Published at 21st of December 2021 09:32:47 AM

Chapter 359: Me h transported to the imperial apital

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Due to the problem of the competition method this time, the final competition was set a week later. During this week, Su Chen and Su Zixuan will send out invitations in their respective names. On the day of the banquet, each person only needs to hold one. Invitations.

In the next week, Su Zixuan was lying in bed and could not move, and could only keep in touch with those people who had previously interacted with by phone.

And Su Liang and Su Yuanzhong are out all day, inviting all kinds of people to eat.

Looking at the Su family's atmosphere, the atmosphere is obviously much more relaxed. Su Chen doesn't seem to care about the final competition, and even the invitation hasn't even started to prepare.

He stays in the old house every day, and he takes his children’s wife and parents to play with him when he goes out.

The next morning, when Su Chen was playing outside with his wife and children, he suddenly reached Old Yuan's phone.

During the period when he came to the imperial capital, Su Chen and the elder took leave. Since the mecha had been completed, the old Yuan naturally approved his leave, and said that if there were any problems at work, they could also be dealt with remotely, so that he could go back to his hometown. family reunion.

After receiving a call from Yuan Lao today, Su Chen knew that it was a work matter, so he walked to the side to pick it up.

"Xiaosu, are you still in the imperial capital now?"

"Well, Yuan Lao, I will probably stay here for a while at the Imperial Capital. Is there anything at work?"

"Yes, there is something wrong, but you don't need to come back, you just happen to be in the imperial capital!"

Old Yuan said very happily on the phone: "Xiaosu, it's about mechas. Didn't you say that you have done all the tests of mechas before, only the weapons have not been completed due to space constraints? Now the approval process above has also come down. I want to see you in the Imperial Capital Military Region and hope that we can send the mecha. Then you can test the weapon functions of the mecha within the military area's field!"

Su Chen heard this and said to Yuan Lao on the other end of the phone: "If the mecha is brought to the military area of ​​the imperial capital, it will definitely be more convenient. In addition to checking the weapon function of the mecha, you can also do it. Some actual combat exercises can ensure the full functionality of the mecha."

"Haha, I still want to say that you are more thoughtful. You can do all these things after the mecha arrives in the imperial capital, but now the people on the military area want to see you. In fact, you have been making mechas for a while. , It’s just that the above is going through the process, this matter is very important, so I have not talked to you before, but in fact, the people in the military region have long wanted to see you, this time you happen to be in the imperial capital again, after the mecha has passed , I believe they will announce this important event soon. When the mecha comes out, you, Xiao Su, will be a world-famous hero!"

When Su Chen heard this, his eyes were stained with a smile.

I didn’t expect that he would make the mecha in just a few months. Now that I think about it, I’m really good!

After the fighter first comes out, all these speculations will be confirmed, and everyone will know his name Su Chen!

"Xiaosu, I called you today, mainly to tell you that the military area hopes to transport the mecha to the imperial capital. You can rest assured that the military area personnel will be responsible for the escort, and there will be no problems in the process. "

"Okay, Yuan Lao, the mecha is in my work compartment, I will tell you the code now."

The day Yuan Lao finished calling Su Chen, the mecha far away in Zhonghai had already been transported into the imperial capital.

Within a few hours, this news has been uploaded on the Internet.

Because the entire highway is restricted today, the restricted area is cleared, and all private vehicles are separated.

The large mecha transported in the middle was very conspicuous. Many car owners took videos and posted them on the Internet, which caused an uproar.

Everyone is talking.

"Didn't this mech appear in the previous Zhonghai mech welcoming video? Why does it appear on the highway now? Is this going to be transported to another place?"

"This is the expressway to the imperial capital. It seems that the mecha is going to be transported to the imperial capital. Then the mecha of our country will come out soon?"

"That's amazing! I didn't expect that the plot in the science fiction movie actually found in front of my eyes, the last time I just swiped the mech of Zhonghai on the Internet to welcome my relatives, I did not expect to see the real mech this time. , I have to say that Longguo is really awesome!"

"Now the whole world has not made a real mech, the dragon country has already appeared mecha, our country will soon become the world's number one!"

"It's so shocking, brothers! The effect in the video is far less shocking than the eye can see. I don't know who made such a big mecha!"

"Same question, when will the mecha be officially announced? I really want to know who the great hero is!"

The entire network is all discussing news about the transport of mechas into the imperial capital. Naturally, the imperial capital also heard the news.

"This mecha is about to be transported into the imperial capital. It seems that our country will soon announce that the mecha is coming out. The bridegroom officer who appeared in Jia Yunqing's video is sure to be the eldest grandson of the Su family? In this way, the children of the Su family have made a big mecha, which is an incredible event for the situation of the entire imperial capital!"

"If Su Chen is really the maker of this mecha, everything is as the rumors say, we have to think about it, and have a good relationship with the Su family!"


Su Yuanzhong ran outside for a whole day I didn't even have time to look at my mobile phone, so I didn't know the news on the Internet.

At this time, he was with Xu Yongsheng, the son of the head of the Xu family.

He booked the best hotel in the imperial capital. Obviously there were only two people for dinner, but he booked a big box.

is so willing to spend money, naturally for the last competition.

The previous two games have been lost, and now there is only the last one left. If they still lose, then their Xiao Su family will have no chance at all.

Two people, Su Yuandong and Su Liang, have been working outside these days. They are busy with this matter. If Xu Yongsheng can be invited today, Su Yuandong attaches great importance to it.

The Xu family is one of the three members of the imperial capital. If they can invite someone from the Xu family, they will definitely get extra points in the end.

Su Yuanzhong took the red invitation and said: "Master Xu, let's say that the family is going to hold a grand banquet. This is an invitation. Then you will bring the family with this invitation."

"Su Yuanzhong, I also understand what you said, but let's have a meal today, don't talk about dinner. The Su family hasn't given Zhunxin yet, no Anxious."


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