Published at 21st of December 2021 09:33:03 AM

Chapter 343: Su hen is familiar

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Chapter 344 Su Chen is a bit familiar

Before leaving the house, he turned around and said: "Second grandfather, please consider what we said at the family meeting yesterday. There will be a family meeting tomorrow. The patriarch will also come to attend. I hope this You can make a decision early on something. The patriarch and his elderly are very old now, so it's better not to bother him with such trivial matters."

They came over and felt angry and suffocated. They finally recovered a little face in a word before going out.

After leaving, Su Zixuan looked worried.

Su Liang and Su Yuan lost their tempers after getting in the car.

"Are these people in the old house still alive decades ago? I really think I am the owner of this house!"

"Those who are well-behaved every day, don't see if they can keep it!"

"Zixuan, your last remark was so good, just to give them a little pressure to let them know who the owner of this old mansion will be in the future!"

Su Zixuan didn't say a word, and the grandpa and father next to them finally realized something was wrong.

Su Liang looked at his grandson and asked worriedly, "Zixuan, what's wrong with you?"

Su Zixuan looked up at Grandpa, frowned and asked, "Grandpa, Dad, do you think that Su Chen is a bit familiar?"

Su Liang shook his head, "No, Su Haoqian's son is nothing special except that he looks handsome?"

Su Yuanzhong patted his son and said, "Zixuan, what are you thinking about?"

Su Zixuan frowned, "I always think I have seen him somewhere, but I can't remember."

"He looks familiar, because he looks a lot like his dad when he was young. I found out when I saw it at first glance. You might have seen Su Haoqian's photos before!" Su Yuanzhong didn't think that. Said intentionally.

Su Zixuan still has some doubts, "It's not quite right, I don't think it's something as simple as a photo."

"Oh, haven't they been in Zhonghai all the time? When did we meet in the imperial capital? Son, don't think about these useless things. Now those people have returned to the old house. I guess there will be no meeting tomorrow. It's so simple and relaxed. Originally, there was only Su Zhe. We are confident, but now there is another kid, and I don't know him..."

"I remember!" Su Zixuan suddenly interrupted his father, frowning and shouted.

Su Yuanzhong seemed to hear something wrong with his son's voice.

"Zixuan, have you really seen this Su Chen?"

Su Zixuan ignored his father's words, and nervously took out his cell phone, turned on Douyin, and searched for mechas, and soon there was a video of mecha young.

"Sure enough it is him!"

Su Yuan Zhongnuo Su Liang didn't know what had happened, and asked curiously, "What happened to Zixuan? Where have you seen this Su Chen?"

Su Zixuan raised his head and said solemnly, "Grandpa and Dad, do you remember that I told you the other day that the mecha of our Dragon Kingdom has come out?"

Su Liang nodded, "Remember, you told me about this at the time. I can't play mobile phones when I grow old. I don't understand those things about you young people. You said someone in China Shipping made a big deal. Mecha, and also used this mecha to greet relatives, and engaged in a very romantic battle. What does this have to do with Su Haoqian and others?"

Su Yuanzhong finally became a little more sober and grabbed the key words and said, "The video of the mecha welcoming marriage took place in Zhonghai. Su Haoqian and the others also came from Zhonghai, Zixuan, you said you have seen this Su Chen, and now you are talking about this again. Video, shouldn't Su Chen have anything to do with this mecha?"

Su Zixuan nodded lightly, his eyes heavier than ever.

"This Su Chen is the protagonist of the Mecha welcoming relatives. I just felt that he was familiar with him. I just checked the video again and found that it was him, and his wife and two children also appeared in the video. I confessed my mistake, but it is absolutely impossible to admit a mistake when a family appears together!"

"What? Su Chen is the hero of the mecha welcoming him? Then he...isn't it the maker of this mecha?" Su Yuanzhong asked in shock.

Su Zixuan did not answer, but the answer is self-evident.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly calmed down, and the three people in Xiao Su's family turned pale.

After a while, Su Liang said, "If this is the case, the situation might be a bit serious."

"The remarks we made on the team leader's side have always been that there are few people on the Su family's side. Now there is only Su Zhe, the heir of the right age, but Su Zhe is just 20 years old and has no achievements in his career, so it is necessary. The choice of successor is decided by election, but if this Su Chen also joins in...hey!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but took a breath.

Su Yuanzhong next to him said: "If Su Chen really made a mecha, let alone his success as the successor of our Su family, he is worth it even if he is a better position."

"Don't build up other people's ambitions here and destroy your own prestige. Although Su Chen's young age is indeed excellent in making mechas, our Zixuan is no worse than him!" Su Liang said.

Su Zixuan, who had never spoken, suddenly sharpened his eyes, "Grandpa, Dad, it seems that this time I will meet a suitable opponent!"

"Since this Su Chen is Su Haoqian's son, UU reading, I am afraid that the succession of the candidate will be a little more variable, but the more things like this, the more interesting things will be. I have been competing with that Su Zhe all day long. It's already boring, now that there is one more Su Chen, things are finally a little more interesting!"

"Son, this is not a game. If Su Chen really makes mechas, then we must not take it lightly."

Su Liang nodded and said in agreement: "Zixuan, your dad is right. If Su Chen is really the maker of mechas, plus he is Su Haoqian's son, he wants to inherit everything from the Su family. , It’s just right."

Su Zixuan sneered, "All this is just speculation. Although the video of the mecha welcoming relatives has come out, it has been more than half a month. Until now, the Dragon Kingdom official has not released any news about the appearance of the mecha. All the information on the Internet is speculative. It is still unknown whether the mecha is true or not. As for the maker of Su Chen, it is even more a mystery."

"Grandpa, Dad, don't worry, I will not underestimate the enemy, no matter whether this Su Chen really made mechs, I will treat him as a strong opponent."

(End of this chapter)

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