Published at 21st of December 2021 09:35:07 AM

Chapter 253: Hold a party for the babies

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This weekend is of special significance to the Su family, because this is the first time that the Su family has organized a family gathering for two children.

Tuan Tuan and Lele got up very early today. They usually love bed very much. Tuan Tuan, who doesn’t want to get up on weekends, got up at 6 o’clock today, put on a beautiful Aisha princess dress, and happily went to wake up his brother. .

Ma Su has also got up, and is preparing breakfast for the family downstairs.

The villa was set up yesterday afternoon. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue asked for leave, and Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun also came to help. Now the entire villa is a playground for children, with ribbons full of hydrogen balloons floating in the air. They are scattered gifts, some are hidden everywhere.

The sofa and coffee table in the living room are gone. There is such a large long table with a white lace tablecloth. In an hour, it will be filled with various desserts and cakes from the Yan family chef.

Starting at nine o'clock in the morning, children came one after another. Lily's house was the first to arrive. The girl was shocked as soon as she entered the yard.

took Tuantuan’s hand and said, “Tuan Tuan, your home is so beautiful! You still have slides and swings in your home, like a playground~”

"Hee hee~ These are made by Baba and Grandpa~ Lily, let’s go in, it’s super beautiful inside~ My Ma Ma and Baba make the house look nice~"

Tuantuan happily took the hand of the little partner and entered the house. Lily saw the various toys and ribbon balloons inside, dancing happily.

Lily's parents followed, and they were a little dumbfounded when they saw such a big villa.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, your family is too big!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "The two children, and the old man, and the rest will have to change houses."

Lily's dad gave a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Su is really young and promising."

Lily’s mother looked at everything in the house, and said with a smile: "Mr. Su and Mrs. Su are really interested in decorating the house so beautifully. The children will definitely have a wonderful memory today~"

The children arrived one after another in the morning, and the huge living room of the Su family was full of guests.

The children gathered around the living room, eating desserts, looking for surprise toys prepared by Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, and had a great time playing.

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan He Le Le was extremely happy today, surrounded by classmates like the stars.

"Tuan Tuan, your home is so beautiful~ It's like a big castle~"

"Lele, there are so many toys in your house, as well as my favorite toy cars and airplanes~ You are so good to you~"

"Tuan Tuan, your dress is so beautiful today, it's the little princess Aisha~"

"Lele, these desserts are delicious, are they all made at home? They are better than the ones you bought outside~"


Tuan Tuan Le Le is happy and proud to introduce to everyone.

"These are all prepared by the uncle chef at my grandmother's house~"

"There are also these at home, which were prepared by our grandpa, grandma, grandpa, and grandma yesterday. Baba Mama prepared a lot of surprise gifts for you. They are in this room, and you can take them away after you find them~"

The children heard that toys can be taken away. They were so happy for an instant, they went all over looking for surprises.

Some children got into the tent, some went to look behind the curtains over there, and some lay on the ground and watched...

Parents sit at the long table in the restaurant, taking photos with their mobile phones.

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, this party in your house is too good? We used to be a small party. This is a real party for children~ It feels like my little treasure has entered heaven. , I’m going crazy~ Haha..."

"Yes, Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, this is the first time you have a family gathering for your children. It made it so lively. I am afraid that we will not be able to surpass it in the future~"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue held hands, looked at each other and smiled, and Yan Bingxue said, “It’s good for the children to be happy. Lunch is prepared for the children at noon. Let’s stay and eat together later.

The parents are embarrassed to thank them.

The kids over there heard that they could stay for dinner at noon, and in the afternoon they could continue to play at Tuan Tuan Yue's house, and immediately danced happily.

Every child found a surprise gift, and Tuantuan and Lele took them to visit their room upstairs.

Thirty kids, they are like a group of cute little oriole birds during group activities, chirping can be lovely~

Tuantuan and Lele have a special toy room upstairs. Inside are placed their usual toys, like collectibles, neatly stacked on the cabinet.

The kindergarten children came in to see this scene, and their mouths grew in surprise.

"Wow~ Tuan Tuan Le Le, you have so many toys!"

"My toys are all packed in a small box, Tuantuan Lele, your toys can only fit in a big house!"

The girls' eyes are all placed on the cabinet on the left, where all the toys, all kinds of exquisite dolls and plush dolls are placed.

The boys ran directly to the cabinet on the right. There are various collections of Lele, exquisite cars and airplanes, and many toys that boys like.

In the middle of the room, there is a large table on which is a half-stitched Lego model. The shape should be an unfinished Superman. This half is already shocking.

Kindergarten But they like Ultraman and Superman very much, especially in the past few years, many cartoons are based on mechas, and the children feel that this is real. , The most powerful~

enthusiastically introduced their toys to the children.

"Look, this is my favorite doll. It was brought back to me when I went on a business trip a few days ago. It has movable joints of hands and feet, and there are many sets of clothes. They are all super beautiful~ Look at her hair, it's also very comfortable to the touch~"

It is the first time for many children to see such an exquisite Barbie doll. Their fleshy hands stretched out, and they did not dare to touch them. Their eyes were full of love.

Tuantuan very generously handed the toys to the classmates, "You can play~ The toys here belong to my brother and me. Today you are the guests, and you can play with all the toys here~"

"Is it really okay? Tuantuan, you are so kind~ From now on, you will be my best friend!"

Lele's male classmate looked at Tuan Tuan enviously, and Lele smiled and said, "You can also play casually~ We are all good friends, the teacher said, good friends should know how to share! So I got toys , You can all play~"

The children were ecstatic and went to the shelves to choose their favorite toys.


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