Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:15 AM

Chapter 461: The major groups are sho ked: Su hen is about to open the se ond-generation me ha!

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After eating at noon that day, Su Chen's family set off for Yuncheng. At the same time, the Push T Group of the Great Eagle Nation was also holding an emergency meeting.

"Chairman, just got the news that the Chinese Academy of Sciences has announced a research plan to start the second generation mecha a week ago!"

Ike frowned, "Why does such important news reach us now? What do you all do for food!"

"Chairman, we just got news about this matter. Since Longguo released the news that the mecha came out, they have blocked all the news from the outside world. This time I know that the Long Science Academy has launched the second-generation mecha plan, too. We finally found out."

Ike was very angry and wanted to get angry, but when he looked at the group of people with his head down, he felt it was meaningless.

Getting angry won't solve any problems, now we have to find a way!

"How can the Long Academy of Sciences move so fast? The first generation of Dragon Kingdom has just come out, and now we are starting to study the second generation of mechas?" Ike asked.

"Yes, this news is very accurate, and I heard that Su Chen is going to start the research plan of the second-generation mecha, he seems to have started to act!"

Everyone was very surprised when they heard the news.

Everyone talked quietly.

"What kind of genius is this Su Chen? The first-generation mecha of the Dragon Kingdom was already so powerful before. Now he is going to make the second-generation version again. If the second-generation mecha comes out, wouldn’t it be better than the first generation. The mecha is even more powerful!"

"It's horrible, what kind of structure is in the head of this kind of person!"

"The first-generation mecha released by the Academy of Long Sciences, our researchers can’t figure out why. If they are studying a second-generation mecha, wouldn’t it be even more powerful? As long as Su Chen is in the Academy of Long Sciences, they It's invincible!"

Ike heard these words and slapped the table vigorously, and everyone immediately calmed down.

"Now that you know that Su Chen is great? What did you do earlier!"

"I said at the summit that this Su Chen was so talented, but unfortunately he was not able to win over him at the time, otherwise a generation of mechas would not be born again in the Dragon Kingdom."

"Our research department hasn't given a research strategy yet? Dragon Kingdom's mechas have been out for so long, so what is the research department doing?"

The head of the research department said, "Chairman, the entire research department has been working overtime recently to study Dragon Kingdom’s mechas. This is just from the appearance, everyone is really clueless. Su Chen’s mechas are too sophisticated. We can’t imitate the external system alone, let alone the internal system we don’t know yet...

"Trash things! It seems that you are out of luck. In this situation, we can only pin our hopes on Su Chen."

"But the chairman, when you came back from the summit last time, didn't you say that this Su Chen simply didn't get in? He was determined to serve the Dragon Kingdom. What can we do?"

"Even if he really doesn't buy in, we have to find a way! Before Su Chen makes the second-generation mecha, we must dig Su Chen to the T Group. If the second-generation mecha is also in the Long Academy of Sciences Born, then we really can't get along in the international arena in the future!"

Everyone was silent, they all knew Ike was right.

The only way now is to win over Su Chen, because only Su Chen can make mechas in the world.

The first-generation mechas are already perfect and have excellent combat effectiveness. This is what really allowed Su Chen to complete the second-generation mechas at the Dragon Academy of Sciences. It would be impossible for them to catch up with the Dragon Kingdom and the Academy of Dragon Sciences.

Aite immediately ordered, "Now send someone to check Su Chen's whereabouts, this time we can't hesitate any more, we must take Su Chen down anyway!"

The person sent out came back soon, "Chairman, we have found Su Chen's whereabouts. He just set off from the imperial capital a few hours ago and took his wife and children to the Cloud City of the Dragon Kingdom. It seems that he was going to play. "

Ike called Rika, "Rika, I'll give you one last chance. If you can't even catch this chance, then you don't have to come back to see me!"

"Remember, when I went to find Su Chen this time, the goal was to bring him back to Push T Group. Only success, no failure!"

Rika immediately said: "Yes, Chairman."

"I will send you some assistants. This time you will go to Long Country secretly and find Su Chen. If you are not sure, you can let the assistants I sent to explore the way first. Su Chen will fight him. After dealing with him, he is very loyal to Long Country. It is very difficult to draw him over, so you can try other methods. My purpose is only one, either to bring his people back, or Bring back the accurate data of the mecha. Of course, I would prefer the latter!"

Rika nodded, "I see, Chairman."

"I am rushing to Cloud City right now, and I will find a way to find mech research data from Su Chen."

"Well, go!"

After half an hour, Rika was waiting for the plane at the airport, and the people Ike sent to her were also in place.

In addition to the usual bodyguards, Rika also saw a few very conspicuous girls in the crowd.

Yellow people, black people, white people, tall, short, fat and thin, all are different, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they look very beautiful and belong to completely different types of beauties.

Rika remembered the words the chairman said in the conference room, UU reading So is this the assistant that the chairman said to be assigned to him?

He wants to use the beauty meter for Su Chen, so as to find out the data of Su Chen's research on mecha?

Rika Da felt from the heart that this method is really unreliable!

She and Su Chen have met twice, once in Hai Country, and the other in Sanya in Long Country.

The first time Su Chen went to the sea with his wife, and the two behaved very intimately and lovingly.

When I was in Sanya for the second time, although Su Chen's wife only picked him up at the end of the final dinner, as far as Rika knew, the reason why Su Chen went to Sanya at that time was to take his wife on a honeymoon trip. .

From what Rika saw, Su Chen and his wife should have a very good relationship. Is it sure that using the beauty trick on such a man can be effective?

Rika was a little skeptical, but this was Ike’s order, and she didn’t dare to disobey it.

After boarding the plane, Rika looked at the scenery outside the window, with some expectations in her heart for this trip to the Dragon Kingdom.

Actually, Su Chen's family has already arrived in Yuncheng.

They have booked the presidential suite next to Erhai Lake in advance online. This is the best hotel in Yuncheng, opposite Erhai Lake, with beautiful scenery, it is an excellent place to live in Yuncheng.


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