Published at 21st of December 2021 09:32:56 AM

Chapter 349: it is good! ompare it!

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When the old patriarch heard these words, his face was a little embarrassed and looked towards the Su family.

Although the people around did not speak, no one came forward to refute the words said by Xiao Su's family.

I have to say that this Su Zixuan has the ability to fool people. It stands to reason that they are not qualified to participate in the competition for the successors of the Su family.

But Su Zixuan said that the heir's matter is related to their future jobs, and they have to take it seriously.

Second Master Su said without even thinking: "Our Su Chen, although a little young, but a very good child, he..."

"Second Grandpa." Su Chen interrupted Second Grandpa's words, and smiled at him slightly.

Second Master Su understood what he meant, and put the right to speak into his hands.

Su Chen glanced at Su Zixuan over there, then glanced at everyone around him.

"The second grandfather trusts me and puts the position of family inheritance in my hands, then naturally I can't live up to his expectations. If you want to compare, just let it go!"

He has nothing to fear!

He has the system in hand, and the skills he possesses are all top-notch. Moreover, the achievements he has made at his current age are probably those of people like Su Zixuan that can't be reached in a few lifetimes.

Xiaosu's family has been thinking about inheritance rights for many years. If they are not convinced to lose, I am afraid they will not be reconciled.

"Okay! Master Su Chen is really a cheerful person!"

"If this is the case, then everyone should discuss it carefully and see who wants to challenge the heir of Master Su Chen."

Su Zixuan said excitedly, but after he finished speaking, everyone around him lowered their heads, and no one dared to speak at this time.

This is also expected, these people are relying on the Su family to eat, they dare not fight with the Su family, they just want to eat a bite.

And Su Zixuan didn't take them seriously. Seeing that no one was talking, Su Zixuan continued, "Then I will do the first match!"

"Master Su Chen, if you want to become the Patriarch of the Su family, the most important thing is to have the ability to protect yourself. Although it is okay to hire a bodyguard for the Su family’s great cause, but if the heir does not have the ability to do so, you may be in danger. I can only catch the blind, so I want to challenge Master Su Chen to a free fight with you, I believe you will not dare to fight?"

Su Zixuan spoke very confidently, and after he finished speaking, everyone around him gave a sigh of worry, and some people were already whispering.

"Su Zixuan wants to fight freely with Young Master Su Chen, isn't this a bully!"

"Who didn't know that Su Zixuan had won a gold medal in a fight contest before!"

Su Jianqing and Su Erye have a dark face, and they are obviously also aware of this matter.

The old patriarch looked at the atmosphere, was about to make a round, but suddenly heard Su Chen say: "Okay!"

End of the meeting.

According to the results of the final discussion, as the heir, Su Chen must first undergo three rounds of tests.

As the challenged party, as for the challenger, there is no explicit stipulation about who it is. Anyone from the Su family can voluntarily go to the battle to challenge Su Chen.

The three rounds of trials are divided into three days. What is the theme of each challenge? In what way to challenge, you need to inform the content of the Sioux City exam in advance the day before the competition.

This first competition, Su Zixuan has already explained in the meeting.

And Su Chen has also challenged, so tomorrow morning's game will be a free fight between Su Zixuan and Su Chen.

After Xiao Su's family returned home, he couldn't help but become happy.

Su Liang said, "Great. I didn't expect Su Chen to agree so easily. Even though he has some abilities, it is a pity that he is still too young, so he got our hook easily. He definitely doesn't know, Zixuan, you have How awesome!"

Su Yuanzhong looked at his son proudly, pointed to a cabinet of honor certificates and medals and said: "If Su Chen sees these things, I promise that he will regret his decision today."

Su Zixuan stood in front of the cabinet and picked up one of the trophies with the words "International Fighting Competition Gold Award" on it.

Su Yuanzhong stood beside him and said with a smile on his face: "Son, fighting is your strong point. Over the years, you have been diligent in learning and training, and you have won so many medals and trophies. Your grandfather has also found the best for you. Teacher of, we are set to win tomorrow's game!"

Su Zixuan’s fighting teacher was the champion of the last World Fighting Competition, and he is the proud disciple of this champion. He has studied with the teacher for about five years. The first two years have been diligent and hard training, and the following three years have been Participating in various competitions, constantly improving myself in practice.

These trophies and medals in front of him are the best proof of him.

At this time, Su Zixuan thought that at the meeting today, their whole family was forced by Su Chen to do a paternity test with Su Jianqing, and he clenched his fists involuntarily.

"What Su Chen did today, I will return it to him tomorrow!"

"Even if he is really the maker of that mech, how can he be my opponent in terms of fighting."

"Today, in front of so many people, he asked our family to do a paternity test with Su Jianqing. I must repay this grudge."

When mentioning this matter, Su Liang and Su Yuanzhong's expressions changed.

Su Liang snorted coldly and said, "Yeah, who would have thought that kid would dare to say that in a meeting!"

"The people of the Su family are always arrogant. UU read, but no one has ever dared to treat us this way at the conference! It seems that Su Chen is really not easy to provoke." Su Yuanzhong frowned and said.

Su Zixuan smiled, "No matter what kind of person he is, it is a pity that he is still too young. He doesn't even know my details, so he dare to face me. Tomorrow, I will show him my strength!"

When they heard what their son said, Su Liang and Su Yuanzhong's expressions softened slightly.

Su Yuanzhong said with some excitement: "Son, you must not be merciful tomorrow. I remember the last time you went to participate in the international fighting competition, but in the end you beat that dead opponent so hard that you could not get up, even your front teeth. Both have dropped two."

Su Zixuan thought of that scene, licked his molars and said with a smile: "Yes, I heard that he later lay in the hospital for more than three months, until now his legs are still a little lame!"

"Then when you deal with Su Chen tomorrow, you will follow that day. There is no identity on the battlefield. Since he voluntarily fights with you, it will be disability or injury in the end. What kind of end he will end up in is up to him. Yes, we have been in the old house for the past two days, and we have not suffered less. When we get to the ring tomorrow, we have to find the venue!"

Su Zixuan's ideas coincided with his father's. After all, in the matter of fighting, he already felt that he was invincible in the world.


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