Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:24 AM

Chapter 284: Happy wedding, loving white head

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Mecha research groups in other countries in the world have also received this news, and they are now discussing urgent countermeasures. After the advent of the dragon country's mecha, their pressure has increased.

Those who pay attention to these are not only the major mecha groups, but also some people who are very concerned about weddings.

For example, Qian Cheng is silently cutting onions in the back kitchen.

As Su Chen’s high school classmate, he did not receive a wedding invitation, but he is not rare to attend Su Chen’s wedding, and he has to give them money!

In the morning, he was boringly cutting onions in the back kitchen and brushing the stalks.

The staff of the Long Academy of Sciences have all gone to Su Chen’s wedding today, and the lunch hall only needs to prepare a small amount of lunch.

Qian Cheng was depressed and wanted to kill Douyin to pass the time, but as soon as he opened Douyin, he got a video about the wedding.

He brushed several pieces in a row, and they were all talking about Su Chen's wedding.

Qian Cheng opened his eyes wide in disbelief when he saw the mecha welcoming team.

"Su Chen, he actually made mecha!"

"Furthermore, the Chinese Academy of Dragon Sciences and the country actually allowed him to use mechas to greet him, equipped with armored vehicles and tanks. The more than one hundred AI robots of the Academy of Dragon Sciences that are usually only dispatched for science and technology exhibitions have actually been sent! "

"Damn! Why are everyone helping Su Chen!"

Qian Cheng is very unbalanced. Because of Su Chen, he has messed up his job now, and his feelings are not going well. He originally thought that he could marry his sweetheart soon, but now the other party ignores him.

But Su Chen is good. Not only is the wedding so grand, the work is also smooth, and it really made him make a mech. After that, wouldn't he even have the qualifications to see him from a distance?

is hateful, really hateful!

On the other side, Li Jianhao, who also did not receive an invitation and continued to work at the Long Academy of Sciences, also brushed those Douyin.

He couldn't believe what he saw was true.

The Dragon Kingdom has actually developed a mecha, and this mecha should be the one that Su Chen has been working on. Otherwise, how could he use the mecha to welcome his wife?

Li Jianhao suddenly felt a panic. Although he has been very unsuccessful in his work recently and failed to enter the core class, he is still full of confidence and feels that the things he brought back from abroad will definitely come in handy, as long as he concentrates on it. Research, plus the problems that Su Chen posed at that time, as long as it can be solved, it will be able to make mechas.

As long as he can complete the first mecha of the Dragon Kingdom, all the grievances he had before can be recovered. Those who despise him, and the Su Chen who made him embarrassed in public, he will step on them all. .

But I didn't expect everything to be too late. Sioux City’s mech was actually completed, and it was so good and so good. He was expert in mecha, and I could tell at a glance how high-end this mecha was.

Li Jianhao sat in the office with a gray face, he couldn't help sighing heavily.


Haiguo’s prison.

The prison guard walked into a cell and said to the people inside: "Let's go, your shooting time is up!"

The man raised his head in a panic. Although his face had lost a lot of weight, he could still recognize him. This man was Lucas.

When Su Chen and the others went back, Old Yuan asked Lucas to hand over all the evidence of Lucas to the Haiguo officials. On the day they left, Lucas was thrown into the cell to buy the crime of murder. , It was enough for him to be shot eight hundred times.

The past few days have also been won by the old chairman of the Teer Group.

At the same time, he also bought a mobile phone for him to contact.

was taken out of the cell, Lucas turned on his cell phone and saw the latest news feed for the first time.

The century wedding of the Dragon Kingdom Zhonghai.

Long Kingdom, Zhong Hai, these two keywords made him involuntarily click in and take a look.

When he saw Su Chen and Yan Bingxue walking on the shoulders of the mecha, he suddenly screamed up to the sky, then smiled, and tears fell.

"Why? Why should I provoke Su Chen!"

He finally understands that he is not Su Chen's opponent at all. The other party can use mechas and armored vehicles and tanks to clear the way when they get married. What a noble status this is!

And he is going to be shot now.

The beginning of all this was because he wanted to fight Su Chen unwillingly.

"I should wake up sooner!"

"When Su Chen took away 80 million from the betting scene, I should understand that I was not his opponent at all!"

"Why should I do the following things!"

Lucas was taken to the scene of the shooting. His old father was outside the anti-theft net, looking at him with pain.

Lucas cried and said, "I'm sorry, Dad, I really know I was wrong."

"Unfortunately, I can only learn my lesson in the next life."

"If there is an afterlife, if I see Su Chen, I will definitely take a detour."


At this time in Zhonghai, the lively wedding ceremony is underway. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue worship the world. They stand on the stage in the middle, their beautiful faces are very seductive.

Many of the audience members watched crying, and took photos and videos with their phones.

Tuantuan and Lele sat in the arms of Su's father and mother, happily looking at their parents.

The atmosphere here is very lively.

When toasting, Mr. Zheng took the initiative to raise his cup and said to Su Chen: "Mr. Xiaosu, you are the pride of our Dragon Kingdom. Today, this glass of wine, I will replace the entire military area behind me to respect you. Today is your wedding, I I wish you and your wife a happy wedding and a happy marriage for a hundred years. I hope we will have a chance to see you again At the table of our colleagues, Zhang Tezhu said with red eyes: "President, you are so beautiful today. Up! "

Colleagues sent their blessings. Several colleagues in the Mecha Research Department looked at Su Chen and whispered, “Xiao Su, I didn’t expect your wife to be our president. Congratulations~ In the future, we dare not dare anymore. Just run to your office~"

Su Chen said with a smile: "Come here, although Bingxue and I are married, but in the company, we are all colleagues. The door of my office is open to you."

Yan Bingxue also smiled and said, "I will give you afternoon tea for the next meeting."

"Thank you, President, and our boss Su~ Haha!"

Su Chen took Yan Bingxue to the table of his friends and led her to greet everyone. The regrets that I didn't see last night can all be made up for now.

Uncle Zheng said: "Dust, the bride is really beautiful~"

"Congratulations, Chenchen, and Mrs. Chenchen, I wish you all grow old~"

Fang Qi happily said: "Brother Su, my sister-in-law is too beautiful, you are also super handsome today, you and sister-in-law are simply golden boys and jade girls, a match made in heaven, I wish you a happy newlywed, loving whiteheads~"

"Thank you everyone~"


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