Published at 21st of December 2021 09:31:13 AM

Chapter 425: Baby's party

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Because of the arrival of the ball, life at home has become more interesting.

Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan He Le Le loves ball very much, and ball ball also likes his new home. Except for being a little scared on the first day, every day after that is very lively.

Moreover, Little Milk Dog seems to have a lot of energy. As long as Su Chen and the others are at home, the ball will always follow their feet, and they don't want to leave for a moment.

And when Su Chen and Yan Bingxue went to work, and Tuan Tuan and Lele were also taking classes outside, the little guy slept in his dog villa obediently, and occasionally heard the sound, he immediately came to the door and waited for the owners. Come back home.

Pushing open the door every day, the first time you can see the ball rushing towards them, this picture is really beautiful.

Tuantuan and Lele play with the ball every night. They also took a lot of photos of the ball with their mobile phones and sent them to their circle of friends.

Many people envy Tuan Tuan and Lele for the company of the ball.

"What a cute puppy, Tuantuan, is this your puppy? Is the ball ball its name? This name suits it well, it looks round, really like a ball ball Hey~"

"Lele, do you have a dog at home? I really envy you and Tuantuan. You can play with such a cute ball every day. I really want to raise a puppy~"

"The ball is really smart, and you will pose when you take pictures with Tuantuan~ What a great ball, so cute Tuan Tuan!"

Lily saw this circle of friends sent by Tuantuan, and quickly sent a WeChat.

"Tuan Tuan, I saw you bought a new puppy, it's really cute!"

"I really want to go to your house and play with your little ball~"

Tuan Tuan said: "Okay, Lily, it's the summer vacation. You can come to my house to play. Sometimes my brother and I have classes during the day, but on weekends we are both at home and the ball is at home. You can be with you. My parents come to my house to play together, and you can also call other classmates~"

Lily: "Yes, we can play together! It's been a holiday for almost a month. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

Tuan Tuan: "I miss you too, Lily~ I have a lot to say to you. This time my brother and I went to the Imperial City and met a lot of new friends. Many interesting things happened. When we meet, I will tell you all~"

Lily: "Really? I saw you post a lot of Moments. It looks so fun. There is also a super big children's playground in your house. Dad said this is your home in the Imperial City~ Your Imperial City home is also good. ~"

Tuantuan chatted with Lily, turned to look at her father and asked, "Dad? Can we go to Lily to play? There are many classmates, they all say that they miss me after a long vacation, and I miss them too~"

Lele nodded next to him, "Dad, I also want to go to my classmates to play. Recently, we can only call and open a video and we can't meet each other."

Su Chen discussed with his wife: "My wife and two children have been on summer vacation for almost a month, and it has been a long time since I saw their classmates. Shall we organize a small activity for the children to meet and play together?"

Yan Bingxue nodded, "Okay, let's have a family gathering like the last time, so that children like this can gather and play together. I believe the parents will agree to a weekend."

Yan Bingxue turned on the phone and talked about it in the parent group. The parents were super happy.

"Mrs. Su is a great idea! My children have been making a lot of noise at home recently. I usually get used to playing with the children in the kindergarten. When it comes to summer vacation, the parents simply can't help it."

"This is also the case in our family, so let's organize an event for the children to get together. It just so happens that our parents can also relax for a weekend."

"I think if we are hosting an event this time, let's go out together. The family gathering organized by Mr. Su and Mrs. Su was very good last time, but now the weather is hot and so many people go to the house to make noise. Mr. Su and Mrs. Su are busy. It’s been a while, why don’t we make an appointment to go out and play together, and take the children outside for a good time."

Lily’s mother said: “Why don’t we go to the riverside to have a barbecue? Last time we met Mr. Su on the riverside, with a group and Lele. Mr. Su’s barbecue skills are first-rate. Didn’t the kids all talk about it last time? This time we happened to go there together. The river was windy and there was a planned barbecue area with awnings on it, which just happened to be not hot."

After discussion, the parents finally decided on this plan.

Yan Bingxue told Tuan Tuan and Lele the news. The two little guys were so happy, they bounced and said, "Great, you can see the classmates this Saturday!"

"I can also eat my dad to cook a barbecue. It's great to hang out with my mom and dad!"

Qiuqiu didn't know what was going on, but seeing the two little masters so excited, she was also happy there, bouncing around the feet of Tuan Tuan and Lele, learning their way.

But the balance of the little milk dog seems not very good. He jumped and fell down. Fortunately, this round is protected by a layer of natural fur, and it doesn’t hurt if you fall. He continued to get up again, and bounced around the ensemble.

Yan Bingxue smiled crookedly when she saw this scene: "Husband, the ball is so cute, she is also very excited to see the group having fun~"

"Dad Dad~ When we go out to play on the weekend, can we also bring the ball? My classmates said that the ball looks super cute, and they want to play with the ball~"

Su Chen looked at Xiaoqiuqiu and said, "The ball is just two months old. It is not safe to take it out like this. However, if she is left at home alone, she will feel very lonely again. Since it is us this time If the whole family goes out to play together, then let’s take the ball with you, but the group music, you two, as big brothers and sisters, must protect the ball when you go out."

Lele stood up straight, raised his hand and said, "No problem, Dad, I will definitely protect the ball and my sister, I am a man!"

Tuantuan was not to be outdone, and put his hands on his waist, and said with his head upright: "I am the big sister of the ball, I will also protect the ball~"

Yan Bingxue saw the two of them and said with a smile: "Husband, I think it is really a right decision for us to raise a puppy. With the ball, Tuan Tuan and Lele have more and more big brothers and big sisters. Looks like~"


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