Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:18 AM

Chapter 288: Skyhigh dowry

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After counting the gifts, Yan Bingxue pointed to the wooden box in front of him and said, "Husband, this is actually the highlight of tonight."

Su Chen looked at her dowry and smiled: "Oh? What did the father-in-law and mother-in-law prepare for you?"

Yan Bingxue thought of the touch when she saw these dowries that day, and her nose was sore. She held back her tears and took Su Chen's hand and said, "Husband, these are the feelings of my parents for the two of us. I have seen them before. It’s gone, but now, I want you to see it, you can open it yourself~"

Su Chen has no other thoughts about the dowry that Yan Bingxue brought over, "Wife, this is a dowry given to you by your father-in-law and mother-in-law, shouldn't you keep it as a private money? Let me know, I'm not afraid I am worried? "

Yan Bingxue knew that he was joking, she raised her head proudly and said: "I'm not afraid~ I don't rely on the dowry given by my parents to have confidence~ If you really treat me for the dowry, I have a way to make You know how much I can make money!"

"Yes, yes~ My wife is a strong woman!" Su Chen smiled.

He opened the box in front of him. The contents were visited in the same order as last time. Su Chen saw the last floor from the first floor. When he saw the will, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"This...wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, did you give you all your worth as a dowry?"

Yan Bingxue nodded, eyes a little red.

Su Chen's heart moved, put down the box and hugged his wife and said: "My wife, don't worry, I understand what the father-in-law means."

"What do you understand?" Yan Bingxue asked, lying on his shoulder.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law want to tell me that you are their most precious treasure in this life, and other things can be given to me. I just hope that I can take good care of your baby."

After hearing her husband's words, Yan Bingxue raised her mouth slightly and said softly: "My husband, if your parents hear you say this, they will definitely feel that the dowry they gave is correct."

Su Chen hugged her for a while, and when Yan Bingxue's mood stabilized a little bit, Su Chen let her go and put all the dowry away.

"Wife, you can collect these things yourself. This is given to you by your father-in-law and mother-in-law. We are now in very good conditions. Those who don’t need these things, we have taken them as they wish. But let’s stay here. Later, father-in-law and mother-in-law When it’s old, take it out when you need it."

"Husband, my parents have already given us these things. My dad said, with your talents, you will not always be engaged in your current job. When you want to start a business in the future, you will sell these things as your initial capital. "Yan Bingxue said.

Su Chen smiled, hooked her little nose and said: "My wife, you don't believe in the strength of your husband so much! Even if I want to start a business, I will prepare the initial capital by myself, the assets of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Let’s take good care of them~"

Yan Bingxue looked at him with eyes full of emotion, couldn't help but rushed over and kissed him on the cheek, "husband, you are really outstanding!"

"I feel very happy to be able to marry a man like you!"

Su Chen hugged her, the emotions in his eyes gradually deepened, "My wife, now that the gift money is counted, and the dowry is finished, should we do something more important?"


In the early morning of the next day, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue made it too late, and when they woke up the next day, they were already three poles in the sun.

Everyone in the family came to disturb them, the room was quiet.

Su Chen woke up first. Just when he wanted to take a look at his cell phone, Yan Bingxue frowned and mumbled: "My husband, don't move~ sleep for a while~"

"Wife, the sun is already shining~Are you going to sleep?" Su Chen smiled.

Yan Bingxue closed her eyes and pouted: "Is it dawn so soon? But I still feel good, I can't open my eyes..."

"Back pain, leg pain, pain everywhere..."

"Okay, then let's sleep for a while~" Su Chen said dozingly.

Just like that, I fell asleep again, and it was noon when I woke up. Yan Bingxue finally regained his energy, opened his eyes and said to Su Chen: "Good morning, husband~"

"My wife, it's good afternoon~"

Yan Bingxue stuck out his tongue, smiled and said, "You can't blame me, husband~"

Su Chen nodded, "Yes~ blame husband~ don't blame you~ Okay, let's get up and go downstairs to eat. In the morning, our parents and Tuan Tuan Lele didn't call us, but we have to go down for lunch~"


Su Chen got up first, but Yan Bingxue lay there, waiting for Su Chen to stand, then stretched out his hand and said, "Husband, you can hold me up~"

Su Chen bent over and hugged her horizontally.

Yan Bingxue said again: "Hold me to wash~"

Su Chen smiled, and said as he walked to the bathroom, "Wife, why didn't I find out before, how can you act like a baby?"

"I only learned it recently~"

The night before her marriage, Gu Yuxin took the movie she watched. The name was "A Coquettish Woman's Best Life", although when she first saw the name, she thought it was probably a **** youthful romance. It turns out. It is true, but she still has some gains.

Acting like a baby is an advantage God gives a woman, why not make good use of it?

Especially to my husband~ This is nothing to be shy, but it can also increase the relationship between husband and wife~

After entering the bathroom, Yan Bingxue got out of her husband's arms. She squeezed the toothpaste for the two of them, and Su Chen had already received two glasses of water.

The two stood in front of the mirror, brushing their teeth, looking at each other in the mirror, with happy smiles at the corners of their eyes and eyebrows.

Although they got the certificate after the husband and the child, they got the certificate first. They had been living together some time before their, but after the wedding, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue still felt that something was different between them Up~

The relationship is getting better and better~

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue went downstairs after washing and changing their clothes.

I didn't hear a sound in the room just now. It turned out that the downstairs was really quietly moving.

Tuantuan and Lele are sitting on the sofa watching TV, but the sound of the TV is so small that even if they are sitting on the sofa, they have to listen with their ears up.

Su's mother is cooking in the kitchen, and Su's father is beside her to help. Both of them are cautious, and even the range hood is not turned on.

This is obviously a deliberate act of lightness, is it afraid of making them sleep upstairs?

Su Chen was a little bit amused, and wanted to tell his parents and two children that the soundproofing effect of the big villa at home is really not that bad!

But thinking of their affection for themselves, I still feel very sweet.

The current life is the true pinnacle of life, right?

Parents and children are all around, and I and my wife have a happy marriage, a happy relationship, and a prosperous career.

Su Chen felt that the future of their family would definitely be even more exciting!


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