Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:33 AM

Chapter 450: The re ent situation in the imperial apital

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After eating, Su Chen went to the study.

Su Jianqing and the others have already been waiting inside, and both Ye Er and Su San Ye are here.

Su Haoqian and Su Haoxi saw that Su Chen had gone, and immediately put aside their business and went into the study together.

"Chenchen, you're here, sit down first, the second grandfather just has a lot to say to you!"

Su Chen sat on the sofa over there, and the second master Su began to talk about the actions of these people in the imperial capital during the recent period.

"Chen Chen, what you said to Grandpa Second before you went home last time, Grandpa Second has now been deployed. Recently, your dad stayed at home to help. Even your grandpa was dispatched. We are a family mobilization. It's been a long time. I haven't experienced this kind of feeling anymore, fighting side by side with my brothers, and your dad and Hao Xi, the whole family is so united, and finally everything you arranged is done well."

"Look, these are the summary of recent work. According to what you said, we have set up a processing plant for the production of titanium alloys. The license has been approved, and the new materials and parts you mentioned. , Everything is ready, but the news above hasn’t come down yet. In order to prevent someone from following suit, the news has not been announced yet."

"Everything is ready now, and we only owe Dongfeng. As long as the military region's bidding comes, our family will immediately announce to the public what it has done recently. I believe that no one will be more comprehensive than we have prepared!"

When Su Chen heard what Grandpa Second said, he thought of what Old Man Yuan had said to him on the phone.

Then he said: "The tender for the military area should be down soon, just in these few days."

When the family heard Su Chen's words, their eyes instantly became excited.

No one questioned, they knew that Su Chen's news was definitely accurate.

"Second grandfather, since the tender is about to come down, it's time for our Su family to show off. Let's spread the news about these things we have done recently."

Second Master Su immediately nodded excitedly.

Even Su Sanye, who doesn't care much about business matters, can't help but get excited right now.

"It's great, I haven't felt this way for a long time, Chenchen, this period of time is really a family mobilization. I feel that for more than a month, I have worked longer than my entire life!"

"Thanks for your hard work, Grandpa San." Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Sanye shook his head quickly, "No hard work, Chenchen, you have already completed the most difficult part, and now our family is taking advantage of your shareholder's wind, how can we hold you back! I really look forward to it. If the result of this tender, then our Su family will surely be able to make greater achievements!"

Second Master Su nodded, "The third child is right. I know everyone has worked very hard during this period, but now it has been exhausted, Chenchen, this time you come back and bring back such good news. Are you ready to return? Home is here?"

"Yes, I am coming back this time just to solve this matter."

"It's great, there is dust, this thing must be safe!"

Su Jianqing looked at her grandson with a gratified expression, and said happily: "Our Su family will be able to show off again soon!"


The news that Su Chen's family came to the imperial capital soon spread, and along with the news that Lele won the prize.

After this matter spread in the imperial capital, everyone was discussing it.

Xu's side.

After Xu Yuncong came back, they knew that Lele had won the first place, and their faces were very solemn.

"The Su family doesn't know what luck it is, how come Su Chen is such a talent!"

"It's not only Su Chen who is great now, but even his three-year-old son should not be underestimated. He won the first place in the Junior Science and Technology Competition at such a young age. Now the public opinion has exploded, saying that Su Chen's family are all geniuses. Le will definitely have a bright future in the future, and the entire Su family has also become famous. This situation is very unfavorable for our family!" Xu Yongsheng said.

The old man furrowed his brows, "The Su family has been busy lately, and I don’t know what they are doing. I guess it’s Su Chen. What internal information has been revealed to them. The bidding in the restricted area should come down soon. The Su family got the right to bid, and their Xu family has absolutely no capital to fight the Su family!"

The Xu family sighed one by one. Facing the current situation, they felt powerless.

Huo's family is also discussing this matter.

The young young owner of Huo’s family took the latest hot searches and showed them to the whole family.

"It's really unexpected that Young Master Su Chen is a genius himself, and his son is so smart. That child is only three years old. We saw him at a party last time. I thought Young Master Su Chen's two children were not easy, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"This juvenile science and technology competition is held internationally and is very authoritative. Some well-known universities started from this time and aimed at these top students. If the age is right, they may be recruited into the juvenile class and cultivated as key talents. This son of Master Su Chen's family will definitely have a bright future!"

"The Su family has such two outstanding descendants, but now they have gained a lot of attention. I think the tendering of the military region is almost the same. The result has been set. The Su family was originally responsible for cooperation with the military region. Now Su Chen is in charge. , If the mecha matters are settled, the bookshelf may be about to usher in the second heyday." said the old man of the Huo family.

The attitude of the Huo family toward this matter is completely different from that of the Xu family.

The young host of the Huo family said: "Grandpa, I think this is a good thing for our family. The Su family has always been very disciplined, and it’s good for us. If their family really becomes the boss of the imperial capital, After that, the business circle might be quieter than it is now. If it weren't for the Xu family's turbulent waters all these years, how could we have been so embarrassed!"

"I think Master Su Chen is a rare talent. Now he has this genius son. I heard that his daughter is not bad. His wife is the president of Chaofan Group. His daughter started to go to the company at a young age. If the Su Family is cultivated by the heirs of the Extraordinary Group, if it is really handed over to Su Chen, it will certainly develop extremely well."

Hearing these words, Mr. Huo thought for a while and said: "Since you all understand these principles, you should be careful when speaking to me outside these days, especially when dealing with people from the Su family. We must have a good attitude. The relationship between the Huo family and the Su family has always been good, and you must not make a mistake at this point."

The young master nodded, "Don’t worry, grandpa, I had a few words with Young Master Su Chen at the banquet last time. I admire him very much, and there was nothing wrong with our family. At this time, I think Xu Jiacai should be worried. Correct!"

"I just asked you to be careful, don't talk nonsense here, don't interrupt the Xu family's affairs, let's keep our one-acre three-centre!"


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