Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:49 AM

Chapter 119: Su's father and Su's mother were sho ked: Son, you are so ri h! ! !

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Lao Manwu envied himself for a while, and then talked about business with Tang Shuyun.

"Shuyun, your son-in-law gave such an expensive meeting gift, and you are so satisfied with him, how many red envelopes do you plan to return? This amount is not easy to grasp."

Tang Shuyun nodded, "Yeah, we are parents, how can we make the children suffer? I said giving the bank card, but my old Yan said that it was too vulgar to give the money and wanted to give it to something else. Last night, I discussed with him until midnight. I didn’t discuss it. I forgot to ask him this morning. I don’t know if he thinks about it..."

Lao looked at her in surprise, and smiled: "Your old face is so important? It seems that you really like this son-in-law! Me, just waiting to drink your ice and snow wedding wine~"

In the study, Yan Bingxue saw Su Chen coming up, glanced up slightly, pointed to the laptop and continued working.

Su Chen pointed to the balcony, and the two of them tacitly knew each other and were busy.

Su Chen walked to the balcony to call his mother back. The call just downstairs was from his parents, and he probably wanted to ask himself about seeing the parents.

He sent a message last night saying that he is staying here, and he didn't tell his parents in detail. It is estimated that the old couple don't know the situation at the moment and are in a hurry.

As soon as the call was connected, Mother Su's voice came from the other end.

"Son, did you go to the company? Were you busy just now?"

Su’s father and Su’s mother have been discussing since last night. I don’t know how the son went to see his father-in-law, but he received a text message from his son. Su said that if he could stay there, the situation was pretty good. Su’s mother also agreed, but I still want to know the collective situation.

I didn’t call until this morning, and I was hung up by my son again. I was afraid that it would disturb his son’s work.

Su Chen quickly said: "Mom, it's okay. I didn't go to the company. This morning, my father-in-law and mother-in-law came to my friend's house. I asked Bingxue and I to take leave. We are still at Yan's house now."

When Ma Su heard this, his face suddenly showed joy. Dad Su was next to him and didn't know what was going on, so he quickly said: "My wife, you turn on the amplifier, and I will listen."

Su’s mother hurriedly turned on the PA, and said with a smile: "Son, you are still at Bingxue’s house now~ Their guests asked you to stay there. Did Bingxue’s parents think you were pretty good? You got along last night. Okay?"

"Well, mom, it was late when we decided not to go back last night, and we were still talking to our father-in-law and mother-in-law at the time. When we got back to the house, it was already very late. I didn't call you to say that you were here. Are you worried at home?"

"Hehe~ Son, you and I don’t worry about it. We know that you live there, and we have a good idea. You can tell us quickly, are you still satisfied with Bingxue’s mom and dad?"

Listening to his mother’s happy and eager tone, Su Chen laughed and leaned on the railing and said, “Dad, mom, father-in-law and mother-in-law are very satisfied with me. We had a very good conversation last night, about me and Bingxue. Stable~ Don't worry!"

"That's great!" Su Ma said excitedly.

Dad Su was also happy beside him. He thought for a while and said: "Son, since Bingxue's parents are also satisfied with you, then you two should consider the wedding ceremony. Look, we and Bingxue's parents Isn't it time to meet again?"

Su’s mother heard the reminder from Su’s father, and said: "Yes, son, to talk about the wedding, the in-laws on both sides have to meet each other. In fact, your father and I are here this time, just wanting to do all these things. After solving the problem and going back, I also took annual leave with the unit. There is still a lot of time now~"

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "Well, it's time to meet. It's just that Bingxue and I haven't mentioned the meeting between the parents on both sides. Otherwise, I will discuss with Bingxue, and then talk to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, yes. Our family will eat together at one time."

Su's father nodded, "Okay, son, you are very thoughtful. We are the man after all. It is better for us to take the initiative to raise this matter, but the specific decision is left to Bingxue's parents and let them decide on the time and place. Our family has the right to cooperate!"

"Okay, then I'll go talk to Bingxue now."

"Don't worry, son, we still have something to discuss with you first~" Ma Su quickly stopped her son.

Su Chen stopped and asked, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"It's about the preparation of the wedding, son, our family, as a man, doesn't know the situation of Bingxue very well. Ask Bingxue, what requirements do they have here, such as bridesmaids, three golds, and change fees. There are also the details of the wedding. Your father and I have a bottom in our hearts. When we turn back to meet with in-laws, we shouldn't be too sloppy and let the other party think that we have neglected others."

Su Chen heard what his mother said, and suddenly understood what they meant.

He took away the mobile phone, opened the mobile bank and made a sum of money for Su's father.

"Dad, look at the phone." Su Chen said after finishing it.

[Reading books to get cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp] Reading books can also receive cash!

Papa Su took out his cell phone and took a look, he was shocked, and he opened his eyes wide and said, "Son, did you call me the money?"

"Well, dad and mom, don't worry about the details of the wedding. You can take the money and prepare, and if it is not enough, tell me."

Ma Su didn’t know what was going on. UU read www.uukā and took a look at Dad Su’s phone. She was shocked when she saw the number on it.

"One hundred million, one million, one million! Ten million! Son, did you beat your father ten million?" Su Ma shouted in surprise.

Papa Su quickly took the phone and asked very solemnly: "Son, where did you get so much money?"

Su Chen smiled and said helplessly to his parents: "Parents, why do you always underestimate your son? Since I can afford such a big house and such a good car, it's hard to get a little bit of it in my hands. Don’t have any money?"

Su's father and Su's mother took a look at each other, and Su's father slowly calmed down and said: "Son, your mother and I did not expect you to be so good for a while. Hey, your mother and I have been helping you save money all these years. The money was originally meant to be used by you to marry a daughter-in-law, but I didn’t expect that it would be useless in the end. Whether it’s buying a house or a car or marrying a daughter-in-law, our money is nothing to you."

Su's dad’s voice was a little ashamed. He saw his son call over 10 million casually. Then think about how he and his wife had accumulated hundreds of thousands for so many years. They also promised to take the money that night. Helping my son, I didn't expect that my son is much better than them!

Su Chen was aware of his father’s emotions and couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Dad, mom, you raised me, didn’t you just want to be a dragon? Now your son I’m so good, you should be happy. ~"

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