Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:37 AM

Chapter 275: See hair

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"The strongest daddy: sign in 100 million at the beginning! New ( to find the latest chapter!

Su Chen returned home after sending Yan Bingxue.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Su's parents and Su's mom changed their clothes, Tuan Tuan Yue Le was also wearing new clothes, Tuan Tuan also carried a small rabbit bag on his back.

This posture, at first glance, looks like going out.

"Chenchen, you are back, just in time, we are going out to eat." Mother Su said.

Su Chen asked: "Eating?"

Su's father explained: "Well, I have dinner with your Uncle Shen's house. Just now, your Uncle Shen and the others called me and said they came a day earlier and wanted to see if there was anything that could help. There is nothing to be done for the wedding tomorrow. Where to help, I said you have arranged everything."

"But now that they are here, your mother and I are planning to take our two children to meet them, have a simple meal, and have a wedding tomorrow, I guess I will be too busy to entertain them."

"Uncle Shen and they are here tonight?" Su Chen was a little surprised.

Coming from their county seat, now it takes only 30 to 40 minutes to ride the train, and tomorrow I will be able to catch up.

But it’s normal to think about it. They live in a small town. Everyone has to go and help with any major events, helping with cooking and taking care of the guests.

The people in the county town are simple and honest, unlike the big cities, where every family lives behind closed doors. You may not even be familiar with the neighbors who live opposite you.

Su Chen hurriedly said: "Then since I have dinner with Uncle Shen and the others, I will also go with them. Let's go, just in time I will drive you there."

"Okay, your Uncle Shen and they happen to miss you. I will send you the address of the hotel on WeChat, which is near us." Dad Su took out his cell phone.

After half an hour, Su Chen's family arrived at the hotel, and the friends from their hometown had already opened the box waiting for them to come.

As soon as Dad Su opened the door and went in, the big guy immediately became lively.

"Old Su, coming!"

Su's father and Su's mother walked in, and Su Chen led two small dots behind and followed in.

When Old Shen saw Su Chen, his eyes suddenly brightened, "Chen Chen is here too?"

Everyone followed his voice and looked over.

"Chenchen, Auntie hasn't seen you for three years, oops~ We Chenchen are really getting more handsome the longer we are~ Now we are a mature man!"

"We Chenchen will be the bridegroom official tomorrow~ Time flies so fast, I remember the last time I saw you, you were still admitted to the university to run wine in your house!"

A group of people pulled Su Chen, as if he was pulling him back to the stone road in the water town.

Su Chen couldn't help smiling, his eyes were a little moved.

At this time, someone noticed the two small things next to him.

"Oh~ this is our Tuan Tuan and Lele kids~ They look so cute, they look like they are on TV~"

Tuan Tuan Lele saw that everyone was looking at them, and the two little ones were not shy at all, and greeted them openly.

"Grandparents, uncles and aunts, hello~ I am Tuantuan."

"Hello everyone, I'm Tuantuan's brother, Lele."

"It's so cute~ Lao Su, you are so blessed to say you, your family is also very dusty, and you have a son and a daughter! Cow!"

"The dust of the old Su family has always been a good kid! You don't have to worry about the old couple about going to school. As soon as you graduated from college, you have solved the family and work. Lao Su, don't you know what old guys like us have? How envious of you couple."

"Haha, Chenchen and I are also happy with his mother. In fact, we didn't help much with the child's affairs, mainly because the child solved it by himself."

"Right, right, we are still good at Chenchen~"

Su Chen looked at the enthusiastic people and greeted: "Uncles and aunts, sit down, let's talk while eating. You came all the way to the wedding, and you came here a day earlier, but I just learned about it, otherwise I I’m sure to drive to the hotel to pick you up and arrange it for you. Now that you are all staying, let’s make arrangements for today’s dinner instead of talking here hungry."

"Look at us Chenchen~ I'm really a sensible adult now, what a good talk~ Come on, everyone sit down and talk~"

Tuan Tuan Lele was sitting next to his parents. Su Chen just wanted to sit beside Tuan Tuan when a familiar face suddenly squeezed from the place next to him.

"Brother Su, congratulations!"

Su Chen was stunned for a second, and said in surprise: "Fang Qi! When did your kid come back?"

Fang Qi is the son of the family in the town, and Su Chen is a child.

They had always been classmates in elementary and middle schools. Later, Su Chen High School relied on the middle school in Zhonghai City, while Fang Qi stayed at the high school in the town to attend school. The two had fewer opportunities to meet.

Later in college, Su Chen was still in Zhonghai, and Fang Qi went to Xiang City, a bit far away, and the two rarely saw each other.

However, the feelings of small hair were not so easy to break, so Su Chen was very excited to see Fang Qi at this time.

Fang Qi was more excited than him. He grew a lot taller than before. He was 1.8 meters tall, a little shorter than Su Chen, and his appearance was longer. He was a handsome handsome guy.

"Brother Su, we haven't seen each other in six or seven years? I just came back from school and wanted to go to your house to play with you, but when I received your wedding invitation, I was surprised at that time! Brother Su, You are too fast~"

"Haha~ It's okay, both children are three years old, and I have graduated from college now, so I plan to hold the wedding first." Su Chen smiled.

Fang Qi’s eyes were full of envy, “Brother Su, you’ve been like this since you were a child, and you are very opinionated in everything. My mother said that you have two children in your family. I thought that their old couple didn’t know where they heard it. I didn't expect to see it today! Brother Su, Tuan Tuan and Le Le look so cute, like you!"

Over there, the elders chatted with Su’s father and Su’s mother, teasing Tuantuan and Lele. Here, Su Chen and Fang Qi have also been dishes are coming up one after another, and Su Chen ordered all For the special dishes here, I also ordered two bottles of white wine and one bottle of red wine, with glasses in front of everyone.

"Fang Qi, are you coming back to see Uncle Fang and Auntie Fang, or are you planning to come back and develop?" Su Chen asked.

Fang Qi heard this and took the wine glass and said, "Brother Su, I don’t plan to leave when I come back this time. After four years of schooling in Xiang City, I found that I still like Zhonghai better, so I wanted to come back and look for a job. After attending your wedding, I plan to come here to look for a job after a little tidying up. In the future, I will have to rely on Su Geduo to take care of it. Su, I toast you with this glass of wine!

"I wish you a happy wedding, and I hope we can find the feeling of the year!"

"No problem! Fang Qi, we have been in friendship since we were young. When you come to Zhong Hai, you can come to me no matter what you encounter. I can't help but define it!" Su Chen drank this glass of wine.

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