Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:24 AM

Chapter 356: The ball be omes a big dog

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The two little guys were drunk and drunk, Su Chen held them both firmly in his arms with one hand, not daring to relax.

But the two children didn't seem to realize that they were not drinking juice but fruit wine at all.

They sat in Su Chen's arms and looked at each other sillyly.

"Brother, has your juice been taken away? Hehe, I seem to know why Mom and Dad are taking our juice away~"

Lele narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why?"

Tuantuan said mysteriously: "Because they also want to drink our juice, our juice is super delicious, right? Mom and Dad must have discovered that our juice is delicious, so they don’t want to drink anymore, they want to drink it. Our juice~"

He laughed happily, "Mom and Dad are so cute~ How can you grab juice from the kids? Mom and Dad, if you want to drink juice, just go get the glass and pour it yourself. Don’t grab my sister and me. In the past, the two of us will continue to toast~"

Lin Xiu saw the two little guys doing this and couldn't help but said with concern: "Dust Chen, the two children are obviously drunk, what can I do?"

Mrs. Su said, "Old Su, go and call the family doctor. They are so young, what can I do if they drink it like this?"

Su Chen had already seen the pulse of the two little babies, but there was nothing wrong with it, just a little drunk.

The degree of fruit wine is not high, and the two of them only drank a small half a cup. There is no need to go to the hospital at this level. It should be fine to sleep.

So Su Chen said: "It's okay, mom, grandma, don't worry, Tuan Tuan and Lele don't drink much, and the alcohol content is not high. Their bodies can digest it."

"But these two children are so drunk now, do you want to send them upstairs to sleep first?" Lin Xiu said.

Tuantuan and Lele immediately shook their heads. Tuantuan was in Su Chen's arms, twisting his body restlessly, and pouting loudly: "No, Tuantuan don't want to sleep!"

"Tuan Tuan is going to play! Dad, let go, I will go down and play, Tuan Tuan is full~"

The little guy tossed hard, Su Chen was afraid of hurting her, so he could only put her on the ground.

Yan Bingxue stood up immediately, guarding behind the little guy, afraid that she would walk crookedly, and fell down later.

After a while, Lele also got off his father, and ran to the living room to find his sister.

The two little guys had a pillow fight on the sofa, but with their drunk eyes, they couldn't see where the other party was. All the pillows hit the air.

The adults watched this scene helplessly, and hurriedly finished their meal and went to look after the two little guys.

The two children were exposed to alcohol for the first time. They were obviously not used to it, and they seemed a bit over-excited.

was originally fighting with a pillow, but Tuantuan was taken aback for a moment, staring at the pillow in his arms, his big eyes staring in confusion.

"Ball Ball? Ball Ball, why did you suddenly grow so big? My sister has only left you for two days, and you have become a big dog!"

The little guy seemed to use the pillow in her arms as a ball, and he moved his face to the pillow and rubbed it back and forth.

muttered from the inside of his mouth: "How come the hair on your body has become so short, and it's not soft and comfortable as before~ Is this how you look like when you grow up?"

Lele over there waited for a long time, and found that her sister was no longer playing with her. The little guy frowned and suddenly stood up and went to the big vase over there.

Seeing him pick up the vase, Yan Bingxue hurried forward, trying to remove the vase. This thing is too dangerous.

But Lele didn’t let go of her hold, and even hugged the vase in front of everyone. He smiled and said, “Grandpa, did you see that? This is a big mecha that I recognized! This mecha is very powerful. ~Like the big mecha that Dad made, it can go to the battlefield to fight!"

"Lele finally made a mecha, hehe~"

After the little guy finished speaking, he put the vase heavily on the ground. Everyone was shocked. Lele himself seemed to be shocked. He looked at the big vase and said, "This big mecha is different, it's so heavy. Lele can't hold it anymore~"

"But, heavy talent is amazing~ Dad, did you say Lele right?"

The little guy jumped on Su Chen's feet, hugged his thigh, raised his head and said with a smile.

He has put down the dangerous goods, and the big guy is relieved.

Su Haoqian said with a smile: "These two babies in our family, the wine seems to be really good. When you are drunk, you will not be noisy and have dreams~"

"Lele really wants to make a big mech in her dream, just like her father!"

After    Lele finished speaking, he didn't wait for Su Chen to answer, and fell asleep holding Su Chen's thigh.

Su Chen quickly picked up his son and put it on the sofa over there. He fell asleep too, and then moved the two children to the bedroom upstairs.

Ke Tuantuan is obviously not sleepy yet, still playing happily with the small pillow.

She treated the pillow in her arms as a ball, and her little mouth chattered endlessly.

After being drunk, his hands were a little unsteady, and the pillow fell from his arms accidentally.

Tuan was taken aback, then frowned and shouted: "Ball, where did you go?"

The little guy got up and walked crookedly towards the window.

Yan Bingxue carefully guarded her behind, saw Tuan Tuan walk up to a plush teddy bear, hugged the teddy bear and said: "Ball ball, sister found you~ hee hee~"

"But why do you seem to have grown up again? You just looked like a big dog, and now you are as big as a lion! Are you a big lion?"

"Ball, your hair has become so soft and soft again, and it has grown a lot~ My sister likes your hair to be soft, it feels comfortable to rub~"

"Qiuqiu, will you still grow up in the future? Are you growing up to protect your brother and sister? Qiuqiu, you are so good~ My sister loves you so much~"

The little guy lay on the big furry bear, and slowly stopped talking, closing his big eyes as if he was asleep.

The two little guys finally calmed down, and the adults breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue carried them to the bedroom upstairs.

As a result, when the two little guys were just put on the bed, Yan Bingxue planned to go downstairs to cook some hangover soup, and give the two children a little drink later.

Su Chen stayed upstairs and looked after the two little guys, fearing that they would wake up suddenly.

The two little guys didn't slept for long. Lele did it for a little while, and found that he was transferred to the bed with his father lying beside him. He crawled over happily, with his little head lying on his father's chest.

"Dad, are you sleeping with Lele today~"


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