Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:27 AM

Chapter 354: Su's winning the bid!

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This bidding meeting went on very quickly. After Su Chen came to the stage and gave a speech on the bidding documents, everyone knew that he had no chance, and the final result soon came down. The Su family was designated as the target of cooperation for this military region.

The news spread quickly, and the major families in the imperial capital were notified as soon as possible.

When Xu Ruhui returned home, the old man was anxiously pacing in the living room.

He has received the news that Su's family has won the bid, and he is not surprised at all. He only cares about whether Xu Ruhui has completed the task he explained today.

After receiving the news of Su’s winning the bid, the old man has been waiting at home, hoping to hear good news from his granddaughter.

An hour later, Xu Ruhui finally returned home. As soon as he walked in, the old man immediately asked: "How is it, Ruhui, you should see Su Chen today? You and him..."

Xu Ruhui didn't say a word or said anything, she rushed into her room directly, across the door panel, the old man from the Xu family heard the cry of the house.

Everyone else guessed what the outcome of the matter was. Xu Yongsheng and the others lowered their heads and dared not speak. Xu Yuncong also hid early, for fear of being caught and beaten by the grandfather again.

Father Xu realized that the matter had failed, and his face immediately became cold.

sat on the sofa and sighed. No one dared to speak, and they all stood there silently.

Xu Ruhui cried very sad, and the voice reached the master Xu Jiazhi's ears, and he was so angry that he smashed his cup on the floor on the spot.

"Cry and cry, one or two is so useless, nothing but crying!"

"Why did our Xu family give birth to you useless things!"

"I can't handle a small thing, and I won't say anything when I come back. It's like how wronged I was!"

Old man Xu scolded loudly, just to let Xu Ruhui in the room hear her.

Xu Ruhui suddenly cried even more sad when she heard what grandpa said.

Old man Xu stood up and kicked her door.

"Get out of here quickly, what happened at the bidding meeting, come out and say it clearly, then go cry after you say it!"

The old man got angry, Xu Ruhui didn't dare not listen, wiped her tears, and walked out of the room with her head down.

She cried and said, "Grandpa, I really did my best. I was dressed up specially today, but I didn't expect that Young Master Su Chen actually went with Yan Bingxue!"

Old man Xu frowned, "What's the matter with you who went together! They are a husband and wife, why did I tell you at home?"

"I understand, grandpa, don't worry, my attitude towards Yan Bingxue today is also very respectful."

"But, Young Master Su also ignored me."

"I talked a lot with him and conveyed your meaning. I told him every sentence according to what you taught me, but Young Master Su seemed to have never heard it, from beginning to end. He ignored me, didn't even look at me, took the hand of Li Xue and left."

"The bidding meeting ended later, and I wanted to go up to congratulate him, but as soon as I squeezed into the crowd, Master Su Chen took Yan Bingxue away, and he didn't give me a chance..."

said, Xu Ruhui cried again aggrieved.

Old man Xu frowned tightly. Although he was angry, he couldn't do anything to his granddaughter.

"Okay, I'm not dead yet, don't cry in front of me all day long!"

"Although there is nothing to gain from this matter today, if you do what I said, it doesn't offend their family. Let's do this first, and quickly collect your tears for me. It's upset to see people!"

Xu Ruhui did not dare to cry anymore, lowered her head and sobbed quietly.

Xu Yongsheng carefully asked next to him: "Dad, what should we do now?"

"The Su family took over the business from the military region, and I am afraid that we will leave a lot of our family..."

"Isn’t I just thinking of a way! Are your heads on your shoulders just to be taller? I am already 80 or 90 years old now, and there is no one of you who is up for it. When I die, it’s impossible to get it back. Must I give you a dream and teach you how to manage our Xu family!"

"Get out of here, don't be an eyesore here, think about it, then how should we behave at the Su family celebration party!"

"A group of idiots who succeeded less than failed!"

Huo's family also got the news of Su's winning the bid for the first time.

Old man Huo said: "This matter can be considered settled. From now on, the Su Family will have a different status in the entire imperial capital!"

The Young Master took the latest news from the Su family and said with excitement: "Grandpa, what the Su family did this time is really beautiful. In such a short time, their family has built a complete industrial chain. They are all aimed at mechas. This time the military region announced several cooperation projects, their family responded early, and the factories are all ready!"

The old man of the Huo family smiled and said: "This must be arranged by Su Chen. The mecha was made by Su Chen. No one knows better than him. Su Chen has already thought of what the military region needs. This time they came to the Imperial City and stayed for a while, and they should have arranged everything here before returning, so this time the Su family can deal with it so beautifully."

"Little Jia, you have to learn more with Master Su Chen, Master Su Chen is younger than you, but this mind is extremely clever, not only a genius in scientific research, but also in the business field. Character!"

The young master of the Huo family nodded, "Grandpa, I also heard about one thing. The Xu family members also went to the bidding meeting today."

"The Xu family? What are they trying to do? The Su family is now in the limelight. The old man from the Xu family shouldn't stand up to challenge the Su family at this time, right? Is there any other news?"

"Grandpa, you guessed right. This time, the Xu family went there under the guise of running. UU reading said that our emperor can’t tell people from other places to look down, and the Xu family’s father This time I actually sent Xu Ruhui to participate in the bidding meeting."

"Xu Ruhui? Haha~ The old man of the Xu family is really good! Last time that Xu Ruhui provoke Su Chen's wife at the banquet, their family has already apologized in public. Unexpectedly, they still want to make a fuss at the bidding meeting!" Old man Huo sneered.

"The result is definitely not very good! This Young Master Su Chen looked upright, he was a little unambiguous at the banquet last time, and the relationship between him and his wife is very good, it is impossible to put a woman like Xu Ruhui on it. In my eyes."

"Grandpa guessed right. I heard that Xu Ruhui was present in the meeting place today, but Young Master Su Chen ignored her at all. When Xu Ruhui left, her eyes were red. At the moment, Xu Ruhui's family is probably going to be upset. !"

Old man Huo laughed loudly when he heard the words, "That old man from the Xu family also really did it. This Young Master Su Chen is already married, and he still wants this kind of indiscriminate tricks. It's okay for him to do this. The greater the contradiction in the Su family, the more stable our position. You have performed well recently. Your daughter-in-law had a few words with Su Chen’s wife a few days ago. Remember to keep it and don’t learn from the Xu family. If you want to do something crooked, let's be ourselves!"

"From now on, this imperial capital will be the world of the Su family!"


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