Published at 19th of June 2024 06:52:57 AM

Chapter 9

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Hours pass as I delve into the project for fluid mechanics, my mind switching from survival mode to academic mode. Balancing my new reality with my responsibilities is challenging, but I know it's necessary. After finally finishing the project and sending it to my classmate, I feel a wave of relief wash over me. The intense concentration required for the project has given my body some time to recover, but I can't help but think about my new crossbow and the war zone.

The next two weeks fly by with a mix of college work and practice with my weapons. I make several trips back to the war zone, using my new crossbow to take down Lorgs from a distance. Each kill brings in more coins, and I notice that I'm getting better at using the crossbow and my melee weapons. My stats and skills continue to improve, making each encounter slightly less daunting.

Finally, the semester ends, and I have more time to focus on the war zone. My stats now look like this:

[Race: Human]
[Level: 6]
[Talent: Regeneration of Vitality]
Strength: 16
Agility: 16
Hardness: 16
Endurance: 16
Vitality: 22
Intelligence: 16
Senses: 16
Stat Points: 0

[Race Skill:] {Adaptation: With time, you can adapt to anything.}

[Innate Skills:]
{Improvement of Regeneration (pasive) lv10: Improves all forms of regeneration in the body (includes natural regeneration and external forms of healing). The increase is equal to (100*skill level)%}

{Regeneration (active) lv7: Once activated, you regenerate damage in your body. The regeneration is equal to (your vitality*skill level)}

{Vitality Store (passive) lv10: When your body's vitality is not used to heal injuries, it will be stored for later use. The maximum storage capacity is (your vitality*skill level)}

With the extra stat points, I decide to continue putting two points into vitality and one into the rest of the stats, further enhancing my healing abilities. My focus remains on staying alive and improving my chances of surviving each encounter.

Now that I have more time, I decided to explore the war zone further. I can't just keep fighting Lorgs in the same spot forever. I need to understand the environment better and see if there are other creatures or challenges that I can face. Armed with my crossbow, survival axe, survival knife, and newly crafted arrows, I venture deeper into the forest.

The landscape changes as I move further from my usual hiding spots. The trees become denser, and the underbrush thicker, making it harder to move silently. I tread carefully, my senses heightened, ready for anything that might come my way.

After about an hour of exploring, I come across a clearing. In the center stands a large, ancient-looking structure covered in vines and moss. It looks like some sort of temple or shrine. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I approach cautiously. As I get closer, I notice strange symbols carved into the stone. They don't look like anything I've seen before.

Just as I'm about to touch the carvings, a message appears in front of me:


My heart races. This could be an opportunity to gain more levels, or it could be a deadly trap. I take a moment to assess the situation. The fact that some Lorgs can't get out means they're likely trapped within the structure, which could work to my advantage. With their movement restricted, I might be able to take them down one by one from a safe distance.

Before entering, I make sure all my gear is ready. I double-check my crossbow, ensuring it's loaded and that I have plenty of bolts. My survival axe and knife are within easy reach, and I take a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever lies ahead.

Carefully, I step inside the lair. The air is damp and carries a musty smell, indicating the structure's age and disuse. The walls are lined with more of those strange symbols, which glow faintly in the dim light. I proceed slowly, listening for any signs of movement.

After a few steps, I hear a faint shuffling sound coming from deeper within the temple. My heart pounds as I nock a bolt in my crossbow and move toward the noise. I round a corner and see the source of the sound: a group of Lorgs, their eyes glowing in the darkness. They're pacing back and forth, clearly agitated but unable to escape their confinement.

I position myself behind a large stone pillar, using it as cover. Taking careful aim, I fire my first bolt. It hits one of the Lorgs squarely in the chest, and it collapses with a guttural roar. The other Lorgs immediately react, searching for the source of the attack, but they can't see me.

I take advantage of their confusion, quickly reloading and firing again. Another Lorg goes down, and the rest grow more frantic. Their movements become erratic, making it harder to aim, but I manage to hit a third one. Just then, one of the Lorgs spots me and lets out a deafening screech, alerting the others to my presence.

Realizing that stealth is no longer an option, I switch to my melee weapons. As the Lorgs charge at me, I swing my survival axe with all my strength, aiming for their weak points. The first Lorg falls to my blade, but the second one manages to swipe at me, its claws tearing into my arm. I activate my Regeneration skill, feeling the wound begin to close almost instantly, and counter with a quick thrust of my knife.

The fight is intense, but my improved stats and skills give me the edge I need. One by one, the Lorgs fall until only I remain standing, panting and covered in sweat. I take a moment to catch my breath, then survey the room. It's littered with the bodies of the Lorgs, and I can't help but feel a surge of pride at my victory.

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