Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:53 AM

Chapter 308: Refuse to ooperate! readily!

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"Haha, Brother Su, you are so handsome~"

"Bao S Group and Luxi have always been doglegs, relying on the support of T Group and Great Britain, they have made great achievements in the international arena. They really regard themselves as such. What you said just now is really pleasant. !"

"Brother Su, I found that you are really amazing. You can always hit other people’s pain points sharply. Whether it’s the T group you just pushed or the Bao S group just now, you caught their fatal point all at once, I Now I really admire you more and more!"

"Don't worship Brother too much." Su Chen smiled.

Lin Feifan immediately answered, "Brother Su is a legend?"

"No, I'm afraid that your goal is too big, and it will inevitably have low self-esteem when you can't achieve it, haha!" Su Chen smiled and walked away.

Lin Feifan reacted, catching up and saying: "Brother Su! Although you are telling the truth, you still save me some face~"

"Although I cannot be compared with Brother Su, you have always been my goal for Brother Su. I will work hard to learn from you. Even if I can't achieve Brother Su's achievements, I can become Brother Su’s younger brother and follow Brother Su. Studying, I can definitely realize my ideals and ambitions too!"

"Brother Su, are the people who fight T back?"

It's been a while since the two of them returned to the reception, but Govey's people have never appeared, so Lin Feifan would have such doubts.

"In fact, in these years, T has always been in a neutral position. Every time T and Bao S are fighting against the Long Science Academy, they can hide or hide, but privately, they have a good relationship with the Long Science Academy. I didn’t dare to show it at the summit, but our Long Science Academy lacked some materials before. Just as the news was released, Long Science Academy received an international courier anonymously. The director checked and found that it was sent by War T."

After listening to Lin Feifan's words, Su Chen thought for a while and said: "In that case, Zhan T is quite kind. It is understandable that they usually remain neutral at the summit. After all, whether it is their group or their country, their status in the international arena To be a little weaker, to survive in the cracks over the years, to be able to have today's status, must have come cautiously."

"Since Zhan T Group has helped the Long Academy of Sciences before, we have to write down this kindness, and if they find it later, I will talk to them properly." Su Chen said.

Lin Feifan nodded, "Brother Su, you are so magnificent~"

After a while, the people from War T arrived, and the assistant beside Govey came, "Hello Mr. Su, my president would like to invite you over there for a cup of tea. I wonder if you have time?"

Su Chen put down the wine glass in his hand, "Lead the way."

Govey chose a reception room, which was quite quiet. After Su Chen and the others went in, Govey's assistant swept the room with the anti-monitoring equipment.

Su Chen noticed this movement and took another look. Govey quickly said, "Don’t think about it, Mr. Su, I’m not suspicious of Mr. Su, it’s just that this is outside after all, and there are more people coming to this summit. There is a mixture of fish and dragons. In order to avoid unpleasant things from happening, I am a little more careful."

Su Chen waved his hand, "It's okay, it's good to do this, and it also protects my privacy."

Govey was relieved to see that he was not angry.

He took the initiative to make tea for Su Chen and put it in front of him. Su Chen discovered that the tea was actually Longjing tea from Longguo.

Su Chen took a sip and said with a smile: "It's very fragrant."

"Mr. Su likes it. I usually like Longguo tea. This Longjing is my favorite tea. This is the newly picked Yuqian Longjing this year."

Compared with the two just now, his attitude is very sincere. Su Chen also thought of his kindness to the Long Science Academy before the war, and said directly: "Mr. Govey, I heard from my colleague. You have helped our Long Science Academy, so if you have any questions today, you can ask directly. As long as it does not involve confidential content, I will be able to answer you."

Gewei was taken aback for a moment, and was pleasantly surprised: "I really didn't expect the Long Academy of Sciences to remember such a small thing. At that time, it was just a matter of effort. As I thought, Long Guo is a country with a lot of love and righteousness. ."

"Mr. Su, I will not waste your time. I will tell you straightforwardly, I know that now you have made a mecha for the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Long Guo will become the first mecha in the world. In the country, our country has never thought about competing with the Dragon Kingdom, and our group will not grab the limelight of the Dragon Academy of Sciences. We will not fight for the first place, but if it can be the second, it would be a great honor for me. one thing."

"As for the bright side, our group can propose to cooperate with Long Academy of Sciences. You are the leader and we are the assisting party, as long as you are willing to help our group research mecha."

Although Zhan T did not propose very rich material conditions like T and Bao S, but they are very sincere. In short, they are not here to grab the first place, but want to share a piece of the pie, hope Su Chen and Long The Academy of Sciences can pull them to fight T.

"Mr. Govey, although you did help the Long Academy of Sciences before, we can talk about this affection from other aspects. If it is to cooperate, it is better to do business by business." Su Chen said.

Govey was a little nervous and asked: "Mr. Su, what do you mean..."

"Since I want to choose a partner for the Long Academy of Sciences, it is natural to use strength to speak. After all, cooperation is a win-win situation for both parties, not targeted poverty alleviation. If you can trust me and the Academy of Long Sciences, you can tell your current progress. I."

"This..." Govey seemed a little embarrassed.

Su Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, Mr. I tell you the truth, if you really want to choose a partner, my requirements will be very strict. If you don’t want to disclose your current information , I won’t say much, let’s take a cup of tea today."

His meaning is very clear. Even if he really confided in the old story, Su Chen still has to judge whether they can become partners based on their research progress. That is to say, it is possible that these materials will be shown to Su Chen. In the end, Not only couldn't cooperate, but also leaked the old bottom.

But if you don’t show it to Su Chen, then there is really no chance. Su Chen has already made a real fighter armor. His research on mecha far exceeds that of everyone who fights T, even if It was the publication of their research results, which I believe to Su Chen is nothing but a fur.

Govey gritted his teeth and immediately asked his assistant to show Su Chen their latest research results in his notebook.

Su Chen carefully read it, pursed his lips and said, "Mr. Govey, with all due respect, as far as your current research level is concerned, it is simply not up to the standard for cooperation with the Long Academy of Sciences."

"Mr. Govey, I'm sorry, we may not be able to help you at this point. If you have any problems with mecha that are difficult to overcome later, you can come to the Dragon Academy of Sciences to sit down."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he took Lin Feifan and left.


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