Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:54 AM

Chapter 112: Fatherinlaw talks privately with Su hen

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When the old couple came back with the babies, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue had already gone downstairs and were sitting on the sofa watching TV. By the way, they waited for the band to come back and go home together.

In fact, Su Chen just asked whether he should go back tonight, but he felt that it would be fine to stay, especially since he just saw his wife regretting moving out. He hoped that his wife would be happy, so he was willing to live here.

But Yan Bingxue is probably used to it, and she said she should go back. She hasn't lived at home for several years.

So the two waited downstairs for the children to go home.

Seeing them back, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue stood up immediately.

Upon seeing this posture, Tang Shuyun knew that her daughter was about to say goodbye again, so she quickly winked at Tuan Tuan Yue.

The two little babies immediately understood, and quickly started their own performance.

Tuan Tuan pulled grandma and grandpa happily, all in a reluctant and pitiful appearance.

"Grandpa and grandma, we don't want to go home today. Now that you sleep at home, let's not leave, okay?"

Yan Zhenwei coughed lightly twice, "Cough cough, group music, of course you can sleep here~ but it's still up to your parents, they don't know how they live."

Tang Shuyun hugged the Tuan Tuan and said, "Oh, why is our group Le Le so behaved~ Grandpa and grandma can't bear you either. Otherwise, you will stay at grandpa and grandma's house to sleep tonight. Grandpa and grandma will send you to kindergarten tomorrow, okay?"

Tuantuan immediately cried, "Grandma, Tuantuan wants to be with grandma, but Tuantuan also wants to be with Baba Mama~"

After the little guy said, he held his mouth and looked at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue behind him.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue wouldn't be able to tell if this sincere performance hadn't appeared to be too hard.

Su Chen glanced at Yan Bingxue and whispered: "Wife, we seem to be unable to leave tonight."

Tuantuanxiao had already ran over crying for a second, holding Yan Bingxue's thighs and raising his head and said: "Mama, you and Baba stay with us too, okay? Me and Goke didn't want to be separated from you."

Lele really couldn't make the movements of her sister so natural. Originally, they negotiated to rush over. The younger sister hugged Mama and he hugged Baba, but the little guy couldn't do it when things came to pass, so he had to come over in a twisty manner. The aggrieved blinked his eyes twice, and said: "Baba, you guys stay and live, too, there are so many rooms in my grandpa and grandma's house, we can live in~"

Yan Zhenwei over there looked at the two children distressedly, and so did Tang Shuyun, looking at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue with embarrassment on his face and asked: "Xiao Su, Bingxue, look, Tuan Tuan and Lele both want to stay for one night. Otherwise today, don’t you guys don’t go back? There are so many rooms at home, I let people clean them out, the ice and snow rooms are cleaned every day, and my dad and I haven’t messed up. You live here, so you should. I won’t be uncomfortable."

Yan Bingxue had always wanted to laugh when she saw her parents and babies acting exaggeratedly, but at this time she heard her mother so cautiously to keep her, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Seeing the change in his wife's mood, Su Chen quickly said, "Okay, uncle and aunt, then we will bother tonight."

Tang Shuyun looked overjoyed, smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't bother, you kid, we've said everything, this is your home, sleep in your own home, what disturb you~"

"By the way, tomorrow morning, Yuxin's parents said they would come over. We will eat here at noon. Xiaosu and Yuxin are Bingxue's good friends. Her parents, me and your uncle are also old friends, so you will stay tomorrow. For lunch and the morning break, I’ll treat you well, and I’ll be lively at home then, okay?"

Su Chen smiled and nodded, "No problem, Auntie."

The mother-in-law was so happy that she had forgotten that she was still acting, and she directly said that she had asked them all the leave.

Yan Bingxue eased a little at this time and walked to her parents' side and said, "Dad, Mom, let's stay and live. I just went upstairs to see my room, and the inside hasn't changed at all."

The closest person can know what the other person is going to say in a few words.

Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun looked at their daughter, and they were moved for a while.

But today is a happy day. Tang Shuyun didn’t want the family to cry, so she took her daughter’s hand and smiled and said, “It’s good to stay. In fact, your dad and I hope you can stay! You finally come back. Our two old guys also want you to accompany us more."

Yan Bingxue nodded, "Well, Mom and Dad, don't worry, we will come back often in the future. My husband said just now. Anyway, we are not far away. We will come back on vacation in the future~ accompany you more~"

She didn't say that she would come back every week, because she was afraid that if something went wrong in the future, her parents would wait for them and feel disappointed.

When Tang Shuyun heard this, she couldn't help her emotions. She lowered her head quickly, hid her red eyes, and said: "Okay, okay~ You come back anytime, we are all happy, you and Xiaosu must be together Come back, mom and dad’s house keeps a room for you~"

Yan Zhenwei looked at Su Chen with satisfaction and nodded at him gently.

This is communication between men.

Lao Zhangren understood Su Chen's mediation, and he was grateful in his heart.

Su Chen also felt this emotion and looked at the old man with a smile.

Because they wanted to stay, Tang Shuyun hurriedly kept the people at home Although Yan Bingxue's room was cleaned up and not stained, she still asked Liu Ma to carefully clean up the sheets and quilts. Replace them with new ones, like big red ones.

The children’s rooms were also cleaned up. In fact, two children’s rooms have been installed in the house long ago. The furniture is complete, and there are many toys and dolls. But after they are set up, Tuan Tuan and Lele have never stayed with Yan Bingxue.

The two babies have already gone to take a bath. Yan Bingxue and Tang Shuyun are sitting together, and the emotions of the mother and daughter are a bit agitated.

Upon seeing this, Yan Zhenwei patted Su Chen lightly, "Xiao Su, let's go to the study, I have something to tell you."

Su Chen nodded immediately. He knew that his wife would also want to chat with his mother-in-law alone, but he didn't know how to make excuses to avoid him, so the old man was looking for him.

The two went to the study room upstairs one after the other.

On the road, Yan Zhenwei had his hands behind his back, and his mind was full of thoughts.

He didn't know if he was talking about it with Su Chen, but as a father, he only hopes that his daughter can be happy. He is very satisfied with Su Chen and hopes that their family can live happily together.

Therefore, some issues must be clarified in advance. He doesn't mind being this "villain" by himself.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!