Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:27 AM

Chapter 282: A big shot ame at the wedding s ene

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"The strongest daddy: sign in 100 million at the beginning! New ( to find the latest chapter!

Su Chen entered the door and looked straight at Yan Bingxue on the bed, and his wife was also looking at her.

The dress was only obtained yesterday, so he didn't have time to see how his wife tried it on. It was the first time she saw her wearing it, coupled with exquisite hair and makeup. It was really beautiful.

Su Chen's eyes were direct and enthusiastic, Yan Bingxue's eyes blushed slightly as she watched, and she was so shy and beautiful.

Tuan Tuan Le Le couldn't help exclaiming: "Ma Ma is good for brewing~"

"Ma Ma is the most beautiful bride today~"

"Mama's clothes look so good, Tuantuan loves it~" The little guy ran over, and looked left and right, making Yan Bingxue's smile more obvious.

The pick-up process was very easy. Gu Yuxin originally designed a lot of mini games, but the bride and the two elders hoped that she would not embarrass the bridegroom, so she could only let it go all the way~

Five minutes later, Su Chen walked downstairs holding Yan Bingxue.

Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun kept looking upstairs. Seeing Su Chen and the others came out, they immediately sat downright. Su Chen held Yan Bingxue downstairs before letting her down.

The two went to the sofa and offered tea to Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun.

The photographer next to him kept recording the details of the entire wedding.

Yan Zhenwei couldn't wait to go out to see the mecha, and immediately drank it after receiving the tea, his hot mouth trembling.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue stood very close, naturally seeing everything in their eyes.

After the tea ceremony was over, Su Chen took his wife into the mecha, and Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun sent them out.

Finally, I can go to see the big mecha in a justifiable way. Although I can't go up in person, Yan Zhenwei is still super excited when he comes into close contact with this front-end technology.

"Xiaosu, this is your completed mecha! Just when I saw it moved by itself, was it manipulated by humans?" Yan Zhenwei asked with excitement.

Su Chen nodded and said to his father-in-law in the gap where the AI ​​robot was spreading sugar and red envelopes to the crowd watching the lively crowd, "Yes, Dad, this is controlled by a colleague from the Academy of Dragon Sciences, although he is not a professional, but Today is just a simple move, no problem. Don't worry, I and Bingxue are safe."

Yan Zhenwei nodded and smiled: "Of course I know safety and I believe in your strength! Xiao Su, the surprise you prepared for Bingxue not only shocked her, but also shocked me, haha, this welcoming team is really great!"

The big mech stretched out his hand towards them, and Su Chen took Yan Bingxue and put on the shoulders of the mech together.

When the big mecha stood up, Yan Bingxue was very excited and looked forward to it, because this was a mecha made by her husband! ! !

Su Chen pulled her hand and said softly: "Wife, let's go up."

Yan Bingxue nodded, watching the crowd below excitedly get further and further away, and his vision became wider and wider.

When returning, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were sitting on the halved mecha, and the two little guys followed Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun in the armored car.

The convoy walked out lively and headed towards the hotel.

There were a lot of cars behind him, including those of the Xu family. Their son had specially asked for leave for the mecha. He was really shocked to see this scene.

"It's wonderful, Mom, I didn't expect that the master is living next to us! Bingxue's husband is too powerful, and he actually made a mecha!"

Aunt Xu smiled and said: "Yes, when I saw my husband Bingxue that day, I thought this young man was extraordinary at first sight. He must be a powerful character. I didn't expect that he could actually make a big mecha, which shocked the whole. From the Dragon Kingdom!"

"It is a great honor for us as neighbors to attend this wedding!"


In the hotel, guests arrived one after another. When everyone came, they first saw the fleet of mechas and armored vehicles parked outside. In shock, many people took pictures with their mobile phones and trembled. Today, the entire short video platform, It seems to be occupied by this wedding.

The news spread quickly, and everyone knew that Zhonghai of the Dragon Kingdom had held a lively and extraordinary wedding.

From the beginning of the pick-up, to the auditorium venue, there was a live broadcast on Douyin.

The ceremony officially started at 11:30. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue greeted the guests at the door. It was already eleven o'clock. Su Ma said, "Dust, Bingxue, go and prepare. The wedding ceremony will begin later. The guests are almost there, and we can leave the rest to us."

Su Chen shook his head, "Wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Su Ma asked in confusion.

"An important guest is coming."

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, the old Yuan who had arrived a long time ago suddenly walked out of the hall and said cheerfully to Su Chen: "Xiao Su, the man has arrived, I will go downstairs to pick him up now."

"Okay, you have to work, Old Yuan." Su Chen said.

After Yuan Yuan left, Yan Bingxue asked, "Husband, who is the important guest?"

The wedding invitation was prepared by the couple together. Yan Bingxue didn't remember any important guests who hadn't arrived yet.

"It was an invitation that I sent to a replacement later. People from the military area, after Mr. Yuan reported me to make me a mecha, because I asked him to use mecha to welcome my relatives, so the mecha has not been received yet. Go to the military area, but they said they will come to the wedding and see mech and me on the spot."

"Well, that should be a big man." Yan Zhenwei who was listening next to him said.

"Unexpectedly, at the wedding of his daughter and son-in-law, he could invite such a heavyweight guest." His eyes were full of pride, and he was more applauded when he looked at Su Chen's eyes.

Old Yuan came back soon, followed by a few bodyguards in black clothes, who looked like soldiers, tall and tall.

Standing in the front is a 60-year-old man wearing a suit, but he can still see his hidden muscles and strength.

Old Yuan walked beside him, bending slightly to talk to him.

"Xiao Su, this is Mr. Zheng."

"Old This is the maker of the mecha, Su Chen."

Elder Zheng took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Su, how are you, I have been admiring your name for a long time."

"Old Zheng, hello." Su Chen shook hands with him.

Mr. Zheng took a generous red envelope and said, "I'm disturbing, this is the bride of today. He and Mr. Su are really talented and beautiful, and the little red envelopes are not respectable. I wish you and your wife a hundred years of good relationship and love and whiteheads. "

Su Chen took the red envelope and took Yan Bingxue's hand and nodded gently in thanks.

Dad Su and Yan Zhenwei led Zheng Lao into the hall to take a seat. They were arranged next to the main table and sat with Yuan Lao. The people around them were the dean of the Long Academy of Sciences and several important figures from Zhonghai and the Imperial Capital.

After Su Chen and Yan Bingxue finished receiving Zheng Lao, they went backstage to prepare.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 282 There is a big man at the wedding scene), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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