Published at 21st of December 2021 09:36:44 AM

Chapter 183: Qian heng provokes dis ord

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The atmosphere in the dining hall was fiery, but the back kitchen over there had a bitter look at Su Chen fiercely.

This person is Su Chen's high school classmate Qian Cheng.

He was peeling onions in the back kitchen at the moment, making his nose and tears, his original chubby face, his facial features became even more ugly.

"Su Chen, bastard! It's all because of you that I ended up like this!"

Originally, Qian Cheng's father wanted to get him into the Academy of Dragon Sciences, but he offended Su Chen at the door last time. Yuan Lao said, Qian Cheng's father didn't dare to do anything anymore.

Qian Cheng didn't give up, so he refused to find another job. He had to enter the Long Academy of Sciences. In the end, Qian had no choice but to use his relationship and tried his best to get him into the cafeteria.

Qian Cheng was angry, but he couldn't help it.

I started with a small job in the cafeteria. At any rate, I entered the Academy of Dragon Sciences. When I was fine, I could study eavesdropping, and maybe I would be able to enter the research department upstairs in the future.

This is the curve to save the country!

But if there is no Su Chen, he doesn't have to take such a detour at all!

So now seeing Su Chen being surrounded by everyone in praise, Qian Cheng was so angry that the onion in his hand was crushed.

"I can't just forget it!"

"I must make Su Chen look good!"

Qian Cheng stood up abruptly, and saw that everyone was busy, so he sneaked out.


Li Jianhao came out of Yuan Lao's office, and the smile on his face disappeared as soon as he turned around.

He walked quickly to the elevator, his heart exploded.

But it is still within the surveillance range, and Li Jianhao is not good at it. When he was in the elevator, he had been holding back his anger and being polite, but when he reached the safe passage on the first floor, he couldn't help it.

hit the wall with a fist.

"What a **** genius! Long Academy's vision is really too low!"


He originally thought that with his resume, returning from abroad to the Long Science Academy in the Long Kingdom, he should receive the best treatment. Today, he came here specially wearing the most expensive suit, originally thinking that he would be placed in the best office. But Yuan Lao just said that the best office and private work cabin have been given to others!

also said that the opponent is a genius in mecha!

What **** genius? Can he be better than him, a returnee?

Sure enough, the domestic vision of science and technology is still too bad. Anyone can make the dean of the Long Academy of Sciences an eye-opener!

If it wasn't for... Damn!

I didn't expect that the first day I had just returned to work, it would be so bad.

"Boom boom boom." The sudden sound made Li Jianhao, who had just become angry at his own heart, startled.

"Who!" he shouted vigilantly.

Qian Cheng walked in from the door with a dogleg smile on his face.

"Hello, you are Mr. Li, the new returnee researcher from the Chinese Academy of Chinese Academy of Sciences today, right?" Qian Cheng asked, bending his waist, his eyes admiringly.

Li Jianhao immediately tidied up his clothes, then put on a polite look, "I’m Li Jianhao, are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am also a staff member of the Academy of Long Sciences, my name is Qian Cheng, and my father is an old academician Qian Cheng." Qian Cheng introduced.

Li Jianhao immediately changed his face and smiled and caught the hand Qian Cheng handed over. "Hello, Mr. Qian, I am reporting on the first day today. I am not very familiar with the colleagues of the Long Science Academy. I didn't recognize it. Sorry. ."

He thought that Qian Cheng and his son were both staff members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Well, I just..." He was a little worried that Qian Cheng would hear about his anger.

Qian Cheng heard this and said immediately: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I didn't hear anything just now."

Li Jianhao nodded with a smile, and offered Qian Cheng a cigarette.

Qian Cheng chatted with him between the clouds and the fog.

"Mr. Li, I heard that you are a talent returning from overseas. I have always been curious about you before, but now that I see you in person, it is simply amazing!"

"I heard that you almost made a real fighter mech when you were abroad. It is really a light of the Dragon Kingdom that a talent like you can come to our Long Science Academy! It's a pity..."

Li Jianhao was exaggerated by praise, suddenly heard a turning point, and couldn't help asking: "What a pity?"

Qian Cheng slapped his mouth twice and said, "Unfortunately, you came too late. Now our Academy of Long Sciences has made a mess of smoke!"

"Not long ago, a young man from our Long Academy of Sciences came, speaking of him as my classmate, but I really can’t flatter him for his ability level. I just don’t know why Mr. Yuan likes him so much and arranged the best for him. The studio actually has a single-person working cabin, which is unique in the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"

"But now Mr. Li is here, these should be given to Mr. Li!" Qian Cheng had been looking at Li Jianhao's face when he said this. Seeing that his expression was not very good, he immediately knew that he had guessed correctly.

Just when I heard Li Jianhao get angry and talk about a **** genius, he guessed that it must be Su Chen's business!

He has no chance to fight Su Chen now, but Li Jianhao is different, he is a returnee!

Maybe, Li Jianhao can get Su Chen out of the Academy of Dragon Sciences, when his father works harder, he can enter the Academy of Dragon Sciences and become a researcher!

Li Jianhao was unhappy, and he didn't show it on his face. He smiled and said, "After all, they came first, and Yuan Lao also said that he is a genius, so these things are what he deserves~www.novelhall .com~What deserves it? Others don’t know, Su Chen and I are classmates, don’t you know? This Su Chen is the same age as me, just graduated from college this year, and do you know? He went to college When I studied car design, I have nothing to do with mecha!"

"The most important thing is that he went to a university with a broken three books. How can such a person be a genius in mecha? I don't know what kind of ecstasy he has given to Yuan Yuan. He is in the Long Science Academy every day. I can’t stand it anymore!"

Qian Cheng said with a look of contempt. He carefully observed Li Jianhao's expression and continued: "Mr. Li, it will be fine if you are here. Maybe you can become the hero who saves our Dragon Academy! Technology is definitely not as good as abroad. I have done a lot of research in mecha over the years, but there is no key breakthrough. Su Chen just knows a little bit of fur, so he baffled the Long Academy of Sciences."

"But I believe that after you come, everyone will find that you are the best! Su Chen knows that, and it is definitely incomparable to you."

After hearing Qian Cheng's words, Li Jianhao became more unconvinced in his heart.

The best things were given to this man named Su Chen. He was originally dissatisfied, and now he heard that Su Chen is a brat who graduated from three colleges. How can he be convinced?


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