Published at 25th of June 2024 07:53:06 AM

Chapter 78

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After a few minutes, the battle came to a conclusion, ending as most of my battles do—with a war of attrition. I wore down my enemies by inflicting wounds and draining their energy.

In this way, the Lorg, now exhausted and covered in wounds, was slow enough for me to land a decisive blow. I delivered a vertical strike with both swords, the sacred energy creating a luminous arc that cut through the Lorg Executioner from top to bottom. Its eyes widened in shock before its body split in two.

Once this was done, I decided to find a tall building far enough from the Lorg that throws things so it couldn’t hit me. I found a 13-story building and quickly ascended to the thirteenth floor. After locating the Lorg, I began to shoot. Due to the distance, it took a bit more effort to aim, but I was still quick enough to shoot about 15 arrows per minute. Fortunately, I could afford a margin of error since they were explosive arrows.

Of course, the Lorg wasn’t going to stay still. It started throwing everything it could find at me in an attempt to hit me. This wasn’t effective since I was about 55 meters away, and the objects it threw barely reached 30 meters. Realizing this wasn't working, the Lorg, already quite injured, opted for a defensive approach. It grabbed a column from a nearby building and hid behind it.

This tactic forced me to stop shooting and reevaluate the situation. I noticed the Lorg’s cover wasn’t very large, so I decided to find another position to shoot from. Since descending 13 floors and climbing back up would take too long, I chose to jump from a window to a nearby building, which wasn’t difficult thanks to my enhanced stats and the fact that the building was only 6 or 7 meters away.

Unfortunately, this building was a few floors lower, leading to a fall of several meters. It was a bit painful to feel my knees fracture, but nothing I couldn’t handle. After that, I continued jumping from building to building a few more times until there were no more buildings to jump to. Unfortunately, I still didn’t have a clear enough angle to shoot the Lorg.

I had to descend the building and proceed on foot, which attracted a horde of Lorgs once again. This horde was much larger than the ones inside the buildings, as the narrow hallways made it difficult for the Lorgs to ascend and reach the top. However, I had no doubt they would eventually break through the walls to get there.

After making my way through, slaughtering all the Lorgs I encountered—a process that took about 15 minutes—I finally reached a favorable position. I found a building high and strategically located enough to have a clear view of the area where the Lorg Executioner was.

Finding a window facing the Lorg, I prepared my explosive arrows. The Lorg was still hiding behind the column it had torn out, but from my new position, I had a perfect angle to attack it. Taking a deep breath, I began to shoot, each arrow tracing its path perfectly through the air before exploding near its target.

I launched a series of arrows directly at its torso. The Lorg roared in pain, its body staggering as the explosions echoed around. It tried to move, seeking cover again, but due to its slowness and the speed at which I fired the arrows, it was heavily wounded before it could fully hide.

Even then, the constant explosions had worn down the column. I decided to aim to the side of it, knowing the explosions would cause less damage without a direct hit. This strategy wasn’t used earlier because it would take too long to kill it, and I would likely run out of Qi before succeeding.

But now, things were different. The Lorg was heavily wounded, and even an indirect explosion would cause significant damage. Though not as much as a direct hit, it would further wear down the already damaged column.

After about a dozen arrows, the column broke. The Lorg tried to find another object to use as a shield, but I continued my assault, killing it before it could hide again.

Despite this victory, I knew it was only one of many temporary ones. As if to remind me of this, a Lorg burst into the room I was in, destroying the door in the process, showing that while it took time, they eventually made it to the top.

I was prepared for its arrival. Holding my swords and spinning them, I attacked the Lorg with much greater speed, aiming directly at its neck and decapitating it. Quickly, I moved into the narrow hallway where the Lorgs could barely fit. Using this space to my advantage, I unleashed a Wave of Light while throwing my sword straight like a javelin, easily eliminating most of them except those on the stairs or in other rooms.

I headed to the elevator, opened the doors with ease thanks to my strength, identified one of the elevator cables, and jumped down. The friction of the cable caused a slight tickle and minor damage, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

Upon reaching the first floor, I opened the metal doors once more, only to be met with an avalanche of Lorgs. I eliminated them again with a Wave of Light, and with more space, I could spin my swords and extend the chain, turning into a walking blender that cut down everything around me.

Upon exiting the building, probably an apartment complex, I detected some stealthy Lorgs waiting to ambush me. With a sigh, I waited for them to gather before quickly attacking them, using my swords like a whip. I eliminated several with my first strike and left others wounded, which I swiftly finished off.

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