Published at 21st of December 2021 09:29:54 AM

Chapter 475: Message from Rika

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The next morning, Su Chen's family had just got up, and they were packing up and preparing to go out to play.

The door of the suite was knocked suddenly, Yan Bingxue opened the door and saw Yuli standing at the door with a smile, still holding a breakfast box in her hand.

"Mrs. Su, did you disturb your family?"

Yan Bingxue shook his head.

"The girl got up early this morning and ran to wake me up. She stood by the door and signaled to me. I know that she is looking for Tuan Tuan and Lele. Although I am a little sorry, I still want to ask, Su What is Mrs. Su’s play plan today? If possible, can we be together?"

Seeing the expression on Yan Bingxue’s face was a bit embarrassed, Yuli immediately said: “If it doesn’t work, it’s okay. I know that this request is really a bit abrupt, but it’s really difficult for my daughter to meet such a favorite child, Tuan Tuan and Tuan Tuan. Lele is simply two little angels. I was really surprised when I saw my daughter playing with them yesterday. Normally, my daughter never gets too close to other children, but she likes Tuan Tuan very much and is willing to follow Tuan Tuan. I I think this is a turning point, so I want to fight for it."

Hearing this, Yan Bingxue looked at the nun who was standing behind Yuli and looking timidly towards the house. She said, "We are going to go to the Erhai Sea to take a boat ride, and we will also go to other places a few days ago. After that, if it conflicts with your play plan..."

Yuli shook her head, "It’s okay, Mrs. Su, in fact, I came here this time mainly to bring my daughter to relax. As long as the daughter is happy, I will have fun, then let’s go out and play together today~"

Yan Bingxue nodded softly when he heard the words.

Going back to the house and talking about this with her husband, Su Chen didn't say much. Tuan Tuan and Lele knew that they were going together, but they were very happy that they could help that poor young lady.

There were two more people in the four-person team, but the boat was packaged by Su Chen before. Yuli had to pay, but Yan Bingxue refused.

Upon arriving on the boat, Yan Bingxue watched Yuli and Nun Nun carefully.

Nun and Nun have always had fun with the group. The three children lie on the deck fence to watch the scenery and sit on the deck to play with toys. Although the nun and nun don’t speak, they are very well-behaved. They don’t cry or make trouble, and they don’t rob with the group. Toys just follow them silently.

Yuli also knows how to avoid suspicion, never chatting with Su Chen alone, and every time she sits down, she sits beside Yan Bingxue, as if deliberately keeping a polite distance from Su Chen.

It's normal to do this, but the timing of Yuli and Nun Nun's appearance was too coincidental, and Yan Bingxue had to guard against it.

If they are really ordinary tourists, it would be fine to play with this poor girl, but if they are the group of people blocked by the International Mecha...

After a day of play, the team of their family didn't seem to have changed anything because of the arrival of these two people.

Yuli doesn't talk much, she always looks at her tenderly, and chats with Yan Bingxue from time to time, it's nothing too much.

囡囡 had a very good performance all day. In the afternoon, Tuan Tuan and Lele were sleepy, but she was still in good spirits. When Tuan Tuan Lele went to bed, she was not noisy or noisy, and sat there quietly to pack toys for Tuan Tuan.

Yan Bingxue saw this scene at the time, and her heart felt more distressed for the child.

Back at the hotel at night, Yan Bingxue lay in her husband's arms and talked about their affairs.

"Husband, I think the nanny is a really sensible and good boy. Although she has autism and doesn't like to talk, but she is obedient and obedient. From this look, the little guy is really more distressing."

"I watched her play with Tuan Yue Le today. The little girl was timid and wanted to blend in, which is really painful."

Su Chen said: "Well, Nun Nun is indeed a poor child. She is also good for Tuan Tuan's music. At dinner today, I saw her secretly giving the drumstick to Tuan Tuan."

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "I saw it too."

"Husband, although Nun Nun is indeed a distressed child, the timing of Yuli and Nun Nun's appearance is a bit too coincidental. Do you think they were sent by mecha organization? Ike, that person, did not achieve the goal. I promise not to give up. I failed a few days ago, and it is very likely that I will take another shot this time."

Su Chen said: "Wife, let's play with our own. As for other people, we can see them while walking. We have only known them for two days. It is a bit arbitrary to define the definition so early.

Yan Bingxue nodded thoughtfully when she heard her husband's words.

"Yes, it does need to be observed again. Julie told me today that they are also from Zhonghai. Various factors are a little too coincidental."

Yan Bingxue said, her voice gradually lowered, and Su Chen turned her head and saw that she was already asleep.

"Wife?" He yelled twice, but Yan Bingxue did not respond, breathing evenly, as if she had fallen into a dream.

It seems that she is indeed a little tired when she goes out for one day today.

Su Chen gently pulled out his arm from under her head, turned and got out of the bed, bent over to tidy the quilt, and then went out with the phone.

He was sitting in the living room, looking at a text message from his mobile phone.

"Mr. Su, downstairs bar tonight, I'll wait for you."

Su Chen put the phone away, got up and walked out of the room.

The second floor of the hotel is a bar. Although the rooms above have been quiet at the moment, the excitement in the bar has just begun.

The DJ on the stage is playing DJ like crazy, and **** women are standing on the stage dancing. On the dance floor below, a group of young men and women sway their sweat and youth presumptuously.

The bar is the quietest area. As soon as Su Chen entered, Rika over there waved at him, "Mr. Su, here."

Su Chen walked Rika said to the waiter: "Get a cup."

She poured wine for Su Chen herself, and said with a smile: "I am honored to be able to come, Mr. Su, I thought, I will be waiting tonight."

"Miss Rika personally invites her, I naturally want to come." He said that, but he didn't pick up the wine glass she pushed over.

Rika smiled and said: "What? Mr. Su, afraid I will give you medicine?"

Su Chen said: "I don't think you would do such a stupid thing. After all, even if you are drugged, you can't get what you want from me. I don't drink, because I have to go upstairs to accompany my wife later. go to bed."

Rika heard this, her hand holding the cup tightened involuntarily.

She raised her head and said, "Mr. Su and your wife have a very good relationship. No wonder the people I photographed in the past have all returned without success."

"It's really hard for you, Mr. Ike, to gather so many beauties with different shapes but not easy to use brains." Su Chen said.

Rika smiled, "It seems that Mr. Su understands the meaning of my chairman. This is better, Mr. Su, you are a smart person, and I don’t like selling Guanzi. What I want, Mr. Su should be very clear, as long as Su Mr. can come to push T, all the conditions are up to you."


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