Published at 21st of December 2021 09:35:43 AM

Chapter 228: Su hen photographed it!

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Intermission for five minutes.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue sat in the box chatting.

"Husband, what do you mean by Twitter Group? Why did they suddenly call for a timeout? Do they want to film or not?" Yan Bingxue asked suspiciously.

Su Chen was also observing the Twitter group over there. He didn't answer his wife's words, and he was thinking about the whole thing in his heart.

This matter is obviously a bit weird. The invitation letter for the auction has been issued a few days ago. The Great Eagle Country also has representatives from the business world, but it is obviously not the five people sitting opposite today.

When Mr. Yuan called himself today, he said very clearly that the five members of the Twitter group only arrived today, and even the VIP seats were temporarily increased.

It seemed that they came temporarily after hearing some wind, but they hadn't said anything at the wheat meeting just now, and it was not until Lucas stepped down that they started bidding for the mining rights of the metal mine.

Obviously they didn't know what their goal was, and they didn't know that he was going to shoot the mining rights of this metal mine after watching the whole scene.

Since I don’t know why he came to compete with him for this mining right, what did the Twitter group hear?

There are strange things in this whole thing. It seems that after returning to China, I have to discuss the matter with Yuan Lao and the official.

After    opposite Rika raised the time-out sign, he went out to answer the phone.

She first reported the current situation at the auction with the other person. After the other party listened, she seemed a little melancholy.

"Unexpectedly, this price was actually auctioned as high as 1 billion. According to our tone, this lot is not worth the price. However, I have already called the above and applied for our activity fund this time. The top price is 2 billion, you can see the situation over there, don’t exceed this price."

"I see." Rika hung up the phone and returned to her position.

The auction will continue.

Rika continued to bid.

Su Chen didn't have any special reaction during the whole process, the price was raised again and again, but he didn't seem to put this matter in his eyes at all, just kept holding up signs.

Su Zhe saw this and discussed with the second master next to him.

"Second Grandpa, what's special about this new type of metal mine? Why is Mr. Su willing to spend such a large price to shoot it?"

The second master of Su's family smiled, glanced at the booklet in his hand, and whispered: "Azhe, this is obviously not something we can intervene, so let's just watch it quietly."

It's not because their Su family can't get the money, but because ordinary people can't control this thing.

"Yes, second grandpa."

The competition on the field continues.

Twitter Group and Su Chen held up cards one after another, and the audience in the audience was completely reduced to spectators.

More than a billion yuan of funds, this is not a small sum, and no ordinary businessman dares to participate in this competition.

The price was quickly raised to two billion.

Rika hesitated.

This kind of competition at auctions is very interesting. Originally, your desire for this thing was not that strong, but if someone has been competing with you, it will inevitably have a desire to win.

Rika now has this desire to win and lose, she looked straight at Su Chen on the opposite side, with a bit of anger in her eyes.

Now the price of the lot has reached 2 billion, and the upper level of the Twitter group approved them only 2 billion. Although they did not bring it like a swiping card, because there are standards on it, it is impossible for her to exceed 20. Billion still continues to bid.

Rika is not a desperate lunatic like Lucas.

Although the current situation made him feel very uncomfortable, she was absolutely impossible to violate the above meaning, so after shouting the price of 2 billion, Rika reached out and made a request to Su Chen on the opposite side.

The meaning of    is very clear, and the Twitter Group has given up this competition.

Su Chen finally obtained the mining right of a new type of metal mine at a price of 2.1 billion.

For Su Chen, this price is still within an acceptable range.

He originally thought that the price would be raised higher, but due to the addition of the Twitter group, the businessmen underneath did not dare to shoot at will. This saved him a lot of trouble.

And now it seems that the Twitter group should not be aware of the role of this metal mine, so the funds actually only approved two billion.

Yan Bingxue happily hugged Su Chen when he saw the host on stage making a final decision.

"Husband, we got it!"

Su Chen also smiled happily, "Yes, we got it. This time, I finally did not live up to the expectations of the Long Science Academy~"

"Husband, you are amazing!"

Su Chen smiled faintly, but this smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Because everything at the auction is just the beginning, maybe the real thrills are still to come.

Lucas was very upset when he saw that Su Chen had obtained this lot.

Although he had just told himself in his heart that no matter what the result, his goal was achieved. It was not so easy for Su Chen to get this lot. It cost 2.1 billion all at once. Money is not a small sum.

But when things came, Lucas still felt upset in his heart.

Even after spending money, Su Chen got what he wanted. This was different from what he thought at the beginning. He originally wanted Su Chen to get nothing today!

This is the same as the scene where he took Su Chen to the gambling scene last night. Originally, he wanted to see Su Chen ashamed, but in the end, he didn’t expect to steal the chicken and lose the rice. The shameful person didn’t tell him, and let Su Chen be in the auction It was all the limelight at the meeting.

can't do it! It is absolutely impossible for Su Chen to get this lot so easily.

The last finale on the stage has been taken to the stage. Many people are coming for this lot, so the competition is very But Lucas didn’t see Su Chen's actions, so he simply quietly Mimi went backstage.

Tommy, the metal mine discoverer in the background, just heard about the final price of the auction, and he was so excited that he almost fainted!

After    was helped by someone, he yelled frantically in the background happily.

"Great! I really didn't expect this new type of metal mine to be sold at such a high price!"

"I'm developed, hahaha!"

This Tommy is an ordinary entrepreneur. Before his family was a rich second-generation, but then because of poor management, the company closed down, all the money was lost, he also became a poor man from a group of 20. There is a barren mountain in the ancestral house.

This metal mine was discovered in a barren mountain. Everything was a coincidence. Originally, he had idealized how much the mining rights of this ore could sell. 20 million is enough for him, and at least he can continue to live it. The kind of happy life in the past.

So his original purpose was actually to sell all the mining of this ore, so as to get a generous reward and continue to live his leisurely life, but who would have thought that the mining rights could be sold for 2.1 billion? Such a high price!


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