Published at 21st of December 2021 09:36:04 AM

Chapter 213: Su hen and Un le look a little like

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At twelve o'clock in the night, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue in the hotel had already embraced and slept with each other, dreaming wonderful dreams.

Lucas's side, but just came out of the hotel.

He didn't see the night's glamour from the bottom of his body. His clothes were crumpled, especially the collar. It seemed that he had been pulled for a long time, his tie was crooked, and his well-groomed hairstyle was messed up into a chicken coop.

He was arrested backstage by the organizer since the night, and many staff came forward to appease the public and calmed the anger, but he was naturally criticized for arousing public anger.

This time Teer was able to assist the host, but the old chairman did a lot of power behind his back, but all of this has nothing to do with Lucas. Facing this troubled second generation ancestor, the host is not at all polite.

It was a good criticism, and I almost started his hand on the spot. Fortunately, the assistant stopped by the side, otherwise Lucas would have to come out from inside at this time.

But it’s not over yet. Just after he came out, before Lucas could breathe a sigh of relief, the assistant said, "President, let’s go home right now. The old chairman is still at home waiting for you to go back."

The old man can figure out what he wants to do when he goes back at this time, even with his toes.

Unexpectedly, I was scolded by the organizer just now, and I guess I will have a family meal when I go home later!

"Damn!" Lucas yelled angrily, smashed the phone in his hand to the ground, and fell to pieces.

"This Su Chen is absolutely damnable!"

"President, don't get angry, let's go back quickly, it's not too early, the chairman has waited for a long time, I'm afraid it will make you even more angry."

"Can you shut up your mouth? Since yesterday, you have been babbling in my ears, who are you? I pay you to be by my side to help me do things, not for your father to see Follow me!"

The assistant dare not speak any more.

Lucas stomped angrily, "This **** Su Chen, I don't care what his origins are, but this time I have settled with his Liangzi!"

"I’m unlucky tonight, but at the auction tomorrow night, I will never let him get what he wants! Go and get all the funds in the company ready for me, and the money in my personal account. Give me everything. Come on, tomorrow I don't care what Su Chen needs to shoot, I will never let him get it!"

"This... President, is it necessary to ask the chairman for this matter? Your own funds can be used at will, but the company's working capital is related to the company's operation. If you want to use this money, do you have to Ask the chairman for instructions?"

"You forgot what I told you just now? I said that you are my person. If you don't want to see it, you can pack things up for me now. You can see if you leave me, the old man will not I will give you a bite of food!"

Lucas is completely angry now, he gritted his teeth viciously, thinking in his heart, this time it is impossible to make Su Chen proud anyway!

After losing his temper, Lucas got into the car and rushed to the old house for training overnight.

Their car had just drove out of the hotel, and suddenly they came out again. A group of people walking in front was an old man, and a young man stood beside him, holding his arm.

"Second grandfather, it's too early, should we go back to the hotel to rest?" the young man said.

The elder named Second Grandpa looked at the black car that Juechen was leaving, and suddenly turned around and said: "Xiaozhe, I saw it clearly just now, is that the man who appeared at the card table with Lucas? Your uncle looks alike?"

The young man remembered seriously, nodded and said: "Yes, Grandpa, although I haven't seen the uncle himself, there are still some photos of the uncle when he was young. The young man did grow up with the uncle just now. It's very similar, but the uncle has been gone for so many years after all, and now I don't know whether it is alive or dead..."

These two people are exactly the two from the Su family, the capital.

They were in the front hall before, but after hearing about what happened later, they went to see the excitement.

When I was watching the surveillance, I saw Su Chen sitting opposite Lucas.

The old man was stunned immediately, and the young man beside him took a breath.

The two looked at each other, and both seemed to know what the other party wanted to say.

They haven't left, until this matter is over, they come out with Lucas behind.

The old man said, "I asked you to send someone to check the information of that young man. Is there any news now?"

Su Zhe nodded, "I found it, but there may not be any information that my second uncle wants to know. The information of this young man is very mysterious. The official said that he is from the Su family of the imperial capital, but he didn't come with us. Ah, I sent someone to the Long Country to check it out and found that he was sent by the Long Science Academy. This information should also be forged, probably for the convenience of his identity fabricated by acting here."

"The Su family...Is there really such a coincidence in this world, Xiaozhe, if your uncle was still alive, he married a wife and had children back then, his son should be just this old, right?" the old man said.

Su Zhe didn’t know how to answer, but he still said: “Second grandfather, there is no information about Mr. Su from the Su I know you want to find uncle Su, but ask Su. Whether the husband is the uncle’s child is not certain. I am afraid that we have to wait until we return to the Dragon Kingdom before we check it out ourselves.

The second grandfather nodded and sighed: "Xiaozhe, your child is really getting more and more sensible, and he speaks well. You are right. Your uncle has been missing for so many years. We can't just rely on similarities. Just act recklessly."

"But if the young man is really your uncle's child, then he must be a very good young man. I just watched his performance in the monitoring system. It really looks like our Su family!" Grandpa II laughed. Said.

Su Zhe also smiled and said, "Second grandfather, if he is really a cousin, then we need another young talent in the Su family~"

"Yes, your uncle was in the imperial capital back then, and he was one of the best in the world. If he really had a son, he would definitely be as good as the young man just now."

"Let's go, let's go back today. We should still see Mr. Su at the auction meeting tomorrow night. Then we can take a look in person, maybe we can take a closer look!"

Su Zhe nodded, and helped the old man get into an extended luxury car.

The black car quickly disappeared into the night.


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