Published at 21st of December 2021 09:30:09 AM

Chapter 465: Let's make a tough move

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After    Tuantuan made a wish, Su Chen asked: "Tuan Tuan, what wish did you make?"

"Dad, isn't it impossible to say a wish? What you say will not work~"

"It's okay, your dad threw your wishing coin for you, so it doesn't matter if you tell dad~"

"Well, then I will tell you secretly, I can't let my mother and brother hear~"

Tuantuan whispered in Su Chen's ear. That afternoon, when they returned to the hotel, they brought a large box of ice cream cakes in the hotel room.

When    Tuantuan saw this ice cream cake, he immediately shouted happily: "Wow, my wish has really come true!"

"Today's wishing pool is so good~ My wish is to eat ice cream cake~ I didn't expect it to be delivered to me~"

The little girl rushed to the table happily, and Su Chen smiled softly behind.

Yan Bingxue looked at her husband, her eyes filled with love.

The two little guys went hiking today. They were probably too tired. After eating the sweet ice cream cake, they went back to their room to rest.

Su Chen was taking a shower, and Yan Bingxue was sitting on the sofa, chatting with Gu Yuxin on her mobile phone.

Yan Bingxue: "Yu Xin, I really feel more and more that my husband is really outstanding~"

She told Gu Yuxin about the five women she met on the mountain today and wanted to strike up a conversation.

Yan Bingxue: "The five women at the time obviously came for her husband, but her husband was unmoved~ Yu Xin, I am really happy and uneasy now. I always feel that I should do something more. To be worthy of such an excellent husband~"

Gu Yuxin: "Xue'er, your idea is correct today~ The idea I helped you out that day is not bad, isn't your husband very happy?"

"Ahem~" Yan Bingxue flushed, and replied: "He is very happy, but can't you use the same move twice?"

Gu Yuxin: "Everything can't be separated from her clan~ Xue'er, don't you just want to make your husband happier, then change the way and do it again~ Anyway, the end result is that you take the initiative to send yourself up~"

Yan Bingxue: "Well~ my husband refused so many temptations for me, of course I have to meet all my husband’s needs~"

Gu Yuxin: "Xue'er, I think your Mr. Su is really eye-catching now. Not only is he handsome, he is also a super rich second-generation, and he is super capable. You can afford to guard such a man. Let's do it hard~"

Yan Bingxue looked at these words silently.

Next point?

She was so active that day, isn’t that ruthless enough?

Gu Yuxin: "If you go to a place so romantic in Yuncheng, how can you choose to go mountain climbing~"

Yan Bingxue: "Cangshan is a very famous scenic spot in Yuncheng, and it is a meaningful thing to take a group of music to climb the mountain, stand on the highest place, and leave a group photo of the family."

Gu Yuxin: "You are right to say that. After all, you two also brought Tuan Tuan and Le Le there this time. It is really inconvenient to do something during the day, but at night Tuan Tuan and Le Le slept. Is there a chance?"

Yan Bingxue: "You mean, let me throw my husband down again?"

"But is this too obvious? That day, my husband rejected Xu Ruhui, and I already took the initiative once. Today, my husband still sits back in front of the temptation of five big beauties. If I use this trick again, It always feels nothing new."

Gu Yuxin: "Then change it to another way~ Listen to me, Yuncheng’s Qingba is very famous. Close your eyes and imagine, the streets of the ancient city, the evening breeze, listening to the gentle music, and a scent of fragrance. My little wine, sitting across from my beloved beauty, can you not like this kind of scene, Mr. Su!"

Yan Bingxue looked at this passage and couldn't help but think of this picture.

She thinks her husband will like it~

Yan Bingxue: "Ms. Gu, I officially announce that you have now won the title of my dog-headed sergeant! These two proposals are very powerful~ Well, I won’t tell you anymore. I’m going to get ready tonight. My old convention will go~"

Gu Yuxin: "Xue'er, somehow you can talk to me a little more... just leave after listening, it's too ruthless."

Yan Bingxue: "It's not the first day you met me, I have always been heartless~ I only have compassion for my husband~"

After Yan Bingxue finished sending this message, she threw her mobile phone aside, went to the closet and picked a light blue dress with a little makeup on her face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Yan Bingxue smiled with satisfaction.

Hmph~ She dressed up, but she was much more beautiful than the five women today~

Going on a date with my husband in such a beautiful state, my husband should be very happy~

Su Chen came out after taking a shower and saw that his wife had finished dressing up, and she changed her beautiful dress on purpose.

"Wife, are you going out?"

Yan Bingxue walked over with a smile, holding his arm and said: "Husband, it's not that I'm going out, it's that we're going out together~"

"Where to go?" Su Chen smiled.

"Since we are all in Yuncheng, we can't miss the clear bar in the alley. Tuantuan and Lele are already asleep. Let's leave a small note for them, and then go to a small bar to drink~ I am tired of climbing the mountain today. , I drank wine later, and I can come back to sleep comfortably~" Yan Bingxue looked at him expectantly.

Su Chen looked at the bathrobe on his body and said with a light smile: "Okay, then I'll change my clothes."

Cloud City is rich in flowers. Walking on the streets of Cloud City, on both sides of the street, there is a flower shop every ten meters or so. There is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"No wonder it is said that Yuncheng is the most romantic place. There are so many flower shops here. It feels like you can smell different flowers when you walk through every street~"

"My husband, this shop seems to be good, let's go to this shop for a drink~"

Su Chen raised his head and glanced at the sign.

alley pub.

is a simple name.

The two walked in together and found a quiet place to sit down. The female singer holding a guitar on the stage, with a slight husky singing voice, slowly sang folk songs.

Yan Bingxue took the menu and asked Su Chen: "Husband, what wine would you like to drink? Yuncheng's flower wine and fruit wine seem to be very famous. Since we are here, do you want to taste the wine here?"

Su Chen looked at his wife and felt that Yan Bingxue’s recent behavior was always strange.

"Let's have a pot like that, and order it after drinking."

"Okay~Listen to you, husband~" Yan Bingxue smiled, her eyebrows curled up.

After the waiter took away the menu, Su Chen held the hand on his wife’s desk, looked at her solemnly and asked: "My wife, what happened to you these past two days? How do I feel that after you came to Yuncheng Is the whole person different?"


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