Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:34 AM

Chapter 137: Sprinkle dog food~

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Su Chen picked up the ring in Yan Bingxue's box, raised her left hand, and asked gently, "My wife, do you like this surprise? Can I wear it for you by myself?"

Yan Bingxue’s eyes were almost red, she quickly raised her head, at such a happy moment, she can’t cry~

"Okay!" She nodded firmly and happily.

Seeing that wedding ring was put on her ring finger, Yan Bingxue gradually spent her eyes.

Her heart was shocked by a huge sense of happiness. At this moment, she seemed to have been wearing a holy wedding dress, and she was standing in the wedding hall with Su Chen.

She looked down at her wedding ring, then picked up the other one and gently put it on Su Chen's ring finger.

The two clasped their fingers together.

Su's father and mother Su took the lead, and the shop clerk followed along. There was thunderous applause throughout the gold shop. The female shop assistants showed envy and yearning smiles, and were completely moved by this happy moment.

Yan Bingxue raised his head, looked at Su Chen with red eyes, with a happy smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Su Chen, now I have two rings on my fingers, you have to marry me!"

In the first moment, a lot of pictures flashed in her mind, those fragmentary moments about herself and Su Chen together—their first time, her reckless marriage proposal was rejected after their reunion, and Su Chen prepared for her. Romantic drone proposal, a bowl of noodles in the middle of the night, countless nights where she tried to throw him down and failed, public confession at the banquet, a beautiful night after the two reunited...

All the pictures are intertwined, returning to this scene of reality, the ring on the ring finger seems to have everything firmly in her palm.

She, really married Su Chen!

This kind of head portrait is a crazily rooted seedling, which grows arrogantly in her heart and becomes a big tree with intertwined roots. Every branch and every leaf seems to exude a taste of happiness.


Su Chen lifted her left hand, put it to her mouth and kissed gently, and promised softly: "Okay, I will definitely give you a very grand wedding~"

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Four people, holding hands in pairs, walked out of Longguo Gold. Behind them were a group of shop assistants whose eyes were reddened by beautiful love.

"Woo, staying in the store for so long, I have never seen such a fairy-like love before, I admire it!"

"Forget it if the face is a perfect match, and the feelings are still so sweet, I believe in love again!"

"Everyother, what kind of fairy love story is this~ This pair is also great!"

"Be sober sisters, love belongs to rich handsome men and beauties. The pair of rings just now is worth more than 20 million masterpieces! Even if we have objects, we can't afford them, leaving envious single tears..."

Su's father and mother Su followed behind his son and daughter-in-law, both of them were full of smiles.

Su's father said: "Look, let me just say it, our son is definitely not a man who eats soft food, the most expensive thing today, my son has already paid for it~"

Su Ma nodded and said with red eyes: "Our son also understands women's thoughts, let alone his daughter-in-law, I am not touched anymore. Thinking about how he used his daughter-in-law's card before, it doesn't hurt at all. Now it seems that he is also a son. It’s nothing more than the little fun with your daughter-in-law, Lao Su, why do you think our son is so good at it? Wouldn’t it be so when you were young..."

Dad Su gave her a blank look, and said angrily: "Don't think about it. I was fooled by you when I was 20. You know everything afterwards. I'm a decent and good man. I think our son is too. ~"

"Yes, the backs of the son and the daughter-in-law are so happy~"

"Lao Su, we must work hard tonight and make sure that our family is satisfied. At that time, we can concentrate on preparing for the wedding of our son and daughter-in-law!"

At this time, the Yan family, Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun are making various choices in the cloakroom.

Tang Shuyun took out a pile of clothes and placed them on the shelf in front of her. She held them one by one and gestured, looking left and right in the mirror.

Yan Zhenwei kept looking at her clothes, thinking about what to wear to see her in-laws tonight.

He hasn’t thought about it yet. Tang Shuyun has already put on a cheongsam that he is very satisfied with. This cheongsam is considered the most solemn of all Tang Shuyun’s customized cheongsams. The embroidery is all handmade by hand, so no flaws can be found. Come.

And the color of the cheongsam is also very outstanding. It is red, but it is not bright red. The red has a dark gold foundation and looks very noble.

When Tang Shuyun made this dress, she originally wanted to wait until her daughter’s wedding to wear, but Yan Bingxue had never been in a relationship before. She once thought that this dress has almost no chance to see the light, but now, the opportunity comes. That's it~

I met my in-laws for the first time tonight, but my daughter and son-in-law have already received the certificate, so I rounded up, and it’s almost the same as getting married~

After seeing her son-in-law, Tang Shuyun felt that her son-in-law was excellent and completely exceeded her expectations, so this dress that she had prepared for a long time must have to be re-prepared for a new style at that time, so as to be worthy of the wedding of her daughter and son-in-law.

So today, she deliberately chose this one. After wearing it, she took the emeralds that her son-in-law gave her, and then put on gemstone earrings, a pair of jade bracelets, and exquisite five-centimeter high heels. After that, she walked up to Yan Zhenwei enchantingly.

"Old Yan, take a look at how I look like this? Isn't it grand enough to dress like this to meet in-laws?"

Yan Zhenwei, who was racking his brains thinking about how to dress appropriately, saw Tang Shuyun's voice, UU reading www. frowned suddenly.

"Old Tang, why are you wearing this cheongsam?"

Tang Shuyun smiled and said, "This is my shirt under the pressure box, so beautiful~"

"Not good!" Yan Zhenwei directly rejected.

Tang Shuyun was taken aback for a moment, and said displeasedly: "Why is it bad? Isn't this good-looking? This is my baby!"

Yan Zhenwei said solemnly: "Why did you forget what we said yesterday?"

"You wore this dress in the past, so grand, I don’t know that you thought you were going to the wedding! And this dress is very expensive at first glance, plus your extremely expensive jewelry, you are not trying to scare your in-laws Jump!"

Tang Shuyun looked at everything she had carefully dressed up, and curled her mouth and said, "What's the matter? This grandness doesn't mean that we value the first meeting with in-laws~"

"You can't take it seriously! Haven't we all discussed it? The economic situation of the son-in-law's family is quite different from that of ours. We try to dress generously and decently, and don't make it too expensive, or the family will sit and eat together. , Isn't it putting pressure on others then?"

Tang Shuyun clapped his hands and said, "Oh, I patronized my dressing up. If I forget this, then I'll change another one."


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