs' enhancement had worn off, and considering the vitality energy I absorbed and the numerous wounds causing it to bleed more each passing second.

After some time fighting and with a few more rocks flying toward me, I finally got out of the other lorg’s attack range. I could now fully concentrate on attacking the executioner lorg.

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