Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:56 AM

Chapter 473: What is autism?

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Ordinary children should say goodbye to the group music at this time, and polite children will also say hello to Su Chenyan Bingxue.

But this little girl didn't do anything, she just looked at Tuan Tuan with her eyes, as if she had spotted her, no other people could be seen in her eyes.

Su Chen felt that something was wrong, and lowered his head and asked his daughter gently, "Tuan Tuan, is this your new friend?"

Tuantuan nodded, the expression on his face was not as cheerful and lively as I usually make new friends, "Dad, I picked up this little sister in the back. At that time, I went to buy a drink and saw a few little boys bullying her alone. So I rescued her, and then she followed my brother and me."

Yan Bingxue also realized that there was something wrong with her daughter, and she bent down and said to the little girl behind her: "Children, we are going back now, where are your parents? Are you going to find them? Or do you want to stay and play for a while?"

The little girl heard Yan Bingxue's voice and hid behind Tuantuan in fear, her head buried lower.

Yan Bingxue saw this and looked back at her husband in confusion.

Lele explained to her mother: "Mom, this little sister seems to be a bit special. After the younger sister rescued her, she has been following her, but she didn't talk to us. At the beginning, when I went to play with my sister, she was there. I stood there waiting for us, and then I went to play with us slowly..."

The child’s problem is visible to the naked eye.

But since he is a child with a problem, how could he be left alone in this water park for one afternoon without his parents following?

Su Chen was slightly puzzled. At this moment, a young woman suddenly walked over there, "囡囡, so you are here~"

After the woman came over, she walked quickly towards the little girl, hugged her gently in her arms, and stroked her back.

About to find people around, the woman raised her head and looked at them.

"Hello." She nodded gently, "My daughter didn't cause you trouble, right?"

The woman's voice is very gentle, but her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and she looks very young.

Yan Bingxue shook his head, took the hand of Tuan Tuan Yue Le, and led them to her side.

囡囡 saw Tuan Tuan go, and immediately became a little anxious, and followed Tuantuan at a small pace. When the woman saw it, she gently hugged her, "囡囡, what's the matter?"

囡囡 didn't speak, an urgent look appeared in her eyes.

The woman seemed a little surprised, turned her head to look at Tuan Tuan and Lele, "Kid, my family seems to like you very much~"

"Did you guys play together this afternoon?"

Tuan nodded, "En."

There was a surprise expression in the woman's eyes, and some of her eyes were red with excitement.

Su Chen saw this and couldn't help but glanced at her.

Yan Bingxue also noticed the anomaly, and only saw the other person saying, "You two, you should have noticed it too. Our nanny... is different from ordinary children, so I saw her and your two children. We were really surprised to play together. My daughter has autism."

turned out to be autistic, and Yan Bingxue's eyes were a little bit of pity.

Such a small child, suffering from autism, is somewhat pitiful.

"Since the children of 囡囡 have special circumstances in this regard, I think you, as a parent, should pay more attention to it. My daughter just told us that she met the 囡囡 later, and she was bullied by a few children at the time. The little girl doesn't like to talk, so the parents need to give more company."

When the woman heard Yan Bingxue’s words, she nodded softly, “I understand, in fact, I deliberately wanted to let the nun and the children stay longer. When I was by my side, she was dependent on it. This time, she can get it. Two friends really surprised me."

"Since the parents of the children have already arrived, we will leave first." Su Chen took his wife's hand and took the two children to leave.

At this time, the daughter suddenly wanted to follow up again, but was caught by the woman next to her.

"囡囡, your friends are going back~ Shall we play with them tomorrow?"

囡囡 seemed to be unable to hear these words, and walked toward Tuan Tuan anxiously. Seeing that Tuan Tuan and Lele's footsteps did not stop, she made an anxious voice.


囡囡囡囡's anxious voice made Su Chen's family have to stop and turn to look at them.

The woman seemed a little embarrassed. She looked at them apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, this child is so anxious. It seems that she really likes your two children. I have never seen our daughter outside. Having played so well with other children, I can’t bear to part with each other. Although I’m sorry, can I... invite you to dinner together?"

"How many tourists should also be in this hotel, right?"

"I don't know how many people, do you plan to eat in the restaurant upstairs tonight? If so, can we be together later? It seems that I still want to play with the two children."

Tuantuan gently pulled her mother's hand, "Mom, or let's have dinner with them, my daughter looks a little anxious."

Yan Bingxue didn't answer right away, after all, it was a special time now, and everyone who suddenly appeared next to them was questionable.

She turned to look at her husband, and asked Su Chen's opinion with her eyes.

Su Chen said: "Okay."

"Then let's see you in the restaurant later, do you want to leave a contact information? The children should take a bath." The woman still stood still, with a little excitement in her But this excitement seems to be just for the children beside him.

"See you in the restaurant at seven o'clock."

"Okay." The woman turned her head to the girl next to her, "You girl, don't worry, okay, let's take a shower upstairs first, and we can have dinner with these two children after the shower. Then you can see them again."

囡囡 seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence, although when Tuan Tuan and Lele left, her eyes were still full of reluctance, but she did not yell as anxiously as before.

Back in the room, Yan Bingxue asked Tuan Tuan Yue, "Tuan Tuan Yue Yue, did you have a good afternoon with your daughter?"

Tuantuan lay on the bathtub, and said casually: "It's pretty good, but I don’t seem to have any sense of participation. The main thing is that my brother and I are playing together. She is just following us~"

"Mom, what is autism?" Lele asked.

Yan Bingxue explained autism to them. After listening, the two little guys became a little bit uncomfortable in their eyes.

"My daughter got this disease, shouldn't she be very uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, I thought she couldn't speak. Those kids also said she was a dumb... So she was just sick."


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