Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:45 AM

Chapter 124: Mr. Yan, I feel that you have hanged a lot re ently!

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All afternoon, Su Chen devoted himself to the work cabin, and when he was about to get off work, Yan Bingxue sent a message over.

"My husband, I'm going to the city, maybe I will be back later. My parents told me to go home tonight. I shouldn't go home to sleep. You guys go to bed earlier."

Su Chen replied: "Okay, pay attention to your own safety. I will pick up the Tuan Tuan and Lele now. No matter how late you come back in the evening, send me a message to say that you are safe."

Yan Bingxue, who was already on the way to the high-speed rail station, saw this news, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, her eyes overflowing with tenderness.

Assistant Zhang next to    couldn't help but look twice, and whispered: "Mr. Yan, you have really changed a lot recently."

Yan Bingxue turned her head and looked at her suspiciously, "What?"

Zhang Tezhu was also sentimental for a while, and suddenly thought of each other's identities, and quickly said with a serious face: "Mr. Yan, it's not about work, I just think...After you and Mr. Su are together, you have become more like to laugh, too. Become gentler."

Yan Bingxue raised the corner of Yang's mouth and looked at Zhang Te to help and said: "Xiao Zhang, have you been with me for more than five years?"

Zhang Tezhu nodded, "Five years and three months, Mr. Yan, I met you as soon as I graduated. At that time, you had just graduated. When I came to the company, I started from the marketing department. I have been you since then. Your personal butler, and then you became an extraordinary president, and I became your special assistant Zhang."

Assistant Zhang remembers all these things very clearly. For her, Yan Bingxue is not only her immediate boss, but also her Bole. She is kind to her, and during the past five years, the time she spent with Yan Bingxue Longer than anyone else, she sometimes even thinks that she can dare to feel that they are like close friends.

"Then do you really think I am different now from before? It's very different?" Yan Bingxue asked seriously.

Zhang Tezhu nodded lightly, "It's not a big difference. People around you should be able to feel it."

Yan Bingxue's eyes softened a bit, and asked: "Then, do you think this change is good?"

Will Su Chen like her now?

Zhang Tezhu didn’t understand what Yan Zong was thinking. He just said instinctively: “I think Mr. Yan has always been very good. Although Mr. Yan looked a bit cold and arrogant before, his attitude towards work is understandable. Mr. Yan is young. Lightweight in a high position, gentle enough to make people feel deceived, now President Yan..."

Zhang Tezhu smiled lightly and said, "Now that Mr. Yan and Mr. Su’s family are reunited, it is a happy moment, and Mr. Su is also very good. With him by Mr. Yan’s side, Mr. Yan can relax and be himself. Up."

Yan Bingxue leaned on the seat, thinking of Su Chen's appearance in his heart, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Be yourself by Su Chen's side, this statement sounds good~


Su Chen went to the kindergarten to receive Tuan Tuan and Lele. The two little guys seemed to be used to Su Chen coming to pick them up from school. After getting in the car, they kept sharing the interesting things in the class with Su Chen. Until they were about to get home, the little guys asked about Yan. Snow and ice things.

Tuantuan asked: "Baba, why didn't Ma Ma come with you to pick us up?"

Su Chen parked the car, got out of the car and hugged the two children, and said with a smile, "Ma Ma is going on a business trip~ Ma Ma should be sleeping at grandma's house tonight, so tonight Dad and grandparents are staying at home. He Lele, okay?"

When Su Chen asked this, he was actually a little worried.

Because Tuantuan and Lele have grown up with Yan Bingxue for the past three years, Yan Bingxue is not at home, only he and his parents are there. I wonder if the two little guys are not used to it.

Tuantuan looked at his father, thought for a while and said: "Okay~ Mom is going to work and earn money for us~ We will be together with father obediently~"

Lele also nodded: "Don't worry, dad, my sister and I will be obedient. Mom will be back tomorrow, right?"

Looking at his sensible son and daughter, Su Chen felt the old father's gratification. He took the hands of the two children and said, "Yes, Tuantuan and Lele are right. Mom will be back tomorrow~ go, Let's go home, grandparents must have prepared a delicious dinner for you~"

When I got home, Su's father and mother had already prepared dinner. The fragrant food and the lights all over the room rendered the restaurant very warm. The family had dinner because they knew that Yan Bingxue was not going home today. Su's father and mother. Take the initiative to take the Tuan Tuan and Lele to take a bath and rest.

When the two children were settled, they came downstairs.

Su Chen sat in the living room looking at the laptop, knowing that his parents must have something to say to him today, so he didn't go to the study.

"Son, please tell your parents about the things you went to Bingxue's house yesterday." Su Ma asked excitedly.

Su Chen talked about yesterday’s things unhurriedly, and said that his mother-in-law and old-in-law were good to him and prepared a sumptuous dinner, and they had actually seen it before.

Hearing that his son said that he hadn't encountered any problems, Su's father and Su's mother were completely relieved.

Su’s mother patted her chest and said: “It’s okay~ my I didn’t have much rest at home with your dad last night. I was worried about your situation there. Now that I hear you say that, my mother is finally Don't worry, as long as your daughter-in-law’s parents like you, then there will be no obstacles to your marriage with your daughter-in-law~"

Su Chen looked at her mother and smiled softly: "Mom~You still don’t believe in the charm of your son? I have said, I can definitely deal with father-in-law and mother-in-law. They like what I like so much. When I leave today, My mother-in-law also went to the company with me specially and gave me the meeting gifts she and father-in-law prepared~"

"Ah? There is also a meeting gift? That seems to be really fancy to my son~ What gift did Bingxue's parents give you? Are they wrapped in red envelopes? Speaking of which, we haven't given Bingxue an official meeting red envelope yet. Yeah!" Ma Su remembered what happened to her.

They met Yan Bingxue too suddenly, and it was at the son's house at the time, and it was not the son who brought his daughter-in-law back. They neglected this matter for a while, and now I want to come.

Su Chen took out the contents of the file package and showed them to his parents. "Parents, this is the meeting gift my father-in-law and mother-in-law gave me. They said they had prepared a red envelope before meeting me, but after seeing me, they were too satisfied. So I changed it to a more suitable gift. It was the Science and Technology Exhibition Hall built by Chaofan Group for three years~ This value is not something that a red envelope can estimate~"

Su's father and mother Su picked up the pile of things on the table and looked at it. For a while, they didn't know how valuable they were.

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