Published at 21st of December 2021 09:31:30 AM

Chapter 414: A small group that shows su ess in learning

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"Brother Li, do we have to think of something? You see that you have been here for several months since you came to the Academy of Long Science. It is because of Su Chen that you can't even enter the mecha research department. Don't think of a way, he will definitely become more and more arrogant!"

Li Jianhao thought of his experience during this period of time, he threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground, and stomped it out with his toes.

He said fiercely: "We must not let Su Chen remain so proud, we have to find a way to properly clean up this Su Chen and rub his spirit!"

Qian Cheng nodded, and said with a flattering look on the side: "Yes, Brother Li, you are a strong faction. If it weren't for Su Chen now, the person who enjoys this kind of treatment in the Mecha Research Department would definitely be you, we Find a way to kick Su Chen out and earn back all the glory that belongs to you!"

In a blink of an eye, it was Friday. After this week of study, Tuan Tuan Yue has mastered a lot of new knowledge.

On Friday evening, when I was opening a video with the grandparents of the Imperial Capital, the two little ones were excited to show everyone what they had learned this week.

Tuantuan said to Su Haoqian on the video side: "Grandpa, Tuantuan is no longer the Tuantuan you know!"

"Tuan Tuan has learned a lot of new garlic skills in hobby classes this week. Now Tuantuan is very fast in calculating addition and subtraction within 100 levels. If you don't believe me, you can take a test."

With such a proud look of the little guy, Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu on the other end of the funny phone laughed.

Su Haoqian said: "Okay, then grandpa will take the exam for the team."

"Grandpa takes the Tuantuan exam first. A simple question will gradually increase the difficulty later, to see if our Tuantuan is really good."

"Tuan Tuan, how much is thirteen plus sixteen?"

Tuantuan smiled slightly, "Grandpa, you are too small to look down on Tuantuan, this question is too simple, Tuantuan can be calculated without using your fingers, the answer is twenty-nine!"

"Haha, after our family group took the interest class, we have indeed made great progress. This kind of topic is all pediatrics for you. Then grandpa will take another test for you. You have to listen carefully. 18 plus What is twenty-six minus fifteen plus eight minus six plus twenty-two?"

This is a continuous question, Tuantuan listened very carefully, moved his fingers slightly, and reported the answer immediately.

"It's fifty-three!"

"Wow, our family Tuan Tuan is so fast, even if it comes out? It seems that Tuan Tuan has made a lot of progress in this mental arithmetic class! This kind of continuous calculation problem is still a bit difficult for the kindergarten children." Lin Xiu said in surprise.

Su Haoqian nodded, his eyes filled with relief, "We Tuantuan seems to have studied very hard in school. We have only studied for a week. Addition and subtraction within 100 is no longer a problem at all. I believe it will wait until this. At the end of the summer vacation, Tuan Tuan's computing ability will definitely improve. When your kindergarten starts, it will definitely amaze other children!"

Lele heard her grandpa and grandma praise her sister, and immediately walked to the TV and said: "Grandpa and grandma, Lele has also learned a lot of new things this week! Lele learns Mathematical Olympiad, although she can't be as fast as her sister. Calculate the problem, but as long as you give me a piece of paper and a pen, I can figure it out even if it is a number other than one hundred!"

"And the teacher also told us a lot of interesting topics, I encountered a particularly interesting topic today, grandparents, would you like to listen to it?"

Su Haoqian said with a smile: "Lele is going to take a test for grandparents, okay, then Lele will read the questions and see if grandparents can do it."

Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu were originally teachers, and they are still very confident about the children's questions.

"In a parking lot, there are 48 cars and motorcycles parked. Each car has 4 wheels and each motorcycle has 3 wheels. These cars have a total of 172 wheels. There are cars and motorcycles in the parking lot. How many?"

Su Haoqian originally thought that most of Lele’s questions were simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the kindergarten, but he didn’t expect Lele to talk about word problems.

This can only be learned in the upper grades of elementary school!


"Grandpa, is this topic a bit too difficult? Then let me talk about it again~"

"The chicks and rabbits are kept in the same cage. It is known that there are 86 chicks and rabbit feet, and the number of rabbits and the number of chicks add up to 30. Then may I ask the total How many chickens and rabbits?"

"This... is this a problem of the chicken and the rabbit in the same cage?"

Su Haoqian laughed, "Has Jia Lele come into contact with these complicated word problems so soon?"

"Yes, grandpa, although the teacher didn't talk about these topics in kindergarten, the teachers in the Mathematical Olympiad class talked about these more complicated topics!"

"At first I found it a bit difficult when I saw it, but then the teacher explained to us what to do if we encounter similar problems. You can find the pattern by doing a few more questions!"

"The two questions above are actually the same. You need to set two unknowns, and then use two formulas to easily calculate it!"

The little guy is holding paper and pen to show his grandparents on the These questions are of course very simple for Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu, who are teachers, but they are very happy to see Lele showing her own Skills, I am also happy for the children.

After a short while, Su Jianqing and his wife Liang also came. Seeing the excellent performance of the two little babies, they praised them all.

"Our family's Tuan Tuan and Lele are really excellent. I started to learn these when I was in kindergarten. After you go to elementary school, you will definitely get the first place in the school!"

"I think the most important thing is that our family's troupe and music and music are very easy to learn. Other children who are so young go to interest classes and learn music, dance and instruments, but our family's troupe and music and music are all Complicated mathematics, just because of this, they are better than other children~" Mrs. Su said with a smile.

After talking about the hobby class, Su Haoqian told the two babies, “Tuan Tuan Le Le, yesterday grandparents went shopping and bought you new clothes and new toys. They have been sent to you and will be received tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Gift~"

Tuantuan and Lele happily said, "Thank you, grandpa and grandma~"

"It doesn't matter, baby, you two are so good, and so smart, it's too late for your grandparents to hurt you!"


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