Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:59 AM

Chapter 471: Autisti little sister

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Tuantuan turned his head and looked at her and said, "It's okay, little sister, they have been scared away by my brother, and no one will bully you anymore~"

When the little girl heard this, she still grasped Tuantuan's clothes timidly, unwilling to let go of her hands.

Lele glanced at her and thought the little sister was a little strange.

At this time, the children next to each other said: "Tuan Tuan, this kid has a problem, her brain seems not so good, you still don't play with her."

Tuantuan looked at the child who was talking, frowned and said, "She is also a very cute child, why can't you play with her?"

The kid seemed to be a little entangled, but still whispered: "Tuan Tuan Yue Le, today is the first day you came, and you haven't seen her, but she has been here for several days. This kid is very strange and doesn't speak. , I don’t play with everyone, she seems to be dumb, and her mind doesn’t seem to be very clever, none of us play with her."

Tuantuan frowned even more when he heard this.

Lele said directly: "How can this be? What's wrong with her inability to speak, although she didn't speak, but he is very good, he didn't bully other children like the few children just now, why can't we be friends with good children? ?"

"My brother is right, this little sister is just a bit introverted, we should not reject her, we should help her play with her more, let her become more extroverted~"

"But she is really weird, Tuantuan, you should stop playing with her." The children seemed to not accept the child.

Lele saw her sister’s expression and took her sister’s hand and said, “It’s okay, Tuantuan, let’s take this little sister to play together~”

nodded roundly, turned to the little girl and said, "Little sister, shall we have fun together?"

The little girl neither nodded nor shook her head, but looked at them timidly with her eyes.

The children next to    said, "You see, she doesn't speak at all. Even if we want to play with her, she will ignore us. Let's go and play by ourselves~ Leave her alone."

Tuan Tuan and Le Le saw this and glanced at each other.

Although they wanted to take this little sister to play together, but the little sister did not speak, her character did seem to be a bit problematic, and they didn't want the little sister to feel embarrassed, so they went back together.

But after two steps, Tuantuan found that she was still following the little sister. The little girl was pulling Tuantuan's clothes from beginning to end, and she did not let go when they left.

"Are you going to play with us?" Tuantuan asked again.

The little girl still didn't speak, but her hand holding Tuantuan's clothes never let go.

Now Zi Tuan Tuan and Le Le also feel a little strange.

But the little girl didn't do anything to hurt them, so Tuan Tuan and Lele didn't say anything.

When we played together later, the little girl kept following Tuantuan, probably because it was not convenient to play Tuantuan, the little girl let go of her hand, but she still followed Tuantuan.

But she just followed, didn't talk, and didn't play with them. When the group played on the slide, the little girl stood alone and waited for them.

watched them climb up, and then slowly walked down to wait for them to slide down.

Tuantuan invited her to play together several times, but the little girl did not speak.

"Brother, this little sister really seems to have a problem," Tuantuan said on the slide.

Of course Lele also found out. Looking at the little girl below, she said to her sister: "Tuan Tuan, this little sister should be different from normal children. If you don’t like playing with her, then your brother will take her to find her. Her family members."

Tuantuan shook his head, "Forget it, brother and little sister are also very pitiful, let's play like this, and if she is willing to play with us later, then we will take her to play with her."

"Okay, listen to you~" Lele said with a smile.

The little girl followed the ensemble for a long time, and finally gathered up the courage to follow them on the slide.

Tuantuan happily took his brother's hand and said, "Look, brother, my little sister is coming up with us~"

"Well~ It seems that the little sister is just a little introverted. Let's take her with her, and she will slowly play with us~"


宝 S Group.

Luxi is having a meeting with his subordinates.

"Pushing T has resorted to the beauty trick this time, it seems that Ike is really anxious."

Luxi sneered and said: "Ike, who is bullying and fearful of hardship, has always felt that they push T is the best. Every time I see us, I can't wait for my nostrils to turn into the sky. I didn't expect to encounter Su Chen now, there is nothing to do , Even the beauty plan is used."

"There is news from the Dragon Kingdom that the Dragon Academy of Sciences has launched the second-generation mecha research project, and the leader is Su Chen, Mr. Luxi, this time, we can't let the Dragon country lead again."

"Of course I know that the old man Ike is also anxious about this matter!"

"It's definitely true, but this time pushing T Group flattery and slapped the horseshoe! The people they sent out are simply rubbish, and the women who want to rely on pulling Su Chen are simply whimsical!"

"Mr. Luxi, should we also think of countermeasures as soon as possible? The T group has already started to act, and we can't be too behind!"

Luxi knows this very well in his heart. Since the last mecha summit, he and Ike have completely fallen out. Ike, that guy, is really not merciful at the top After returning from the summit, Push T Group no longer supports them Bao S Group.

Although I can’t see anything on the surface, Luxi’s heart is very clear that the situation of Bao S Group is deteriorating recently. Under this situation, they must ensure that they can take down Su Chen and get the second-generation mecha. Dominance, so that it is possible to fight back.

"Don't worry, I have already arranged these things."

After    finished speaking, Luxi took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"How is your situation over there?"

"Mr. Luxi, don't worry, everything is going well here. We have already met Mr. Su Chen today. If you act according to your plan, there will be absolutely no problems!"

"We must make sure that there is nothing wrong. The people who push T Group are also there, we must get ahead of them and get the trust of Su Chen."

"Mr. Luxi, you don't need to worry at all. You don't know what's going on when you push T this time. The people sent out are useless at all. They approach Su Chen by the most stupid way, let alone get Su Chen's trust. Even close to Su Chen can't do it, but with your plan, we can definitely approach him smoothly!"

"Well, this plan can only succeed, not fail. If it fails, you don't have to come back again!" Luxi said.


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