Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:48 AM

Chapter 120: 2 parents meeting arrangement

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Su's mother hurriedly beat Su's father, Su's father instantly woke up, and said to the phone: "Happy! My son is so great now, and your mother and I are incredibly happy~ Dad didn't think we were parents and didn't give it to you. How can I help~"

Su Chen immediately said: "Nonsense, why can't you help? You worked so many days before, aren't you taking care of us? Besides, parents, my son has grown up now and doesn't need your financial support, but We still need it both mentally and physically~ Mom and dad will have to take care of us more in the future~"

"Dad and mom, don't think about it so much. The reason why a son can have today is inseparable from the cultivation of his parents. I have only full love for you~"

This is the first time that Su Chen said these nasty words to his parents. It was probably the emotions when he saw his wife coming home yesterday. He didn't want to regret it later, so he said whatever he wanted to his parents, even if those words sounded numb. , But after speaking out, he and his parents will be happy.

Mom Su’s parents over there were already moved to tears, and Mom Su said in a choked voice: "You stupid boy, how old you are, and you are so sticky, all right, you go and tell Bingxue about our meeting. Well, you'd better decide the hotel first. My son is promising now. Let's not neglect my in-laws. We must book the best hotel~"

"Will you come back for dinner in the evening? I'll go out shopping with your dad later, and make a table for you to eat in the evening~"

Ma Su was crying and hung up the phone. As soon as she put down her phone, she threw herself into Dad Su’s arms and cried and said, “Old Su, I’m so happy. Our son is not only promising now, but also true. He grew up and became sensible. I was really moved by what he said."

Dad Su’s eyes were also red, he raised his hand and wiped his tears, and said with a smile: "Yes, I feel that this month, I was shocked by my son so that I have used up all the shock over the past few decades. The son first married I have a wife, and I have twin girls. I know how to make mechas, and I joined the Long Academy! I bought a super luxurious villa and a super luxurious car, and now I give us so much money, this Stubborn, just hit it directly, and I was a little bit stunned."

Su's mother said with a smile: "Haha, I feel that there will be more things for our son to shock us in the future, so we both put our son in the rear and let him rush forward without any scruples."

"Hmm!" Father Su nodded solemnly.


Su Chen hung up the phone and returned to the study. Yan Bingxue's video conference had just ended, and he could finally talk to him.

"Husband, why did you come up too? Who was talking on the phone just now?"

Su Chen spoiled and said: "Auntie and Aunt Man went to chat. Uncle and Uncle Gu were playing chess downstairs, and I was fine. It happened that my parents called, and I came up to call them back."

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"Is it the call from my parents? It's probably because you are worried about our situation here, have you told your parents?" Yan Bingxue asked.

"Well, that's it. Dad said, since we have all seen each other's parents now and things are all right, we should also arrange for the parents on both sides to meet, and then we should sit down and talk about our wedding~" Su Chen stood in front of Yan Bingxue and said.

When talking about the wedding, Yan Bingxue was a little shy, and lowered her head and said, "Husband, you can decide this matter. When you decide, I will go and talk to my parents~"

Su Chen put his arms around her waist, looked down at her, and said softly, "How about that? Wife, as a man in our family, we can't do it arbitrarily~ My parents and I just discussed it. We will decide on the location. Parents and us will go there first, but the time depends on the father-in-law and father-in-law. Find a time that is convenient for them.

Yan Bingxue raised his head and said with a smile: "My parents will be happy if my parents consider my family so much. Then I will discuss with my parents and tell you the time?"

"En." Su Chen nodded, but didn't immediately let go. Yan Bingxue tried to walk, but was trapped and couldn't move.

"Husband, what are you doing? Don't you want to go downstairs to discuss the meeting time with your parents?"

"Don't worry, wife." Su Chen said in a low voice.

Yan Bingxue's head dropped, her exposed ears were red.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"Wife, what do you think? Why are your ears red again? I found out that your thoughts are really dangerous~"

Yan Bingxue raised her head in anger and glared at Su Chen, "Husband, you are the wicked person who sued first, obviously you...hold me and won't let me go!"

"I won't let you go, naturally there is still something to say~ I'm serious, but you obviously want to get it crooked."

Yan Bingxue was annoyed, she reached out to push him, Su Chen hurriedly coaxed, "Okay, okay~ Wrong, I won't tease you anymore. Seriously, my wife."

"When you talk to your father-in-law and mother-in-law, try to express to them the eagerness of my parents and me. The time is best for the last few days. Originally, letting father-in-law and mother-in-law decide the time is to facilitate them, but I am afraid of not fixing a time limit They think our side is deliberately delaying and neglecting."

Yan Bingxue saw that Su Chen was so careful and thoughtful, a slight warmth in her heart, she nodded gently, "Okay, I get it."


Yan Bingxue went downstairs and saw Yan Zhenwei who was holding the mecha and the old Gu Kou at a glance. She shook her head helplessly. It seemed that it was inappropriate to disturb her father and Uncle Gu at this moment.

So he went to the sunshine room to find his mother and Aunt Man.

Mother and Aunt Man seemed to be talking about something weird. The two of them gathered their heads together, lowered their voices and discussed in a low voice. When Yan Bingxue went in, they vaguely heard a second child...strong ability and so on. She cleared her throat to remind the two women over there.

"Mom, Aunt Man Man."

"Oh, is the ice and snow here?" Aunt Man Limala distanced herself from her old friend.

Tang Shuyun also looked at her daughter embarrassedly, "Bingxue, what's wrong with you? Didn't you work upstairs?"

"The video conference is over, there is something I want to discuss with you. Dad, I think I'm busy, so come over and talk to you."

"What's the matter?" Tang Shuyun and Lao Man both came over.

Yan Bingxue knew that Aunt Man was not an outsider, so she said directly: "Mom, that's it. Su Chen's parents learned about our marriage a few days ago, so they came to Zhonghai, and now live at home. We didn't go home yesterday. Lived, they asked about the situation today, knowing that our family is also quite satisfied with Su Chen, so they said that they want to have a meal with the two families."

Tang Shuyun was overjoyed when he heard that, the auntie Man next to him covered her mouth and smiled: "Shuyun, congratulations~ It seems that the process of your wedding is going to be much faster~"

Tang Shuyun took her daughter and said, "Okay, we must meet in-laws for a meal. Have we decided on the time and place?"

Yan Bingxue said: "The location was decided by her husband. It is close to our home, at the Hongqiao Xijiao Hotel in the community. The time has not been decided. Parents Su Chen said that it would be convenient for you and dad. Let you decide. "

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