Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:13 AM

Chapter 293: Eat dog food again~

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"Okay, babies, let's have a barbecue~"

The two little guys went to eat happily. Su Chen took meat skewers and vegetable skewers to Yan Bingxue, and the two sat on the sofa while eating and chatting.

Tuan Tuan Yue Le came over in no time.

"Baba and Ma Ma~ Do you want to sing too~ We have never stopped you singing~"

Su Chen was in high spirits today, thinking that he had taught himself a section of guitar when he was in college, and said: "Wife, do you want a song? I'll bring a guitar to accompany you."

There are some simple musical instruments in the villa.

Yan Bingxue looked at him, then at the two children, nodded and said: "Okay~"

Su Chen went to the house and took out the guitar. The two adults sat on the sofa.

Tuantuan and Lele sat on the small futon in front of them, like two expectant audiences.

"Wife, what do you want to sing?"

Yan Bingxue thought for a while, suddenly his cheeks blushed, and looked at Su Chen and said, "I like you so much."

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted after half a second, "Is that the song?"

Yan Bingxue blushed and nodded, Su Chen smiled and said: "I thought you suddenly confessed to me~"

"Hee hee~Baba is so nasty~" She trembled her little shoulders cutely, and smirked while covering her mouth.

Su Chen played with the guitar. Although he hadn't touched the guitar for more than a year, fortunately, he practiced the basic skills well when he was studying, and now he can find the feeling with a little touch.

"It's raining weather, like your cute bad temper"

"My love, my heart, has been given to you a long time ago"


"I like your charming eyes"

"Thinking expression with beautiful voice"

"You are the only one in my heart"


"I am in love with you and I am desperate"


Tuantuan followed the beat and clapped her hands, Lele took a video with her mobile phone.

When Yan Bingxue sang, she occasionally looked at Su Chen with sweet affection in both eyes.

The humid sea breeze is gently blowing, with the aroma of skewers. This evening, the courtyard by the sea, is the warmest time for the Su family of four.

It was past nine o'clock when the barbecue was over, and Tuan Tuan Yue Le had already fallen asleep tired, lying on the sofa over there, Yan Bingxue covered them both with small blankets.

The climate in Sanya is good, but I am not afraid of catching a cold.

"Husband, the butler will come and clean up the remaining things tomorrow day. Let's take the children back, wash and rest~"

"Okay~" Su Chen put down the things in his hand, walked to the sofa, and watched Yan Bingxue want to report to the group, he gently stopped, "No, my wife, they are two little ones, I can hold them alone. Go up."

When he finished speaking, he bent over and hugged the two little guys, one in each arm. Tuan Tuan did not wake up, but Lele opened his eyes and found that he was in his father’s arms and looked for it with peace of mind. He fell asleep on his shoulders in a comfortable position.

They took a shower when they came back from the beach in the afternoon, and now they don’t need to be woken up. Su Chen sent them back to their rooms. When they returned, Yan Bingxue was holding his mobile phone to watch the video just recorded.

smiled while watching: "Husband, I found that Tuantuan's rap is actually quite good, and there is also Lele's street dance. He hasn't learned it, but he dances in a different way~"

Su Chen walked over and watched with her. The young couple watched it again. Su Chen said: "Yes, I found that our Tuan Tuan and Yue Le are very talented in literature and art."

"Wife, after we meet Zhong Hai, do you want to enroll them in an interest class?" Su Chen said.

"I never thought about this before. My biggest wish is that Tuan Tuan and Lele can grow up healthily and happily. Now they both have just started kindergarten, and I have not enrolled them in other interest classes and tutoring classes. I think It’s more important for children to have fun in childhood, and they will take up a large part of their time after studying~"

"My wife, I think about the educational philosophy similar to what you think. I also think that we need to implement quality education for children, but the remedial classes and interest classes are not the same. Interest classes are for children to learn what they like. , This is also a kind of fun."

Yan Bingxue nodded, "Husband, you are right~, after we return to Zhonghai, we asked the two children what kind of interest class they would like to enroll in, and we will then choose a suitable class for them~"

"Okay, wife, let's take a bath early and go to bed too, and we have plans to finish the tour tomorrow~"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue also took a shower before, but when they first grilled and barbecued, Su Chen always did it. Yan Bingxue also beat her hands next to them. They were smoked for a long time, and they smelled of barbecue at the moment. After taking a shower again, I went to bed to rest.

After playing for a whole day, he lay down and realized that he was really tired. Su Chen hugged Yan Bingxue, and the two quickly hugged and fell asleep.


Because I spent a whole day at the beach yesterday, the play plan arranged by Su Chen today is relatively easy, go shopping here, shopping. Eat the special food here, you will not be too tired all day, and you can sleep in the morning.

In this sleep, the family of four slept very sweetly.

At around ten in the morning, Su Chen drove off and took them to the nearby streets.

Here is the commercial street planned later. The shops sell Sanya specialties and seafood, many of which can be taken out, so it is convenient for tourists to bring some souvenirs back.

A seaside holiday is naturally indispensable to buy some decorations such as shells. Yan Bingxue found a DIY handmade jewelry spot on the Internet, and planned to make a unique souvenir with the whole family.

DIY handmade ideas are about two o’clock in the afternoon. In the morning, they started shopping from the Su Chen said before starting: “Today is a shopping spree~Everyone on this street You can all walk in the store, and you can directly buy everything you want. All the consumption today will be paid for by yourself!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Wow~ great! Boss Su is magnificent~ give you a thumbs up."

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan He Le Le also parroted: "Baba atmosphere~"

"Thank you, Baba~"

"Let's go, let's go shopping~" Yan Bingxue took his son and daughter's hands and trot happily all the way.

The three of them really let go of their arms today and are ready to have a big fight. The first shop that I go in every day happens to sell souvenirs. They are all cute handmade gadgets. Girls and children like these the most.

Yan Bingxue and Tuan Tuan Le Le almost couldn't move forward. They looked at them bit by bit, took them one by one, and walked around half a small shop. The baskets in their hands were all full.

The waiter looked at them with a smile, as if looking at the God of Wealth.

Su Chen smiled and followed them, watching them take things without blinking.

These things are all small problems for him now, and it’s most important to make his wife and children happy~


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