Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:48 AM

Chapter 441: Look down on Lele's robot?

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After the game officially started, Su Chen glanced at the judges seat over there.

Mr. Zhang sits in the middle, and the next few people are also well-known figures in scientific research. It seems that this juvenile technology competition is indeed very authoritative and formal.

didn't know what magical fate was. The first lottery drawn by Lele was actually Xu Yuncong's number plate.

The two met again on stage, and Xu Yuncong seemed very excited.

The player he wants to meet the most today is Lele!

When he was offstage, his grandfather refused to let him find Lele. He just caught him back and beat his **** severely. Now that he is on stage, his grandfather can't control himself!

After Xu Yuncong took the stage, he was like a wild horse that had taken off his rein, and said to Lele loudly: "Lele, I didn't expect you to run into me in the first game, this time you will lose!"

Lele didn't bother to talk to him at all, and looked at the host over there intently.

Before the start of the competition, both parties must introduce their little robots and show the audience in the audience the special features of their robots.

Xu Yuncong was super happily holding his baby robot, standing on the stage triumphantly introduced: "This is my robot, I gave it a very domineering name, called War Bee!"

When Tuantuan heard the name in the audience, he smiled and said to Su Chen: "Dad, my brother is right, Xu Yuncong’s robot is really a large Transformers toy, and it’s also named War Bee, the name of Transformers Jian Gang. Isn't it just called Bumblebee?

Su Chen smiled and touched his daughter's head, "Tuan Tuan, concentrate on watching the game."

Tuan Tuan ate the popcorn and said with a pouting mouth: "Xu Yuncong’s robot hasn’t looked good. I’m waiting to see my brother. Later in the game between the two of them, my brother’s robot will definitely knock Xu Yuncong’s robot out of the water~"

Xu Yuncong showed the various transformations of his robot in great detail on the stage, but the judges and the audience below did not buy it, because from the beginning to the end, they did not see the power of technology.

But this kind of situation is commonplace, because it is the technology show of the children's group. Now parents are very confident in their children. Even if it is such a robot with no technological content, parents will feel that their children do it. Just the best, sign up for them to participate in the competition.

After Xu Yuncong finished the show, he looked at Lele provocatively.

Lele walked straight to the stage, put the little robot on the booth, and explained the intelligent system of the little robot in detail. He saw the little robot singing nursery rhymes and dancing various dances on the stage. The audience applauded warmly.

"This little robot is really good, if only I can buy one for my child, this is a good tool for coaxing the child!"

"This is like a work in a science and technology competition. The transforming robot just now only has some bells and whistles. It can't do anything else. It's totally incomparable with this one."

"The children nowadays are so smart. That kid looks like he is only three or four years old, and he has made such a powerful robot. Wouldn't it be amazing to grow up a little bit later!"

The judges are also discussing with each other.

"This robot looks very good. It uses the current AI voice system and can perform correct operations for all voice commands in the first time. It is really rare for a child to complete such a work."

"Yes, this year's competition is much more exciting than I thought. I just saw Zheng Yufeng in the background. The kid's last year's work was pretty good. After three years of precipitation, it is estimated that this year's work will be even more exciting. I originally I thought he was the champion this time, but seeing this kid’s work, I feel that this competition will definitely be very interesting."

Mr. Zhang listened to them, and he watched Lele on the stage and smiled without saying a word.

If he tells everyone that Lele is Su Chen's son, it may affect everyone's judgment. He has seen Lele's little robot. This little robot can win this year's championship by virtue of his strength.

After    Lele introduced his little robot, Xu Yuncong was very dissatisfied when he saw everyone's enthusiastic reaction.

Hmph, these people are really, their own robots are obviously taller and mightier than Lele's robots, why do they applaud Lele!

Lele did not start the transformation of the robot in the presentation, because this is his killer. The final game depends on the robot's combat level, and there is no need to show his trump cards too early.

Xu Yuncong saw Lele step down and immediately said, "What! This is a technology competition, Lele, your robot actually needs to be operated with a remote control, too LOW!"

Lele chuckled and put away his remote control and said, "Xu Yuncong, I can't even use the remote control for your little Transformers toy."

Xu Yuncong was not convinced and took his robot on stage. He carefully placed the robot and said, "Come on, Lele, I'm going to beat you to tears today!"

Lele stuck out his tongue, "I don't know how to cry. Only you love to cry. Don't cry on stage when you lose. It's embarrassing for a four-year-old kid to cry in front of so many people!"

Lele finished speaking, and put his robot on the competition arena.

Xu Yuncong directly activated the robot's combat system with one key, and saw that the robot transformed into a gorgeous one, and the operation was dazzling.

But from Lele's point of view, this is nothing more than a fist embroidering leg. Instead of using the remote control to transform the robot, he chose to use the voice system to control to direct Xiaole to play a set of Tai Chi.

Xu Yuncong's robot rushed up and was punched out by Lele's robot's flexible fist. The force was so powerful that it directly knocked it out of the ring.

This game is over before it starts.

The audience and the host seemed to be stunned. A few seconds later, there was enthusiastic cheers. The host walked over and raised Lele's hand and announced: "The winner of this game-Su Jiale."

"What a beautiful spike!" The host couldn't help sighing.

Xu Yuncong looked at the robot that he had been torn apart in disbelief, and finally reacted. He sat on the ground and cried loudly while holding the remains of his little robot.

Lele seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and raised her hand to gently press her ear.

Xu Yongsheng ran up quickly and took Xu Yuncong down.

No one cares about where they go or stay, everyone is cheering for this beautiful spike.

Lele on the stage was amid the applause of everyone, smiling at Su Chen, Yan Bingxue and his younger sister, quietly raised his hands and waved to them.

Tuantuan stood up happily and applauded his brother vigorously.


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