Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:42 AM

Chapter 271: The wedding photo ame out

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In the next few days, neither Su Chen nor Yan Bingxue went to work at the company, and concentrated on preparing for their wedding at home.

On the third day before the wedding, all their wedding photos were in place, along with a family portrait.

Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun were also involved, so they knew that the express delivery would arrive today, so they came here early to wait.

As soon as he entered the door, Tang Shuyun was immediately stunned.

"This room... has changed a lot~"

Yan Zhenwei looked at Su's parents and Su's mom and said, "Brother Su, younger siblings, you two are too hard-working. The house is so atmospheric!"

Su Ma smiled and said, "Should~ In-laws, parents-in-law, come in and sit down!"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are also at home. They are calling the hotel upstairs to discuss the details of the banquet of the day. Yan Bingxue is chatting with people from the wedding company, setting up the scene, and making up and taking pictures on the wedding day. There are many things.

After they finally hung up the phone together, Yan Bingxue rubbed his neck and said, "Husband, although there are a lot of things getting married, I am not tired at all, I am full of energy~~~"

"The thought of getting closer and closer to our wedding day makes me super excited and motivated. Husband, how about you? Do you feel tired?"

When she said this, Yan Bingxue walked over and pinched Su Chen's shoulder.

Su Chen smiled and said, "My wife, I'm not tired. There is always a process to enjoy good results~ Although there have been a lot of things these days, as long as you think of preparing for our wedding, it's not a problem. "

Yan Bingxue nodded in agreement, "Well, my husband doesn't feel tired. I'm so worried that my husband will find these things cumbersome and tired. I am a woman and I don't feel tired at all."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Chen's cell phone rang. It was a call from Old Yuan. He didn't know what he said, anyway, the smile on Su Chen's face became brighter and brighter.

Yan Bingxue knew that Su Chen prepared a super surprise for her at the wedding. She guessed a lot. For example, she invited her idol, or there were other surprise game sessions, and a series of possible surprises, but they were all Husband denied it.

She just couldn't guess it. Ask her husband and let her wait until the day of the wedding.

Although there is a little itch in my curiosity, Yan Bingxue feels that everything is worth it when he thinks of her husband preparing a big surprise for her. Although it will take a few days to wait, she will definitely do it at the wedding. Super happy~

I'm looking forward to it~


The father-in-law and mother-in-law arrived downstairs, Lele ran up and said, Su Chen took his wife downstairs.

After half an hour, the courier from the same city arrived, and slowly a big box was filled with photos.

Three enlarged family portraits, as well as the wedding photos of Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

There is also a photo album in   , which is an electronic version of the photos, which Yan Bingxue broadcasts on TV, so that everyone can watch it together.

When the first photo was released, Su's father, Su's mother and Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun all laughed suddenly.

And it’s not a normal smile, but a big laugh.

Yan Bingxue, who was busy organizing the album, raised her head when she heard the sound and looked at the screen over there.

At this moment, it is simply a large-scale death scene!

The only group, really the only group!

Among all her wedding photos, this group is the last one to show to others!

This is the Lolita princess dress that Tuan Tuan and Le Le Cao asked her to wear that day, and the shape of the double pony tail and double ball head...

Yan Bingxue's blush was almost bleeding.

Tang Shuyun still said over there: "Xue'er, you actually took such a set of wedding photos, why didn't you see this one in the wedding makeup photo you sent me at that time?"

"This...this is..." Yan Bingxue was speechless for a long time. Seeing that the parents were still looking at the photo, she quickly walked to the TV, but her delicate body couldn't block the entire screen at all. .

"Don't look, Mom and Dad, this photo was taken by Tuan Tuan and Lele..."

She originally greeted the photography shop and said that this group of photos should be placed in another album separately, because she didn’t want others to see this photo, so she could only keep it for herself, only her husband and two Children can watch.

As a result, I didn’t expect that there was no problem with the album, and there was a problem with the electronic album.

"You kid, what's so shy about this photo? I think the photos you took are pretty good. It's the first time my mother saw you wearing such a dress! This is the dress called Lolita, right? ?"

Yan Bingxue nodded with a headache, "Mom, you are so knowledgeable."

"I like to wear cheongsam. What kind of clothes I like most depends on everyone's hobbies. Lolita is also a style. My baby is so beautiful and has white skin. This little skirt is really beautiful. Now, you are going to get out of there and block it."

Lolita is not guilty. The key is that she is a woman who is almost 30 years old. She is still wearing a Lolita dress and wearing a double pony tail. This is also seen by her parents, which is too embarrassing!

"Parents, let's not watch this set, let's look back."

Yan Bingxue continued to flip backwards, but the more she flipped over, her hands shook, and it was terrible. Why didn't she find that this suit and style had taken so many different photos that day? It was really embarrassing for her wife and wife!

Su Chen saw her look, walked over and found her mobile phone, "I'll play it."

Then he whispered: "Wife, don't be shy, there are no outsiders here, except your parents are my parents, we are all a family, and your look is really beautiful, mother-in-law does not have Lie to you~"

Yan Bingxue pouted, looking at Su Chen grievously.

After turning over ten photos, this set is finally over, and the next set is Yan Bingxue's photo in a wedding dress.

Ma Su watched it very seriously. After reading it, her eyes were red.

"It's so beautiful, Bingxue really looks good in everything she wears. This wedding dress is just like a fairy descending to the world."

She wanted to see Yan Bingxue wearing a wedding dress, but now she finally got her wish.

So beautiful!

The family continued to look down. When they saw the photo of the family portrait, the family couldn’t help but laugh, because the two children were so cute. There were some weird movements that they didn’t notice at the time. Now when looking at the photos Just discovered.

After reading all the photos satisfactorily, we discussed together which photo is more suitable outside the wedding hall and which photos should be placed inside.

Until the evening, Su Ma prepared dinner. After the two had dinner together, Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun left with their family portrait.


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