Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:19 AM

Chapter 155: What the **** is my husband up to? Yan Bingxue, jealous of me ha

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"The strongest dad: Sign in 100 million at the start! (

Today’s dinner was too late, everyone was a little hungry, and there was not much chat at the table. Although Yan Bingxue had no small emotions, it can be seen that Su Chen has not mentioned the WeChat thing, but still has some doubts.

She sent several WeChat messages, did her husband not see them, or did she see them but didn't say anything?

With this doubt in his heart, until he returned to the bedroom after eating, Su Chen was really tired today. As soon as he entered the room, he urged Yan Bingxue to take a bath.

"Wife, it's late, go take a shower~"

Yan Bingxue originally wanted to ask about WeChat, but Su Chen got her pajamas ready and could only take the clothes into the bathroom.

When his wife went to take a bath, Su Chen was bored alone, so he took out the phone that he hadn't read much all day, and when he opened it, he found a few unread WeChat messages. When he opened it, they were all sent by Yan Bingxue.

Seeing her lunch at noon, Su Chen's mouth raised slightly.

When Yan Bingxue came out of the shower, Su Chen immediately walked up and hugged his wife.

Yan Bingxue was startled, blushing to push the person away, but when he thought it was Su Chen, his hands turned to rest on his chest again.

"Husband, what are you doing? I have already taken a shower, you haven't taken a shower yet~"

Su Chen looked at his wife and said softly: "My wife, I'm sorry."

"En?" Yan Bingxue looked up at him suspiciously, not knowing why he apologized.

Su Chen immediately said: "I just looked at my phone and found that my wife sent me several WeChat messages today, but I didn't see it during the day, and didn't immediately reply to my wife~ I even made my wife not wait until I had dinner at noon. I really shouldn't~"

The last little temper in Yan Bingxue's heart has now disappeared.

She pursed her pink lips and said, "It's okay, husband, I know you are busy with work. I did care a little when you didn't say it, but since you have explained everything, of course I won't take it to heart. ~"

"Okay, husband, you've been tired all day, go take a shower, let's go to bed early at night~"

Su Chen nodded and said touchedly: "Well~ my wife is so kind, gentle and considerate, love you, wife~"

Su Chen quickly kissed her, and then rushed into the bathroom.

Yan Bingxue stood at the door with blushing cheeks, she couldn't help but smiled without catching anyone.

The next day, the two went to work together as usual. The little unhappiness yesterday seemed to have passed.

Today Su Chen told Yan Bingxue before they parted in the morning.

"My wife, I may be busy with mecha business recently. Most of the time I should be at the Long Academy of Sciences, so you don't have to wait for me to eat together at noon, just let the chef prepare you alone~"

Yan Bingxue nodded, but still couldn't help but said, "Husband, you have to eat lunch when you are busy at work. If you are not on Chaofan Group, then I will ask the chef to send lunch to the Long Academy of Sciences, right?"

Su Chen squeezed her little hand, and said, "No need for my wife~ I understand what my wife thinks of me, but this is too troublesome, and Yuan Lao Ting from the Long Academy of Sciences takes care of me and gives it to me every day. I prepared lunch alone. It’s not the Chaofan Group. After all, it’s a place of work. I don’t want to be too special."

Yan Bingxue felt that what he said also made sense, so she compromised.

"Okay, then you must remember to eat on time."

"Yes~" Su Chen said with a salute.

Yan Bingxue was amused by him, and when the two were separated, they were in a good mood.

But this good mood didn't last long. After Su Chen worked overtime for several days and often didn't go home until 12 o'clock, Yan Bingxue couldn't help but feel a little bored.

Today Su Chen went to work overtime again, and Yan Bingxue held the phone in his hand and stayed on the WeChat chat interface with Su Chen.

The last WeChat message was sent by Su Chen when he was about to get off work in the afternoon, saying that he had to work overtime tonight and should go home late. Yuan Lao prepared dinner for him and told his family not to wait for him.

Yan Bingxue looked at the time, it was already ten to forty, and Su Chen hadn't come back.

She threw the phone aside irritably, got into the quilt and covered her head.

Why is my husband so busy all of a sudden? Now, the time she sees Su Chen every day is so short. Two nights before, Su Chen didn’t go home until 11 o’clock at night. Although she was waiting for Su Chen, the two of them couldn’t say a word after coming back, waiting for Su Chen. She was almost asleep when she came out of the shower!

This is different from what Yan Bingxue expected before!

I originally thought that after the two of them had decided on the wedding date, the next busy theme in the family should be the wedding a month later. She and Su Chen have to go to work. They must be busy with the wedding while working. They go to work every day and night. Go home and discuss the details of the wedding.

But now Su Chen works overtime every night, and he doesn't come back until very late. The two of them can't say a few words, let alone discuss the details of the wedding. Everything seems to be busy between the parents on both sides.

Although Yan Bingxue feels that they really can’t help much with the In terms of customs, they still make decisions for their parents. Both parents are here, and they must be more experienced in helping prepare for the wedding, but Su Chen also You can’t always go home so late. The two of them got married for such a short period of time. It takes more time every day to cultivate the relationship~

Don't talk about cultivating relationships now, even the normal life of couples at night has been affected!

"Ding Ding~"

I don't know which corner of the bed was thrown into the mobile phone suddenly heard the sound of WeChat, Yan Bingxue got out of the quilt excitedly, quickly found the phone, and opened it to see that it was the WeChat from Su Chen.

She opened happily, but after seeing the contents, her pretty face suddenly turned into bitter gourd again.

Su Chen: "Wife~ Don't wait for me tonight, I may come home a little later, you have to go to work tomorrow, go to bed early at night, good night, I love you~"

Yan Bingxue roared up to the sky and screamed: "What I love you, it's all fake!"

If Su Chen really loves her, how could he come home so late every night? Now, actually, two people can't even meet before going to bed!

What kind of newlywed Yaner is this? It's not even as good as an old husband and wife!

The parents downstairs have to go out for a walk and chat together after dinner every day~ But now it is difficult for me to see Su Chen.

In the past few days, Su Chen has been running at the Dragon Academy of Sciences and the Chaofan Group. Sometimes he went directly to the Academy of Dragon Sciences in the morning. Originally, the two of them could still go to work together, but Su Chen went to the Academy of Dragon Sciences and they went to work The route is also different, and even the only chance to get along is gone!

Yan Bingxue felt very uncomfortable, and said to herself annoyedly: "Smelly Su Chen! Bad Su Chen!"

"Is work really that important! Is it more important than wives and children!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!