Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:15 AM

Chapter 291: Apply suns reen

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The next morning.

After rest last night, the Su family of four are full of energy.

Today is the first day of my honeymoon trip. Since I came to Sanya, I would naturally go to the beach~

Yan Bingxue packed up her swimsuit early in the morning, as well as anti-sneak supplies. Su Chen drove along with the two little guys. They went to Wuzhizhou. This place is called the "Maldives" in China, and the scenery is beautiful. painting.

This is the off-season for tourism, but there are still many tourists on the beach.

Su Chen and the others got out of the car and just walked to the beach, they immediately felt the "hot" enthusiasm of Sanya's sunshine.

Yan Bingxue applied sunscreen to the two little guys in the car and prepared parasols for them. She was also fully armed, so she felt okay.

is Su Chen. He didn't take any protective measures. At this time, the sun was on the skin, and it was a little painful.

Yan Bingxue quickly handed him the umbrella and took out the sunscreen from the bag, "Husband, you open the umbrella, and I will apply sunscreen to you. The sun in Sanya is big and the ultraviolet rays are strong, although I can't feel it when I play. , But after going back, it may be a few degrees darker."

Su Chen is not afraid of the dark, the older man has a darker skin and is healthy, but he has the intimate service of his wife, how could he refuse it~

Tuan Tuan Lele watched her mother apply sunscreen to her father, and secretly laughed from behind.

When we arrived at the commercial area on the beach, Su Chen saw the straw hats with local characteristics, so he bought four of them and brought one for each person, so that the umbrellas could be put away.

Went to the locker room to change their swimsuits. Su Chen and Lele wore swimming trunks. Yan Bingxue and Tuantuan wore one-piece swimsuits. After they came out, Yan Bingxue took the sunscreen spray to reinforce everyone, and then took off his shoes on the beach. Let's play on it.

When the two little babies saw the blue sea, they ran wildly.

"Wow~ the sea is so beautiful~ the sea is really blue~"

"Wow, it's warm in the water, it's a bit cold below, haha~ so comfortable~"

They have been playing presumptuously in the sea water by the beach. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are holding hands, walking on the beach, taking a look at the Tuan Tuan and Le Le from time to time.

The sea breeze is very strong, and the person blowing is very comfortable under the warm sun.

The salty dampness in the air became more obvious, and I took a breath and felt that the lungs were moist.

"Husband, the air here is so good~ the scenery is also beautiful. It seems that coming here for a holiday is really the right choice~"

Su Chen nodded happily, "Well, the seaside is really comfortable, unlike our Zhonghai."

After playing for a while at the beach, all four of them went into the water to swim. Both Su Chen and Yan Bingxue can swim. The two little guys have also learned since childhood. However, with two children, Su Chen is still very careful. They did not swim in the deep sea. Playing with his wife and children on the shore.

Occasionally, the waves will hit them, lift them up high and then fall back into the water. Tuan Tuan Yue Le especially likes this kind of gameplay, chasing the waves to play, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue follow behind, cheering and laughing.

Noon is a seafood dinner near the beach, more than 30,000 people, not only the top seafood in Sanya, but also the Michelin chef on-site cooking, the most worth mentioning is the dining atmosphere.

The dining table is placed on a two-meter-two-meter bed, and white veils are hung on the four-corner pillars. When eating, the entire dining table floats on the sea, and there is a bed on it, so you don’t have to worry about the sun.

As soon as I look up, I can see the blue sea and blue sky in the distance. This kind of atmosphere is great.

The atmosphere, good ingredients, and this innovative point made Su Chen and the others choose this place.

But the price is really high. There are only seven dishes in total, each of which is a small portion. Adults and children also charge 36,000. A meal for a family is more than 100,000. So here are only Su Chen and his family. in.

There is a cafeteria nearby, and many tourists dine there.

But their floor-to-ceiling windows could see the Su Chen family on the sea, and everyone cast envy eyes.

"It's great to have money~ I also come to Sanya to play, some people can enjoy more than 30,000 seafood dinners, and some people can only eat more than 90 buffets here, ooh~"

"Envy, jealousy, hate~ Even such a small child can enjoy more than 30,000 food experiences. I really hate that I am not a rich second-generation!"

"If I had money, I would definitely eat lunch for more than 30,000. After all, how beautiful the scenery is. It is a table floating on the sea. Seafood cooking is also a Michelin chef of choice. Every dish is an art. Good product!"

After enjoying a meal, Su Chen also arranged his afternoon plan. Since he came to the beach, he naturally wanted to enjoy the joy of diving.

It is the first time for everyone to experience diving. Yan Bingxue and the two children are eager to have a try.

The coach tells them some precautions. When the time comes, Tuan Tuan and Lele will send two coaches to follow. If there are special circumstances, the children will be brought up as soon as possible, so Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are a little bit more. Don't worry, as for the two adults doing semi-diving with each other, there is no problem at all.

I changed into the diving suit, put on the oxygen tank, and put on the oxygen mask. The family was fully armed.

Tuan Tuan and Lele were super excited. Su Chen took out his mobile phone to shoot the video and planned to take it home to the parents to watch. The two little guys waved to the camera vigorously. Because they were wearing an oxygen mask, they could no longer speak at the moment. , But through the glass mirror on the mask, they can see their happy smiling faces.

Diving involves entering a deeper seabed, so the scene you can see here is completely different from the scene just seen on the beach.

Many underwater creatures can be seen through the glass including the aquatic plants growing on the surface, gently shaking with the water wave, and coral shellfish, floating slightly between breathing.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were holding hands. When they got into the water and saw the scenery like this, Su Chen gave Yan Bingxue a thumbs up, unable to communicate, but the communication between the two was not hindered at all.

Looking at the Tuan Tuan and Lele over there, they were happier, because there was a group of small fish swimming beside them, Tuan Tuan reached out to touch them curiously, but was a little scared, and stretched out their hands cautiously, without touching them. When he arrived at the hospital, he hurriedly retracted, and smiled happily in the mask.

The four people met underwater and went deeper.

As we walked forward, we can see more underwater creatures. The sea in Sanya is blue, and the view of the seabed is also very good. With an oxygen mask, we can clearly see everything on the seabed through the glass.

The big sea turtle, who has been naughty, swam over without fear of anyone, waving his limbs and moving quickly.

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le shouted to them in surprise, the child cried out in surprise, and the voice seemed to say: "Baba Ma Ma, look at it~ So the turtles are swimming fast~"

Su Chen saw this and quickly took this beautiful scene with his mobile phone wearing a waterproof protective film.


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