Published at 22nd of April 2024 09:50:38 AM

Chapter 174: Chapter 174: 174 Qjnghe Never Gives Up

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Chapter 174: 174 Qjnghe Never Gives Up

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Wife, you still havent said what you want to use this poison spider juice for?

She replied coldly, You dont need to know. Since she was leaving tomorrow, there was no need to tell him that she wanted to heal the pustules on her face.

She poured the residue from the pottery jar into the stove pit, which would burn away when a fire was made, and rinsed the jar before pouring the poison spider liquid from the bowl back into the pottery jar.

Then she washed the bowl from before.

Xiao Yuchuan just stood by her side, and she glanced at him, Dont you have anything to do?

Yes. Im going to sell goods. He also wanted to hurry up and make clothes for her, so she wouldnt have to wear his clothes all the time. He didnt mind but always saw her wearing oversized mens clothes, which made it inconvenient for her to walk.

He suddenly thought of something, Wife, when you changed into my clothes, you washed all your clothes including the bellyband and panties. So, didnt you wear nothing inside when you put on mens clothes?

She gave him a blank look, Nonsense! Heaven knew that she used to be a rich lady with nine figures, and she wouldnt be so poor as to not have money to buy underwear.

He couldnt help but feel excited, So what does it feel like when the flesh rubs against the clothes?

Quite cool. She wouldnt say anything provocative to him, Go and sell your goods.

Alright. He replied, Wife, you wait for me at home. When your husband makes money, Ill buy you meat.

Her expression became somewhat sentimental.

Such a simple phrase.

When I make money, Ill buy you meat.

Xiao Yuchuan decided that he needed to make money as soon as possible to buy his wife good quality cloth for panties and bellybands.

Su Qingyue saw Xiao Yuchuan carrying a pole with baskets from the storage room, on top of one of the baskets there was a wooden tray slightly larger than the basket, displaying the goods for sale: scissors, scraps of cloth, needle and thread, round fan, and a small bag of salt.

Wife, you stay home and be good, no running around. Xiao Yuchuan reminded her worriedlv.

Su Qingyue just said, You go. If I go out, Ill just walk around nearby.

Wife, how about you come with me to sell goods He thought about it and felt it was inappropriate, Nevermind, I dont just sell goods in this village, but everywhere, even if today is only half a day, I would still walk a long distance. It wouldnt be good to tire you out. Dont you run around, I want to see you the moment I return.

She found his reminder warm, but pretended to be impatient, Annoying! Just

He finally left with the carrying pole in his hand.

Su Qingyue watched him walk away with the carrying pole, her gaze somewhat hazy.

Through the half-open window, Xiao Qinghe saw his wifes hazy eyes, which contained a faint sadness and a complex determination.

Perhaps third brother didnt know, but he understood that his wife was about to leave.

His heart ached silently.

How he wanted her to stay, but for her, leaving this home was the best thing for her.

Su Qingyue sighed, removed the two bamboo slices fixed to her right wrist, and moved her right palm. The broken bones in her right wrist were almost healed, and as long as she didnt forcibly pull anything, everything would be fine.

She tidied up the room, yard, kitchen, inside and outside, front and back. Xiao Qinghe watched her bustling about, her figure occasionally passing by the secondary bedroom window, and felt a sense of warmth and deep reluctance in his heart..

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