Published at 28th of June 2024 01:19:33 PM

Chapter 82

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Once I neared the end of the tourist zone, I decided to call Emily using the walkie-talkie. I took the large and heavy device and pressed the button to speak.

"Emily. I'm near the end of the tourist zone. Which direction should I go now?" I said, trying to keep my tone calm and professional.

There was a brief moment of static before Emily's voice responded.

"William, thanks for checking in. You should head towards the commercial district. It's an area with a high concentration of gates. Leonard is also there, so coordinate with him to eliminate as many gates as possible. We'll continue destroying gates until 1 a.m."

"Understood. By the way, can you give me a boost?" I asked, starting to run in the indicated direction.

"Yes, of course. Meet me in front of the Centenary Bank."

I adjusted my course to head towards the Centenary Bank. Thanks to my enhanced stats, it only took a couple of minutes to get there. After a brief chat, Emily gave me the same boost as before, increasing my power and resilience.

After receiving the boost, I changed the walkie-talkie channel to call Leonard. I turned the dial until I found the correct channel, took a deep breath, and pressed the communication button.

"Leonard. I'm on my way to the commercial district. Emily told me to coordinate with you to eliminate as many gates as possible."

After a brief moment, Leonard's energetic and charismatic voice responded.

"William! Just in time, my friend. I'm at the corner of Central Avenue, near an antique shop. I'm closing the nearby gates."

"In which direction are you moving?"

"North, if I'm not mistaken."

"Then you take care of the commercial zone to the north, and I'll handle the commercial zone to the south."

"Sounds excellent," Leonard said, probably laughing after killing a Lorg, judging by the sounds of crushed flesh and growls.

With a clear plan, I headed towards the southern part of the commercial zone. As I moved, I aimed to pass through as many gates as possible, using the system map in my mind. Despite some minor errors, my mental capacity and skills allowed me to chart an effective route.

The commercial district was filled with tall buildings, shops, and a multitude of Lorgs that seemed to emerge from every corner. Each gate I found was a portal for more Lorgs, and my goal was to close as many as possible. With the Twin Amplifying Swords in hand, I prepared to face any threat that appeared.

The first gate I found was situated at the entrance of a shopping mall. A group of Lorgs was guarding it as usual, but what truly surprised me was the appearance of an unexpected Lorg. Not only were there normal Lorgs, buff Lorgs, stealth Lorgs, Verdugos, Arrolladores, and the new super-strong Lorg I called Lorg Goliath, but there was also an Alfa Lorg.

Worst of all, due to my killing several Lorgs on my way here, including detection Lorgs, they were all on high alert and buffed by the buff Lorgs. Even the buff Lorgs had created a sacred energy shield around the gate, demonstrating that, despite not being precisely intelligent, they might instinctively know how to act during an invasion.

Knowing this would be much more difficult than it seemed, I pulled out my bow to start the fight with explosive arrows, aiming at the Alfa Lorg and the Lorg Goliath, as they posed the most problems besides the buff Lorgs, but once they deployed their shield, they had better defense than the Arrollador Lorg.

I fired the first explosive arrow at the Alfa Lorg, who dodged it with surprising agility. The explosion sent several minor Lorgs flying, but it wasn't enough to cause significant damage. The Lorg Goliath, on the other hand, took an arrow to the chest, causing an explosion that made him stagger, but he barely seemed affected. His massive muscles and silver fur protected him from much of the damage.

"This is going to be annoying," I muttered to myself as I wielded the Twin Amplifying Swords.

The Alfa Lorg roared and lunged at me with speed and ferocity. I responded by swinging my swords in a horizontal arc, forcing it to retreat. But I had no time to breathe, as the Lorg Goliath grabbed a column from a nearby building and threw it at me. Dodging it just in time, I felt the wind from the column brushing my face.

"Come on!" I shouted, charging forward. My swords met the Alfa Lorg in a clash of strength and speed. Every strike I made was blocked or dodged skillfully, but my swords, amplified by my energy, began to wear down its defenses.

Of course, the rest of the Lorgs didn't stay idle either. The normal Lorgs tried to overwhelm me with their numbers, but with a fluid movement, I launched an energetic attack, taking out several enemies simultaneously. The chain of the swords whirled around me, slicing through the Lorgs that attempted to get close.

When there was some space, the Lorg Verdugo came at me, attacking constantly, moving closer and further away with great speed. Even then, I didn't mind much when I took its hits, as its attacks, though somewhat deep, were not too problematic for my regeneration.

Suddenly, I felt a massive impact on my back. The Lorg Goliath, whom I had approached by mistake while keeping an eye on too many things, had struck me with its huge fist, sending me flying into a wall. I got up, spitting blood, but my super regeneration was already at work, healing my broken bones and damaged organs in a matter of seconds.

"I knew this would be bothersome!" I roared, launching myself back into the fight. This time, I focused my attacks more on the Alfa Lorg, seeking to weaken it before facing the Lorg Goliath again. Each slash of my swords left a luminous mark on its body, draining its energy bit by bit.

In the midst of the chaos, a Lorg Verdugo appeared, moving at incredible speed, its scythes gleaming as they cut through the air. This time its attack was aimed at my neck, forcing me to move reflexively to avoid the blow. Its attack only caused my skin and muscles to be torn, but at least it didn't damage my vertebrae, which would have caused momentary paralysis until I regenerated.

With no time to react, another Lorg, an Arrollador, started rolling towards me with formidable defense. Each rotation of its body was a mass of spikes and plates, a tank of pure destruction aiming to crush me, or at least trying to do it.

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