Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:17 AM

Chapter 158: Better than newlyweds

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"The strongest dad: Sign in 100 million at the start! (

"Su Chen hasn't come back yet?" Yan Bingxue asked.

Assistant Zhang didn't need to go over and ask at all, because she ordered the assistants in the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering to tell them to watch them at any time. As long as Su Chen came back, she would call her immediately, no matter what, even if it was a meeting.

But the phone hasn't moved, and Su Chen must have not returned yet.

"Yes, President, Mr. Su is still at the Long Academy of Sciences."

Yan Bingxue waved his hand irritably, "I see, go out!"

Zhang Tezhu didn't dare to stay for more than a second. He ran out for fear of staying for another second, and closed the door of the office so that Yan Bingxue could digest his emotions by himself.

Yan Bingxue took a few steps irritably, looked at the silent phone on the table, frowning her eyebrows fiercely.

Su Chen just put the appearance of the mecha in his storage room, and happily took the phone and sent a message to Yan Bingxue.

"My beautiful and generous wife~ what are you doing?"

As soon as Yan Bingxue heard the sound, she immediately picked up the phone. When she saw these words, the corners of her mouth rose, but she immediately pressed it down by herself and snorted softly.

Humph! People don’t come back, but the mouth is very sweet~

She is not such a coaxing woman!

Yan Bingxue took the phone and replied.

"At work, just after the meeting, I will be busy for a while."

Humph~ Not only you are very busy, I am also very busy~

Su Chen saw these words, but didn't realize his wife's little emotions. He continued happily and said, "Wife~ Are you busy at noon?"

Yan Bingxue saw that she wanted to immediately reply that she was very busy, but when she looked at this sentence carefully, she quickly deleted the typed words.

Husband asked her if she was busy, did she want to have lunch with her?

She hasn't eaten with her husband for several days...

If you say you are busy, will your husband stop asking her for dinner because you are considerate of her?

If by any chance I said I was not busy, and found out that my husband just asked casually, it would be very shameless!

After experiencing a violent heart struggle, in the end, longing took the upper hand. Yan Bingxue felt that although she was a little bit scared, it would be worth it if she could see her husband~

Yan Bingxue: "Fortunately, I should be able to finish before noon."

Su Chen: "That's great~ I can just take a break at noon today. I'll go back to the company and take you out for lunch~"

Seeing these words, Yan Bingxue jumped up on the spot excitedly, and immediately returned to seriousness after the jump, and looked around with blushing cheeks.

She found out that it was in her own office, and that Zhang Tezhu had closed the door when she went out. No one would see what she had done just now, so she was relieved.

Yan Bingxue: "I'll ask Xiao Zhang about my noon arrangements, but it should be possible to have dinner together. Wait for me."

After she sent this message, she did not ask Assistant Zhang at all. Since she was with Su Chen, she knew everything about her schedule every day, because she wanted to make time to get along with her husband at any time, so she would understand first. If there is a time conflict in your own schedule, you should resolve it early.

So at noon she knew that she had time, but thinking of what Su Chen had done these days, she decided to give Su Chen a little nervousness.

After waiting for three or four minutes, Yan Bingxue finally couldn't help it, and replied to Su Chen, "Xiao Zhang said that there is nothing serious about noon, then come over, let's go out for dinner."

"Okay~ my wife, you are waiting for me at the company, and I will pick you up in a while~ I will order the restaurant~ I haven't taken a good look at my wife in the past few days. Let me prepare everything for my wife at noon today. ~"

The corners of Yan Bingxue's mouth floated upward again, and she hurriedly mumbled and said in a low voice.

"Humph~ You know you haven't done well these days!"

"Look at your performance at noon today. If you perform well, I will forgive you this time in front of you~"

Yan Bingxue finished speaking and looked at the time. It was already eleven o'clock. After get off work at twelve o'clock, the old public car came over for half an hour.

She has to prepare quickly~

Zhang Tezhu, who had just breathed a sigh of relief outside, suddenly received an internal call, and immediately returned to the president's office tremblingly.

But when she opened the door and came in, she didn't see Yan Bingxue sitting there with a cold face. She looked around in the office and didn't see Yan Bingxue's person.

"President?" Zhang Tezhu yelled softly, not daring to speak loudly.

"I'm in the lounge, come in."

Zhang Tezhu walked into the lounge doubtfully and saw a few sets of clothes on the bed over there. Yan Bingxue was holding two sets in his hands, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and gesturing on her body.

Zhang Tezhu looked confused.

What is the president doing?

Good job, why did you come back suddenly to change clothes?

She couldn't help but took out her phone to check it out, and there was no missed call!

"President Yan, are you looking for me?"

Yan Bingxue said without looking back, "Well, I remember the last time I asked you to make a few new skirts for me. I didn't see them in the cabinet just now. Where are those clothes? Didn't you keep them in my office? "

"At the president of, the skirts have been kept in your lounge after they were taken back, but because they are new, they have not been hung up. They are folded and placed over there. In the drawer, do you need me to take it out for you?"

"Well, take it out."

Zhang Tezhu went to get his clothes, and Yan Bingxue opened the skirts and placed them on her body to continue gestures.

Zhang Tezhu looked at it for a moment, and blurted out: "President, when did you like these brightly colored skirts?"

On weekdays, Yan Bingxue's clothes are very generous and decent, usually in black, white and gray three-color high-definition suits, which are very suitable for her to attend various commercial activities.

Zhang Tezhu has not seen Yan Bingxue wear it since he met Yan Bingxue.

In fact, Yan Bingxue did not wear this type of skirt for several years, but when he took Su Chen home that day, the two of them looked at the past photo album together. Su Chen saw that Yan Bingxue was wearing this type of dress before. Little skirt, she was very beautiful at that time~

Yan Bingxue remembered that sentence in her heart at that time. She also felt that she was a bit too serious and old-fashioned in wearing such a well-defined professional suit every day. There were indeed no more everyday fashions in the closet.

So after returning, she asked Zhang Tezhu to order a few such small skirts.

However, Su Chen was too busy recently, and she was not happy in her heart, so she forgot about it.

Just thinking about going out for dinner with Su Chen at noon, and when I wanted to dress up and choose clothes, I thought of these little skirts.

Yan Bingxue listened to Assistant Zhang's words and compared it to her with a water-blue skirt. She turned around and asked, "Isn't it good-looking for me to wear such an everyday skirt?"

Zhang Tezhu was taken aback for a moment, his eyes almost staring.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!