Published at 21st of December 2021 09:37:01 AM

Chapter 170: 1st mat h

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The words of thanks at the beginning, but gradually changed later.

"Mom Tuantuan, you look so beautiful~ Although I sit a little far away, but from here, your skin is good~ Can you share your skin care products?"

"Mom Tuantuan, your lipstick is also super nice, can you share the color number?"


Yan Bingxue seems to suddenly know why mothers have to pull a group of parents alone, because the content of their chat is really difficult for the children’s fathers and teachers in the school to observe~


After a pleasant opening, the teacher on the stage began to talk about today’s game session.

This kind of parent-child activity, the most important thing is the game link, which is an activity organized by the school for parents and children to entertain together.

And babies can also fight for the little red flowers in these games, and win the honor with mom and dad.

At this point, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little serious and tense.

Although the parents of the babies have a very good chat, it does not affect their desire to win in this session~

There is a chubby parent over there who is already "speaking ruthlessly", "Parents, we want to say okay, today's game is pure entertainment, children and parents who lose later can't cry~ Haha~"

Of course, this is for the children to hear, but it is also to tell the parents that he will work hard next, no matter whether he wins or loses, he still hopes that it will not affect the children's feelings.

Another parent immediately followed and said: "Okay~ Friendship is the first, the match is the second, but the match is the match. When we are on the field, we are the competitors. Parents, please cheer!"

The children were also excited by this atmosphere.

"Come on! I want so many little red flowers!"

Tuan Lele excitedly took Su Chen and Yan Bingxue's hands, and whispered: "Baba~ we want to work hard together!"

Teacher saw how intense the audience was, and said with a smile on the stage: "It seems that parents and children are ready, then let's start our first game session~"

"The first game, called the two-person three-legged game, is a very classic parent-child game in our kindergarten. I believe that many parents have already understood the rules of this game, but the children may not understand it very well, so let our teacher Give a demonstration for the kids~"

The teachers of the middle class and the large class began to show the children how to play the three-legged game. Tuan Tuan and Lele watched the whispering whispers below.

Lele said: "Sister, don’t forget our main task today~ Although Xiao Honghua is very important, the relationship between Baba and Ma Ma is even more important! Today our main goal is to make Baba and Ma Ma reconcile. , As for the winning or losing of the game, it can only be ranked second!"

Tuantuan nodded vigorously: "I know, cluck~ Don't worry, I will work hard to create opportunities for Baba Ma Ma~"

"But giggle~ I think these two things can be done together. We can get the first place, and we can play and cultivate our feelings~"

Lele thought about it, it seemed that this was the truth, so he smiled and said, "Okay, then we have to work harder later. We have to get the first place, but also make Baba and Ma Ma match up. Good~"

"Yeah~ Come on~"

Su Chen went to the sky to draw lots. What he got was the duel of the second group. There were also four other families who also got the second group.

Among them is the thinner dad who just started talking. His family is a little girl. She looks very similar to her dad. She is a bit thin, with slightly higher cheekbones, and a pair of Danfeng eyes slightly raised.

This kind of aspect is more than in the hope of winning, so before going on the court, their family has already chatted.

The little girl took her father's hand and acted like a baby: "Dad, you have to cheer later, our family wants the first place! I want little red flower~"

The little girl’s father touched his daughter’s head and raised his head proudly and said, “Xinxin, don’t worry, Dad will definitely cheer, but Dad’s height is a little bit taller, and you and mother may not be able to keep up later Dad's pace!"

Their voices are not low, and the parents around can hear them. They can’t help but look over there. The little girl’s father is indeed not short. It is estimated that he is in his early 1.8 meters, and the little girl’s mother is actually It's not too short, with a height of 1.6 meters.

But when her father said so proud of his anger, he was obviously worried that his wife and children would be dragged down, and he said that he was a long leg.

A parent next to him really couldn’t hear him, so he smiled and said, “Daddy Xinxin, I don’t think you need to worry about height. The fathers of other people’s Tuan Tuan and Lele kids are a bit taller than you, and Tuan Tuan and Lele are still two children playing together. They are a group of 4 people. We are three people. We already have the advantage~"

Xinxin’s father looked at it with a somewhat rude look in his eyes. Their family’s financial conditions were pretty good. His father started his own business and his mother was a full-time wife. So when he was at home, Xinxin’s father was the head of the family. He is very machismo, so I just said something like that just And he is usually busy with work, and probably doesn’t have time to participate in children’s activities, but he always comes every time. In order to show my strength and superiority in front of all the children and parents, I didn’t expect that today’s Tuan Tuan and Lele’s parents came and drove such a good car. Xinxin’s father suddenly felt like he was Face slapped.

In addition, Su Chen is handsome and strict, and Bingxue is so beautiful. He is both angry and jealous in his heart. This time he just got a group with Su Chen and the others, thinking that he must have beaten Su Chen in this game. Row!

Therefore, what he said was also directed at the first place.

"I didn't say that we don't have the advantage, but we are all playing with the children~ One child and two children play the same way. We played this game at home, so today, I am afraid I am sorry everyone~ This little red flower, Xinxin has taken care of it!"

The other parents were unhappy, and they said: "This hasn't started to compare yet, Xinxin's father, are you too confident?"

Xinxin’s father said proudly: “Our family will definitely get the first place. For games like this, we often play with our children when we are at home. Don’t you play with them when you are at home?”

What the other parents are saying is a bit speechless.


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