Published at 21st of December 2021 09:36:37 AM

Chapter 188: Su's father and Su's mother went ba k to his hometown to post an invitation~

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Su Chen worked here for the Long Academy of Sciences all afternoon. When he got off work in the evening, he saw his car just downstairs.

After getting in the car, Su Chen looked at Yan Bingxue in surprise and asked, "Wife, did you come to pick me up today?"

"What's your tone? Haven't I been picking you up every day in the past few days? There is nothing unexpected today!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Su Chen hugged her shoulders and said softly, "Isn’t I happy? My wife’s good friend came back today. I thought you had a meal at noon, and you want to play together after get off work in the evening. I thought I was going to be by myself today. I went home, but I didn’t expect that in my wife’s heart, I was still the first most important~"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were greasy and crooked in the back seat, and Zhang Te, who was driving in front, looked ahead without squinting.

In the past few days, she has eaten enough dog food in this car, and now she is able to stop her heart.

She hopes that such days can continue, and that the president and Mr. Su will not quarrel again, so as not to endanger Chi Yu, as long as they can be loving and harmonious, even if she sprinkles dog food in front of her every day, she is happy in her heart~

Yan Bingxue blushed with shame, and Xiaofenquan lightly hit Su Chen on the shoulder, "Don't be serious all day~ Yuxin has a date tonight, even if I want to be with her, she is not willing Come with me~"

"I guess she and her male **** have already seen it by now, and I have already threw this friend of mine out of the sky~"

Su Chen asked suspiciously: "Male god? Wife, didn't you say that Miss Su is single? And he has been abroad all these years, because he hasn't made much progress in work and relationships, so he went abroad to avoid his parents. Why is there an extra male **** now?"

Su Chen doesn’t care about Gu Yuxin’s affairs. He just sits with his wife. Always find a topic to talk about. Friends who talk about his wife’s wife should be more interested~

Yan Bingxue said: "This matter is a long story, but I only found out today. In fact, Yuxin returned to China three days ago. It was because she met this male **** that she never came to me. Originally, I was today. I wanted to ask them to have dinner together. We met together. I said before that I would introduce you to the two of you. But today, it seems that Yuxin, who took the initiative to make an appointment, wants two people to be alone. I didn’t agree. Let’s do it next time. Find a chance to eat together~"

Su Chen nodded, "Yes, now Miss Gu is back to China anyway, we will have the opportunity to meet in the future, you two have such a good relationship, I also wanted to meet your good girlfriend at the time, after all, I will be us when the time comes. The bridesmaid~"

The two continued to chat, but didn't talk about Gu Yuxin again. They talked about work and other things along the way, and they got home.

Tuantuan and Lele have been picked up by Su's parents and Su's mother. As soon as they entered the house, they ran over happily.

Su Ma was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Yan Bingxue wanted to steal the teacher and to make her mother-in-law happy, so she changed her clothes and went to the kitchen to help.

Papa Su and Su Chen watch TV with their two children in the living room.

Papa Su said to Su Chen: "Son, I want to discuss something with you."

"My mother and I thought about it. You and your daughter-in-law will have a wedding in 20 days. My mother and I have no relatives, but my friends have been taking good care of our family over the years. We It’s time to go back after having been here for so long, so I thought about posting a wedding message this time, and we personally went back and shouted."

Su Chen heard it and nodded immediately, "It's okay, Mom and Dad, although our family has no relatives, but your friends, my uncles and aunts, have treated me well from childhood. This time we must get them married. Please come over, I can’t walk away from work here, you can help me tell my uncles and aunts when the time comes, and I will treat them well when I wait for the wedding!"

"Haha, no problem, Chenchen, you are getting married. Those uncles and aunts are happy. I have been in Zhonghai with your mother recently. They always call and send videos to inquire. They are happy to know about your marriage. It’s terrible. They all say that they will come to your wedding at that time. Don’t worry. When your mother and I get back, we will definitely bring your words!"

"But if your mother and I leave, will it be a little inconvenient for you? You and Bingxue have been busy with work recently, and don’t have time to pick up the children from school. Or else, you should take the group first during this period of time. Shall He Lele send it to grandpa and grandma's house?"

"Your mother and I shouldn't be going back for too long. We will be back in a week, and we will just wait for us to come back and pick up the two children."

Su Chen listened to his father's words and thought for a while and said: "I don't have any opinion on this matter, but I still have to discuss with Bingxue. After all, although the father-in-law and mother-in-law have nothing to do, they don't know if their husband and wife have any other plans. I will ask about Bingxue later, and I will tell you after discussing it!"

After dinner, Su Chen told Yan Bingxue about it.

Yan Bingxue said immediately: "Yes, my dad has been fine since he retired from the company. My mother has always been a full-time wife. The two of them were fine at home. If you send Tuan Tuan and Lele over, They will definitely be very happy!"

"Okay, then let's settle it like Later you call your father-in-law and mother-in-law and tell them about this matter. Tomorrow, after we put our parents in the car, we will send the two Send a child to his father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

"En~" Yan Bingxue nodded.


The next morning, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue asked for leave. Tuan Tuan and Lele did not go to the kindergarten either. The family sent Su's father and mother to the newly built train station in Zhonghai.

Su Chen’s hometown is Xinyue Town in Zhonghai. This is a small town with a long cultural history. It used to be a prosperous saltworks. However, because of its relatively remote location, not many people know about it. I have filmed a movie there in recent years. The movie has been popular for a while, and it has slowly developed. Now it is a small town.

The high-speed train was opened last year, and now it’s much easier to pass from Zhonghai.

Su’s father and Su’s mother were on the train when they came, but when they went back, Su Chen bought them a business seat for the high-speed train. mouth.

Tuantuan and Lele were crying reluctantly with two small faces, pulling their grandparents' clothes and not wanting them to leave.

"Woo~ Tuantuan doesn't want to be separated from grandparents~"

"Baba~ Our family is so big, can't our grandparents live in our house?"


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