Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:03 AM

Chapter 169: Fairy family~

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The teacher of    middle class couldn’t help sighing: “My God, how do I feel that the road in front of our park has become a red carpet for stars to walk on?”

As soon as the voice fell, Su Chen Yan Bingxue had already reached his eyes with the two children, and the principal respectfully reached out and shook hands with Su Chen.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, you are here."

The first thing after    Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le changed their names to the kindergarten to correct their names. Therefore, the principal knew Su Chen's surname and appropriately called Yan Bingxue Mrs. Su.

Yan Bingxue nodded politely, with a slight smile on her always cold face.

The female teachers all had expressions of being fascinated. The teachers in the middle and large classes couldn’t help but say to Tuan Tuan Le Le: “Tuan Tuan Le Le~ your parents look so good~ No wonder you are so cute~”

Tuan Tuan Le Le is very happy today. On the one hand, it is the first time to participate in the school’s parent-child activities. On the other hand, I think my parents are by my side~

They can finally participate in this activity with their parents like other kids~

The principal looked at their family with a smile, and was surprised to discover something.

"Mrs. Su, I found that your Jia Lele and Mr. Su really look alike, while Tuan Tuan is more like you. These two children have inherited the advantages of their parents perfectly, and they must be handsome and beautiful when they grow up. "

The parents also discovered this.

Tuantuan and Lele have been in kindergarten for a year, and everyone knows a little bit about the situation of the two children.

Tuan Tuan Le Le’s father has never appeared before, and the teacher has never mentioned it. Everyone thinks Tuan Tuan Le Le is the baby of a single-parent family.

Even if they just heard that Tuan Tuan Lele’s father is coming today, they think it’s a stepdad.

After all, Yan Bingxue's strength is amazing, it is easy to find a handsome stepdad for the children.

But seeing their family standing together at this time, many parents were puzzled.

This looks like it's his own!

Among the crowd, some parents still feel a little sour.

"Unexpectedly, Tuan Tuan Le Le has such a rich family, but their father has never been here before, and the children only appeared when they were three years old. Isn't it because the relationship between husband and wife is not very good?"

"I heard that the marriages of rich people are quite complicated. On the surface they look glamorous. In fact, the two people come home like strangers. They are together for profit. Should Tuan Tuan and Lele's parents? Will it be the same?"

Lili’s father glanced at the cheating parents next to him, and couldn’t help but retort: ​​“Tuan Tuan and Lele have a better relationship with their father!”

"My husband and I often took the children to the riverside for fun and barbecue during the two weekends. Last time I ran into the Tuan Tuan Le Le family. Mr. Su was very good to the two children and the children and him were very close. It was because of their mother. I was at work, so I didn’t come, but I still had a video call on the way, and the family is very good!"

"My dad is right~ The father of Tuan Tuan Le Le is super good~ The cooking is also delicious. I like the barbecue that Uncle Su grills the most. It's better than my dad's grill~"

Lily and Tuantuan have become good friends completely since the last incident, so she can't help but speak for her good friend when she sees others talking about their home.

The somewhat sour parent saw Su Chen and Yan Bingxue holding hands, and couldn't say anything to refute, and smiled awkwardly.

The other parents have knocked expressions. Originally, Su Chen’s family’s appearance was already very bad. Now I heard that their family also went to the riverside barbecue on weekends and their feelings were so good. It’s really amazing. People are very envious~

"Xiao Tuan Tuan and Xiao Lele are too happy, rich and beautiful, and the relationship is still so close. It's really a fairy family~"


The principal greeted Su Chenyan Bingxue in, and he left soon. Before leaving, he told the teacher that he must run the activity well.

The teacher of the small class nodded, and went on stage to talk with excitement. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue also found their seats and sat down, and Tuan Tuan and Lele happily distributed the gifts bought by their parents to the children.

After a while, every child received a gift. The boys are blue and the girls are pink. The patterns on each are different. The children don’t know how to play when they get the wristband. Demonstrate to them happily.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became alive. The sound of "Papa Papa" was endless. Every child wore a wristband on his hand, which looked super harmonious.

The teacher on the stage gratefully glanced at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue over there~

woo woo~ Can such a fairy parent give her a shot? If every parent is so considerate, then her activities will definitely be more relaxed and enjoyable!

The children got the gifts they wanted, and they all said thank you to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue over there, and the surrounding parents also took the initiative to chat with them.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, you are so polite, and you have prepared gifts for the children. We all came empty-handed, so I'm a little embarrassed~"

Yan Bingxue smiled and said: "Orange, my husband and I have been busy at work before, so this is our first time to participate in an activity in the park. Parents have already said hello before, but we are still a newcomer. That’s why I wanted to use a small gift to get closer, I hope you like it~"

"I like it, my child likes it, you see how good she plays~ Mom Tuan Tuan, you and Dad Tuan Tuan are so careful~ By the way, have you added our class group? We parents are all in it, in the future If there is anything, we can contact in the group."

Yan Bingxue said: "Added, the teacher said this at the beginning, I have always been in the group."

Cheng Cheng’s mother lowered her voice and said, “Mother Tuantuan, it’s not the group that the teacher pulled, but the small group built by our parents. It’s all our mothers. Sometimes it’s not easy to be in front of some things in school. The teacher said, everyone has a small discussion group themselves, shall I bring you in?"

Yan Bingxue was a little surprised. I didn't expect that the little gift her husband prepared would be so useful. All of a sudden, the parents opened their hearts to them.

The meaning of this parent group is completely different~

Yan Bingxue nodded, took out his mobile phone immediately, and was quickly drawn into the group.

When everyone saw her coming in, they immediately bowed their heads and chatted on their phones.

"Thank you Tuan Tuan mother for the gift to my child~"

"The parents of Tuan Tuan Le Le are so caring~"


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