Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:47 AM

Chapter 121: Inlaws are going to meet, so happy~~

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million at the start! (!

When I heard it, he suddenly said with excitement: "Shuyun, your relatives really value this meeting. Hongqiao Hotel in Xijiao, this is the place to receive foreign guests! The time depends on your arrangements, it seems to be a good one. In-laws to get along with~"

Tang Shuyun feels happy. She has been to all good places, and even eaten in expensive restaurants. The Hongqiao Hotel in Xijiao is in the community on weekdays. She has gone to banquet important guests many times. With this heart, she is happy from the bottom of her heart.

It is said that in-laws value them, but in fact it is not the son-in-law who values ​​her daughter~

"Since my in-laws have said so, then we will decide tomorrow night, and we can't let Xiao Su's parents wait forever~ You slept here yesterday, and Xiao Su will definitely talk to his parents when he goes back today, so tomorrow night Suitable~I'll talk to your dad later~"

Yan Bingxue nodded happily, "Okay, then I will also go up and talk to Su Chen, let him tell his parents over there."

"Okay, let's go~"

"Wait a minute~" Lao Man pulled Yan Bingxue and hesitated, "Bingxue~ Your progress is pretty good. The wedding date should be settled soon. Have you contacted our family Yuxin recently?"

Yan Bingxue knows what Aunt Man wants to say. As parents, they care about their children most.

She nodded and said: "Auntie, Yuxin and I are in constant contact. She knows that I am going to get married. She has already told me that she will be back then. She will give me half a year~"

Aunt Man nodded excitedly, "Okay, that's great, this stinky girl in my family has been away for more than a year, and I don't know how to come back to see me and her dad... Bingxue, if you have time, help Auntie persuade She, she is not young anymore, now you are married, and the child is three years old, and she is still floating outside like this. My dad and I are in a hurry~"

"Even if she didn't want to get married, my dad and I didn't say to force her, just don't want her to be alone abroad, we can't even see her."

Yan Bingxue patted Aunt Man’s arm lightly, and comforted: "Auntie, don’t be sad. This time Yuxin comes back, I will help you talk to her. Actually, Yuxin misses you very much. She... some of the decisions may be different from your and uncle's ideas, so she is afraid of living together and conflicts."

Old Man sighed heavily and said: "I know, if Yuxin in my family can be half obedient to you, her father and I won't control her like that. We are afraid that she will never move forward when she is young, and she will grow old in the future. Life is not easy~"

Yan Bingxue smiled, patted her chest and said, "Auntie, please relax. Yuxin and I grew up together. Even if we are 80 years old, we are still good friends. She actually can move forward like this because Backed by you and uncle, in many cases, they understand each other~"

After listening to Yan Bingxue's words, Lao Man's expression changed slightly, and he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I will listen to you. I'll come back this time and I will definitely have a good talk with Yuxin."

"Well, I'll go up first, and we'll talk later for dinner."

The two mothers watched Yan Bingxue leave, and Laoman said: "Shuyun, I found out that your family Bingxue has really grown up. This child has matured since he was a child, but he was always a little talkative before, but this time, She seems to have changed a lot. This is the first time I heard her say so much~"

Looking at her daughter’s back, Tang Shuyun said with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth: "Yes~ I also found that my daughter came back this time is very different. Yesterday, she actually told me a lot of heartfelt things~ This may be the power of love. ~ The son-in-law’s contribution is not small, haha!"

"I'll go to my old man first and tell him the good news about meeting with his family. Are you staying here to enjoy the flowers or go to your house to take care of it?" Tang Shuyun doesn't treat Lao Man as an outsider at all, and is based on the relationship between their two families. , Even if Lao Man and Lao Gu come as guests today, they will not be afraid of the guests being angry when they are the masters alone.

Lao Man keeps up with Tang Shuyun's pace, "I went to our old Gu, and after hearing so many things about your son-in-law, I feel sore here~ I can't make me sour, I have to talk to Lao Gu~"

The two went out together. Yan Zhenwei and Old Gu in the living room had already sat on the same sofa from two sofas, shoulders touching shoulders, heads next to their heads, and they held a baby-like mecha in their hands. Models, we had a lot of fun chatting.

Tang Shuyun knew at a glance that the old man was showing off his son-in-law’s gift again~

"Old Yan, I'll talk to Old Gu later, I have one thing to tell you, you come with me."

Yan Zhenwei was talking vigorously, and turned back dissatisfied: "Is there anything I can say, can't I say it later? I'm talking about business to Old Gu!"

Tang Shuyun shook his head and smiled at the side: "Old Yan, I think you should go with Shuyun. After all, this is a happy event~"

When he heard the happy event, Yan Zhenwei looked back at his wife and saw that her face was like a peach, and he saw that there was something good.

Thinking of these two days, Yan Zhenwei immediately understood that this happy event must have something to do with his daughter and son-in-law, because he had just seen his daughter go downstairs to find his wife.

He quickly got up, took back the mecha in Old Gu's hand before leaving, and carefully put it back in the box.

"Old Gu, you sit down for a while, let's talk later."

Old Gu raised his head and said, "Hi, Old Yan, you just leave, you leave things for me, I will take a closer look~"

Yan Zhenwei smiled and took the box into his arms, "I'm sorry, old Gu, this is a baby, I'm not here, don't worry about putting it here, you should wait for me for a while~"

After speaking, he went back to the room with Tang Shuyun holding his "baby".

When he entered the house, Tang Shuyun saw him put the baby box first, and couldn't help but smile: "Old Yan, you are not afraid that Lao Gu laughs at you, do you like the gift your son-in-law gave you?"

Yan Zhenwei said proudly: "He doesn't know how to laugh, it's too late to envy him!"

"Hurry up and tell me what a happy event~"

Tang Shuyun became happier and said, "Old Yan, my daughter just came over and said that in-laws want to see us, and the two of us have a meal together!"

Yan Zhenwei's eyes lit up and he was pleasantly surprised: "Okay! Both children have got their marriage certificates. It is indeed time for the wedding to be held soon. We have to see my family earlier."

"Well, my relatives think so too. They have set a location. It is next to the Hongqiao Hotel in Xijiao. Time said that we can book one that we find convenient. I will set it tomorrow night, at six o'clock. There is no problem, right? "Tang Shuyun said.

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