Published at 21st of December 2021 09:34:10 AM

Chapter 296: Elementary fishing skills

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One night off, the third day of the honeymoon trip is a one-day cruise to the sea~

This is an effortless job, just go to the sea to see the scenery.

Su Chen rented a cruise ship with a dedicated driver. The family of four sat on the deck, enjoying the sun and drinking cold drinks. By the way, they watched the beach coast farther and farther away from him, as well as the endless sea ahead.

Tuan Tuan Le Le was trapped in a large round lazy sofa. Tuan Tuan wore a dress, Le Le wore beach pants and white short sleeves. The two of them wore sunglasses and looked super cute.

Su Chen took the camera to take pictures of them, and lay with Yan Bingxue on the lazy couch next to them.

"It's so comfortable~ Sea breeze, blue sky, white clouds, lazy sofa, all this is too beautiful~"

Su Chen's arms are under her head, one hand is around her shoulder, and she looks at the blue sky and white clouds with her, enjoying the caress of the sea breeze.

"Wife, if you like it, then we will go out often in the future. Take advantage of the group music is still small, take them around and take a look. After strolling through the great rivers and mountains of our Long Country, we will go outside to take a look. Look at this world~"

Yan Bingxue knows that this wish is very good, but it is not so easy to realize it. After all, he is the president of Transcendent Group, and Su Chen is also a major task. It is impossible for the two people to leave their work like this.

But if her husband can say that, Yan Bingxue still feels very happy. ,

"Husband, although it is a bit difficult to travel around the whole Long Country and the whole world, we can take your time. After all, the days in the future are still very long. Even if Tuan Tuan and Lele go to elementary school in the future, there will be winter and summer vacations. We want to go there. The great rivers and mountains of Long Country are still okay~"

"Okay, then let's make an agreement. From now on, we will come out to play once a year and go to different places~"

The Tuan Tuan and Lele over there are very supportive of this proposal.

"It's great~ every year from now on, we can come out to play with mom and dad~"

When the cruise ship arrived in the middle of the endless sea, Su Chen suddenly felt a slight movement. He pulled Yan Bingxue and stood up immediately, leaned on the edge of the fence, and looked at the bottom of the sea and said: "Tuan Tuan Le Le, come on, there are whales here~ "

Tuantuan and Lele got up in a hurry, ran to the side of their parents, leaning on the railings and looking at the sea.

After a while, a big blue whale raised his head and exposed his head on the water, still spraying water in the middle of his head.

"It's really a big whale~ Its nose is like a fountain, so cute~" Tuantuan said happily.

Lele raised the camera on his chest and took a picture of the big whale.

After a while, another group of dolphins appeared. Su Chen took out the prepared food, hugged Tuan Tuan and Lele, let them feed, watching the dolphins jump up and eat, the family couldn't help but laugh.

After watching the performance of the undersea animals for a while, Yan Bingxue suggested that everyone should come fishing. After all, they are all out to sea. It would be a pity if you don’t fish.

Everyone readily agreed, Su Chen just got the fishing rod, and the system's voice rang in his mind.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host and the two babies for the card fishing activity, and reward the host for primary fishing skills."

Su Chen activated his skills and confidently took the fishing rod and started fishing.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le launched a competition, "Baba and Ma~ Let’s play with the four of us~"

Su Chen, who had just grasped the skills, immediately said: "Okay~ Since it is a competition, there will definitely be rewards and punishments. In this way, if anyone catches less fishing later, when we go back, we will be responsible for All the fish caught are sold~"

Su Chen knows that their sea fishing today will definitely harvest a lot. These precious sea fishes can be released back to the sea, but ordinary sea fishes can't be eaten when they are brought home. If they are sold, they can also cultivate the commercial ability of the two children. .

He knows that the Tuan Yue Le must have lost today~

Tuantuan and Lele don't think so. They are not afraid of tigers when they are born with calves. Although they have never fished before, they are very confident.

"it is good!"

Next, it's Su Chen's performance time. After Yan Bingxue announced the start of the game, Su Chen flicked the hook and pulled the hook up within half a minute. There was a big sea bass on it.

Followed by Article 2 and Article 3... Su Chen is holding a fishing rod in his hand, like a ruthless fishing machine that can pull up a fish every half a minute.

At the beginning, Yan Bingxue and Tuan Tuan Yue Le still had a little confidence. They thought they might be able to win, especially Yan Bingxue. When he was a child, he often went fishing with Yan Zhengwei. As a result, he did not expect her husband to be a peerless master!

After 10 minutes, Yan Bingxue and Tuan Tuan Yue collectively gave up this competition.

Tuan Tuan Le Le didn't have a single fish. Yan Bingxue caught a fish, but it was just a drop in the bucket from the harvest that her husband was about to fill the bucket.

"I gave up. Dad is so amazing. I can't beat Dad at all. I can't catch a single fish. I surrender!" Lele threw away his little fishing rod.

Tuantuan immediately followed suit. My brother lost the fishing rod in his hand and ran to Dad, simply disturbing Dad.

Tuantuan sang loudly next to him, trying to scare away the fish in the water, but Su Chen didn't seem to be affected at all, still pulling the fishing rod quickly.

This sudden game was like the beginning, and it ended soon. The whole process only lasted more than half an hour, and Su Chen had already caught three big buckets of fish.

There are also some more expensive Soon after Su Chen caught it, he asked the two babies and Yan Bingxue to release them.

At this movement, even the crew on the ship were alarmed, and they ran to the deck to watch.

"Mr. Su, you are too good, you actually caught almost 100 fish in more than half an hour!"

"Isn't this better than fishing with a fishing net? Mr. Su, you are really a good angler!"

Tuantuan and Lele were a little depressed because they lost the game, but when they heard everyone praise their father like this, the two little guys suddenly smiled again, and they were proud to circle Sucheng next to them.

"My father is the best, he can do everything, even fishing can't trouble him!"

"Daddy's fishing is so great, it must be because the fish like Baba, so he volunteered to get on his dad's hook~"

Yan Bingxue smiled and said: "Husband, after we return to Zhonghai, you can find a chance to go fishing with my dad. He always thinks that he is very good at fishing. He often goes out night fishing and never comes back all night. My mother said about him every time, but he said he was a good fisherman and couldn't waste his talents."

"After going back this time, you can let him take a look at who is the real master fisherman, and I promise my dad won't dare to say such things in the future~"


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