Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:11 AM

Chapter 464: Is it a star baby? So ute

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can gather five women like this together, and they speak exactly the language of the Great Eagle Country.

Isn't this a bit too coincidental?

Su Chen did not immediately answer the other party's words.

The five women saw that he did not speak, so they continued: "Hello, we are not bad guys. We are tourists from the Great Eagle Country. We don’t speak the language of your Dragon Country, but now we want to go up the mountain and need to be there. I bought some water and other supplies at the store next to me. Could you please help us to communicate with the boss?"

After    finished speaking, the five women looked straight at Su Chen again.

The expression on everyone's face is different, but the same message is conveyed in the eyes.

Su Chen looked at them up and down, thinking that this acting is too clumsy.

Besides, I didn't make a full set of the play.

Since I'm here to climb the mountain, is it really appropriate to wear such a gorgeous dress one by one?

Girls love beauty, which is understandable, but climbing mountains in high heels is a bit unreasonable.

Su Chen smiled, and said in pure Longguo language: "Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying."

The women were dumbfounded, and never expected this result.

Strange, Rika told them that Su Chen's Great Eagle Country spoke very well, and there was no problem at all when communicating with them in Hai Country before.

How could he not understand the language of Great Eagle Country?

Just when everyone hadn't reacted, Su Chen took his wife and child's hand and walked towards the mountain.

Yan Bingxue glanced back at the five women, then looked at her husband, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Husband is really the best man in the world~

However, Yan Bingxue still took a peaked cap and handed it to her husband, "Husband, the sun on the mountain is too strong, and the ultraviolet rays in Yuncheng are very strong. Let's wear a hat, otherwise I will get tanned again~"

Su Chen said: "Didn't you apply sunscreen to me this morning?"

"I put sunscreen on you, but wear a hat, double insurance~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Su Chen didn't pick up her hat, but wanted to look at her instead.

Yan Bingxue couldn't hold it back anymore, smiled and said, "Okay~ Actually I have selfish motives~"

"I want my husband to wear a hat to cover up your prosperous beauty. With such a handsome face, it is too dangerous to walk outside~ I feel that the girls on the road are thinking about you~"

Su Chen knew that the stupid wife was because of the five women just now.

He took the peaked cap and clasped it on his head handsomely. He looked up at the sunlight above his head and nodded and said, "Wearing a hat is really good. I have a beautiful face in the world. I really can't get a tan."

They walked up holding hands all the way, a family of four, two babies in the middle, the picture is very friendly.

When the tourists saw Tuan Tuan and Le Le, they were instantly attracted by the two little cuties.

"Hello, can I take a photo with your babies? Your babies are so cute, are they star babies?"

Yan Bingxue explained to others many times along the way that Tuantuan and Lele are not star babies.

After walking for more than half an hour, the road above gradually narrowed, but there was a well-built road next to it, leading to the spring wishing pool over there.

Su Chen and the others decided to walk over and take a look, and take a rest over there by the way.

But just because of the time to rest, the five women just followed.

Just when Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were sitting beside the mountain spring pool to rest, the five women found Su Chen in the crowd and immediately came over in groups.

The last round of strike-up plan failed. In this round, they changed their strategy. In order not to arouse Su Chen's suspicion, they decided to use their beauty to attract Su Chen's attention.

The five women played around the spring pool, playing a game of splashing water with each other, and the sound of laughing and playing attracted the attention of many tourists.

Five beauties of different styles gather together to play in the water. This is how many men dreamed of this scene!

More and more people gathered by the mountain spring pool, most of them male compatriots.

While sitting by the pool to rest, Su Chen seemed to be unable to see them.

The women played for a long time, and found that Su Chen didn't even give a look, and suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

was afraid that Su Chen would leave after resting.

One of the white beauties gritted their teeth and simply pretended to be slippery. The whole person fell into the water.

her companion immediately pulled her up, but his body was still soaked by the spring water.

This is the woman wearing high heels. She is wearing a white dress, which is soaking wet right now. In the sun, you can even clearly see what color the other party is wearing.

Many of those outside the audience turned their heads in embarrassment, and some of them looked intently.

The huge movement just now naturally attracted Su Chen's attention, but he just took a look and then retracted his gaze.

still playing wet? The women of the Great Eagle Nation were really more relaxed, but unfortunately, their acting skills were so clumsy that Su Chen almost couldn't stand it anymore.

Yan Bingxue noticed the girls over there. As a woman, she was keenly aware that these girls seemed to care about her husband.

seems to be a fan attracted by her husband's prosperous beauty~

woo~ These three days and two ends, it’s really a bit overwhelming~

Yan Bingxue took out four coins from her bag and handed them to her husband and two children, one for each.

"Husband, Tuan Tuan Le Le, there is a small wishing pool over there, let's try it and see who can accurately throw coins into the wishing pool, only those who throw it in can make a wish~"

Hearing this rule,    Tuantuan and Lele firmly held their coins.

There is only this one. If you lose it, you won’t be able to make a wish later.

Their family left remaining five women looked at each other.

Looking into the distance, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue smiled and talked. The family happily threw a coin and made a wish at the wishing pool. The five women couldn't help but sigh.

"Tell Rika, our plan has failed, and this Su Chen will not take the bait at all!"

Next to the wishing pool, Yan Bingxue successfully threw the coin into the wishing pool. She closed her eyes, folded her hands together, and silently made a wish in her heart.

"I hope my husband and I will be in love forever, be together for the rest of our lives, as well as Tuan Tuan and Lele, our family will always be happy~"

Tuantuan held the coin, but did not dare to throw it out for a long time.

"Dad, I dare not throw it, you can throw it for me, I don't think I can throw it in~" Tuantuan handed the coin in his hand to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded, took his daughter's coin, and tossed it forward, accurately toss it into the wishing pool.

"WOW, Dad is amazing~ Then I want to make a wish~"

Yan Bingxue whispered: "Husband, you throw it together, so will her wish be fulfilled?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "The wishes made by Tuantuan don't need to be wished to help her realize it. I will help her realize it."


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